A Rxjs and Immutable based Type-safe state management tool
RxStore Core
A Rxjs based Type-safe state management tool (JavaScript Environment Independent)
npm install rx-store-core
Use a Normal Reactive Store (NRS):
import { NRS } from "rx-store-core";
const initiator = {
height: () => 0, // this is a data default value factory
id: () => "",
complex: () => ({
uid: "",
name: "",
keys: (): string[] => [], // you can define function return type to achieve type safety when we observe it
groups: (): Array<{ num: 0, score: 0, alias: "" }> => [],
type Initiator = keyof initiator;
const {
/* @params {[key in keyof Initiator]: Initiator[key]} */
/* @Return NRS instance */
/* @Description the only way to trigger data change */
/* @params
key: K keyof Initiator,
observer: (result: ReturnType<S[K]>) => void,
comparator?: (prev: ReturnType<S[K]>, next: ReturnType<S[K]>) => boolean */
/* @Return Destructor function */
/* @Description observe single data */
/* @params
key: (K keyof Initiator)[]
observer: (result: { [K in keyof Initiator]: ReturnType<S[K]> }) => void,
comparator?: (
prev: { [K in keyof Initiator]: ReturnType<Initiator[K]> },
next: { [K in keyof Initiator]: ReturnType<Initiator[K]> }
) => boolean */
/* @Return Destructor function */
/* @Description observe all stored data */
/* @params
observer: (result: { [K in keyof Initiator]: ReturnType<S[K]> }) => void,
comparator?: (
prev: { [K in keyof Initiator]: ReturnType<Initiator[K]> },
next: { [K in keyof Initiator]: ReturnType<Initiator[K]> }
) => boolean */
/* @Return Destructor function */
/* @Description observe multiple data changes */
/* @params
computation: Computation<R, Initiator>;
comparator?: Comparator<{
[K in keyof Initiator]: ReturnType<S[K]>;
/* @Return Computed instance */
/* @Description create a observable computation form stored data */
createDispatch, // create a dispatch function with a Reducer, to handle complex Reactive data management
/* @params
key: (K keyof Initiator) */
/* @Return Initiator[K] */
/* @Description get a non-reactive data, it is mutable, please try to avoid to change it directly */
/* @params
key: (K keyof Initiator) */
/* @Return Initiator[K] */
/* @Description get a cloned non-reactive data, by default, it is shallow cloned, you can define a custom clone function when create a NRS instance */
/* @Return Observable<{ [K in keyof Initiator]: ReturnType<Initiator[K]>; }> */
/* @Description get a RxJS Observable object containing all stored data, you can add any mid wares into its pipe function */
/* @params
key: (K keyof Initiator) */
/* @Return Observable<ReturnType<Initiator[K]>> */
/* @Description get a RxJS Observable object containing one single stored data */
/* @params
key: (K keyof Initiator) */
success: true;
immutable: Collection<keyof ReturnType<S[K]>, ReturnType<S[K]>[keyof ReturnType<S[K]>]>;
} | {
success: false;
immutable: ReturnType<S[K]>;
/* @Description try to parse a normal JS object into a Immutable object */
/* @Return { [K in keyof S]: ReturnType<S[K]>; } */
/* @Description get a mutable object containing all stored data, avoid to change it directly */
/* @params
keys: (K keyof Partial<Initiator>)[]
/* @Return { K in (K keyof Partial<Initiator>)[][number]: Initiator[K]} */
/* @Description get multiple stored non-reactive data, please try to avoid to change it directly */
/* @params
key: (K keyof Initiator)
/* @Return NRS instance */
/* @Description reset a stored data to its default value */
/* @params
keys: (K keyof Partial<Initiator>)[]
/* @Return { K in (K keyof Partial<Initiator>)[][number]: Initiator[K]} */
/* @Description reset multiple stored data to its default value */
/* @params
keys: (K keyof Initiator)[]
/* @Return { K in (K keyof Initiator)[][number]: Initiator[K]} */
/* @Description reset all stored data to its default value */
/* @params
key: (K keyof Initiator)
/* @Return Initiator[K] */
/* @Description get default value of a non-reactive data */
/* @Return { [K in keyof S]: ReturnType<S[K]>; } */
/* @Description get all default values of all non-reactive data, avoid to change it directly */
/* @params
keys: (K keyof Partial<Initiator>)[]
/* @Return { K in (K keyof Partial<Initiator>)[][number]: Initiator[K]} */
/* @Description get multiple default values of multiple non-reactive data */
} = NRS(initiator);
Define stored data
const { observe, observeMultiple, observeAll, getDefault } = NRS({
complex: () => ({
uid: "",
name: "",
height: () => 0,
Observe stored data
example 1:
const unObserve = observe("complex", (r) => {
setTimeout(unObserve, 5000); // stop observe after about 5 seconds
example 2 (React):
const [complex, setComplex] = useState(getDefault("complex"));
useEffect(() => {
const unObserve = observe("complex", (c) => {
return unObserve; // stop observe on unmount
}, []);
example 3 (observe multiple and all):
const unObserveMultiple = observeMultiple(
["height", "complex"],
({ height, complex }) => {
console.log(height, complex);
const unObserveAll = observeAll(({ height, complex }) => {
console.log(height, complex);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);
Only way to change stored data
You can pass a function or a Object into setState function as argument
const { setState } = NRS({
complex: () => ({
uid: "",
name: "",
height: () => 0,
setTimeout(() => {
setState({ height: 42 }); // "height" wil be observed after 5 seconds
setState((prevState) => {
if (!prevState.complex) {
return { complex: { uid: "114514", name: "1g1g1g1g" } }; // the mutation will be observed
return prevState; // no change will be observed
}, 5000);
Create a dispatch function for stored data createDispatch sometimes we might need to manage complex state by a reducer
arguments: [key, reducer]
key is the state name defined in store
reducer is the similar function with React userReducer parameter, first arg is previous value, second arg is the action contains type and an optional payload*
