RxJS wrappers for holepunch hyper tools
RxJS wrappers for holepunch tools
!! Alpha Stage !!
At this moment, the library is very volatile and subject to drastic changes.
Current support status
- [x] Hypercore
- [x] Corestore
- [ ] Hyperbee
- [ ] Hyperdrive
- [ ] Hyperswarm
- [ ] HyperDHT
- [ ] Autobase
- [ ] Protomux
- [ ] SecretStream
Planned to extend
- [ ] RxObjectCore
- Core that deals with only json objects.
- [ ] RxCascadeCore extends RxObjectCore
- Take all existing chunk objects and combine them into one object
- Options to go top bottom or bottom top
API Documentation
You import your own dependencies. This library is peer-to-peer centric without a server in mind. So the downloading and installing of dependencies is up to the developer.
import rxjs from "rxjs";
import b4a from "b4a";
import cenc from "compact-encoding";
import rxjsOperators from "rxjs/operators";
import * as Awilix from "awilix";
import Hypercore from "hypercore";
import Corestore from "corestore";
import RAM from "random-access-memory";
import {RxCore, RxCorestore} from "rx-hyper";
// Install dependencies for the tool you want to use
// If you only use RxCore then just RxCore.install
await RxCorestore.install({
dependencies: {
rxjs: { get() { return rxjs; }},
["rxjs/operators"]: { get() { return rxjsOperators }},
awilix: { get() { return Awilix }},
hypercore: { get() { return Hypercore; }},
b4a: { get() { return b4a; }},
["compact-encoding"]: { get() { return cenc; }},
// Only needed if you use corestore
corestore: { get() { return Corestore; }},
// Optional if you supply storage to each create function.
["random-access-memory"]: { get() { return RAM; }, optional: true },
// Which dependency should be used for default storage.
// Should be a random-access-storage.
defaultStorage: "random-access-memory",
// How to make the file from the default imported dependency
makeFile: (RAM, buff, config) => new RAM(buff, config)
// or let the library download them from CDN
await RxCore.install();
const core$ = RxCore.create({valueEncoding: "json"});
const [core1$, core2$] = RxCore.create(2);
const [core3$, remoteCore$] = RxCore.create([{valueEncoding: "utf8"}, {key: someRemoteCoreKey}]);
const corestore$ = RxCorestore.create();
// The completion of observable does not close the core.
// This isn't very good RxJS but serves as an example of capability.
.get$({name: "someCore", valueEncoding: "utf8"})
.pipe(rx.switchMap((core) => core.ready$))
async rxCore => {
() => console.log("Core appended")
// Has a factory that passes the dependencies
// and other RxCore functions.
// Expects the function to return an Observable.
rxCore.append$(({rx}) => {
return rx.of("hello", "world")
// Or do it classically.
rxCore.append$(["hello", "world"])
appendResult => {
// Do stuff with result.
Test it
npm test
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE
for more information.