the type of this payload is the same as related state marked with "key(first argument)" defined inside store
return a dispatch function, we can use this dispatch function to emit actions
const { observe, createDispatch } = NRS({
complex: () => ({
uid: "",
name: "",
height: () => 0,
const dispatchHeight = createDispatch<"height", "clear" | "auto">({
key: "height", // the name of defined data
reducer: (h, action) => {
if(action.type === "clear") {
return 0;
if(action.type === "auto") {
return action.payload
return h;
const changeHeight = () => {
type:"auto", // type is required
payload: Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)
const clearHeight = () => {
type: "clear",
// payload is optional
const setHeightBtn = document.querySelector<HTMLButtonElement>("#height-setter");
setHeightBtn?.addEventListener("click", changeHeight);
const clearHeightBtn = document.querySelector<HTMLButtonElement>("#height-clear");
clearHeightBtn?.addEventListener("click", clearHeight);
const output = document.querySelector<HTMLDivElement>("#height-output");
observe("height", (h) => {
if(output) {
output.style.height = `${h}px`; // dynamically change a height of a HTMLDivElement
Create a asynchronous dispatch function for stored data createAsyncDispatch: sometimes we might need a asynchronous process happened after dispatching data, we can return a Promise or Observable in defined Reducer
arguments: [key, reducer, config]
key is the state name defined in store
reducer is the similar function with React userReducer parameter, first arg is previous value, second arg is the action contains type and an optional payload*
the type of this payload is the same as related state marked with "key(first argument)" defined inside store
the third argument is a config object containing: a boolean parameter "lazy", if it is true, reducer will not be invoked until previous async process is not pending.
And Functions:
| Function | Argument | Return | Required | Description |
| ------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- |------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| start | N/A | void | No | fire on start |
| success | ReturnType<S[K]> | void | No | fire on success, carried with resolved value |
| fail | unknown | void | No | fire on error, carried with an error |
| fallback | N/A | ReturnType<S[K]> | No | a callback providing a value when error to update store, the store will not be updated if it is undefined |
| always | N/A | void | No | fire on the Observable complete or Promise finalized |
return a constant array [dispatch, observe]
we can dispatch actions mixed with a config object (mentioned above third parameter)
observe returns a destructor, start to listen the dispatch activity until we call the destructor you do not need to try catch the async dispatch function, as the error has been captured inside, use the second argument to handle error
const [dispatchHeight, observeHeightReducer] = createAsyncDispatch<"height", "clear" | "auto">({
key: "height",
reducer: (h, action) => {
if (action.type === "clear") {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
// action.payload is a number
if (action.type === "auto") {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
return Promise.resolve(h);
// optional third argument
// we can observe "height" like usual
observe("height", console.log)
// need to start observe the dispatch activity and use reducer as the observer
const unObserve = observeHeightReducer();
// call unObserve when we are not caring the dispatch activity
payload: 100,
fail: (err) => console.error(err)
// dispatch an action with config, the config will overwrite the third argument only in current dispatch activity
Clone and compare sometimes we need some special clone or/and compare function we can define them in the factory function
clone function is for achieving immutability compare function is for reducing unnecessary observation
import { clone, cloneDeep } from "lodash";
const { getState, setState } = NRS(
complex: () => ({
uid: "",
name: "",
height: () => 0,
groups: (): Array<{ num: number, score: number, alias: string }> => [
num: 42,
score: 0,
alias: "none",
// second argument is optional and all properties are optional
comparator: (var1, var2) => var1 === var2, // set default comparator,
comparatorMap: { complex: (c1, c2) => c1.uid === c2.uid }, // set specified comparator for "complex"
cloneFunction: clone, // use Lodash provided shallow clone
cloneFunctionMap: {
groups: cloneDeep, // use Lodash provided deep clone just for "group"
const c1 = getState("complex");
// should not equal, memory location different
console.log(c1 === getClonedState("complex"));
const g1 = getState("groups");
// should equal with a default clone function, inner objects are not cloned
// should not equal given a specific deep clone function
console.log(g1[0] === getClonedState("groups")[0]);
setTimeout(() => {
setState({ complex: { ...getDefault("complex") } });
}, 1000);
setTimeout(() => {
setState({ complex: { ...getDefault("complex") } });
}, 2000);
// only log one time, even the "complex" object changed, because the compare criterion is the "complex.id, see the compare function definition"
observe("complex", console.log);
Observable computation
sometimes we want a computed value from our defined data in store
const { withComputation } = NRS({
height: () => 0,
const compute = withComputation({
computation: ({ height }) => {
return height * 2;
const unObserve = compute.observe((h) => {
// should log 84 after 1 second
setTimeout(() => {
setState({ height: 42 });
}, 1000);
setTimeout(unObserve, 2000);
Observable asynchronous computation
sometimes the computation might not immediately computed, we can return an Observable object instead.
the argument of "withAsyncComputation" is a configurable object containing
and functions below:
| Function | Argument | Return | Required | Description |
| ------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- |------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| onStart | { [K in keyof S]: ReturnType<S[K]> } | void | No | fire on start |
| onError | any | void | No | fire on error, carried with an error |
| onSuccess | result: R | void | No | fire on success, carried with a resolved computed result|
| onComplete | N/A | void | No | fire on the async computation stream complete |
| comparator | N/A | void | No | customer comparator to compare upstream values (keys related values), to determine whether should the computation function get called |
import { map, timer } from "rxjs";
const { withAsyncComputation } = NRS({
height: () => 0,
const compute = withAsyncComputation({
computation: ({ height }) => {
return timer(1000).pipe(map(() => height * 2));
// ...optional functions below
compute.observe((h) => {
// should log 84 after 1 second
}, onPending // optional, fire on start async process
setState({ height: 42 });
// you can also get a value and state by calling get
// "state" is a enum including: PENDING, ERROR and FULFILLED
// should log { state: PENDING, value: 0 }
setTimeout(() => {
// should log { state: FULFILLED, value: 84 }
}, 1500)
Schedule and fire on create
schedule mode: sync or async, default to async, if set to async, only the last value of current call stack can be observed
fire on create: the default can be observed if set to true
height: () => 0,
config: {
schedule: "async", // you can call setState many times in a sync way, but only last mutation can be observed, normally useful on production, but keeping it "sync" is good for development debugging
fireOnCreate: false, // the default value cannot be observed
Define your own Mid-wares
"getDataSource" method returns a RxJS Observable, which gives you a independent data stream pipeline.
we can add some Mid-wares to achieve certain effects.
example: Report some data change to a server.
import {
} from "rxjs";
const { getDataSource } = NRS({
complex: () => ({
uid: "",
name: "",
map(({ complex }) => complex.uid),
distinctUntilChange(), // do not trigger a request if uid not change
exhaustMap((uid) =>
// wait until previous request finish, ignore incoming uid during previous requesting
method: "POST",
url: "some.url.example",
catchError((err: AjaxError) => of(err)) // catch the request error to keep the data stream alive
.subscribe((r: AjaxError | AjaxResponse<any>) => {
// perform some tasks if needed
Use a Immutable Reactive Store (IRS):
Only Immutable data structure or Primitive data type accepted by IRS
Immutable follows Deep-copy-on-write pattern and has its own equals method to compare, so we do not need to provide clone and compare function
import { Map as IMap, List } from "immutable";
const { getStates, getStateAll } = IRS({
height: () => 0,
complex: () =>
new Map([
["uid", "" as string],
["name", "" as string],
] as const)
groups: () => List<IMap<"score" | "age", string | number>>([]),
// the usage is the same as NRS
// IRS has no methods: getClonedState and getImmutableState
// comparator and comparatorMap, cloneFunction and cloneFunctionMap are no longer be configured, since they are pointless
// fireOnCreate and schedule are still configurable
// getStates and getStateAll returns a Immutable Map rather than a JS object
Common utility functions
some handy functions used in rx-store-core library get exported for common usage or develop related plugins
import { shallowClone, shallowCompare, bound, isPrimitive, isObject } from "rx-store-core";
| Function | Argument | Return | Description |
| ------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| shallowClone | any | any | a function for shallow cloning majority JS data structure |
| shallowCompare| any, any | boolean | a function for shallow compare by each key of object |
| bound | Function, ClassMethodDecoratorContext | void | a Typescript Method level Decorator for binding class method to instance |
| isPrimitive | any | boolean | a function to judge a value is a primitive type or not |
| isObject | any | boolean | a function to judge a value is a reference type or not |