This package is deprecated. rx-basic-store can be used with a firebase dataApi. An example can be found [here](https://github.com/Marcelh1983/rx-basic-store/blob/main/packages/example/src/app/api-examples/firebase-api.ts)
=== deprecated ===
This package is deprecated. rx-basic-store can be used with a firebase dataApi. An example can be found here
Auto store state using a simple reactive store with state management using RxJs. Can be used in React but will also work with other frameworks.
Created to seperate state management from the UI components without a lot of boilerplate code.
Inspired by this blog and the names of the events are inspired by ngxs
To init firebase (you can use the store without firebase for e.g. storybook or unittests in that case you don't have to initFirebase).
const initStore = (options: FirebaseOptions, region?: Region, syncOptions?: SyncOptions)
- options: FirebaseOptions
- region: used to configure the region of the functions
- syncOptions: if logOptions are not null, all actions are logged to firebase.
- collectionName: the collection where actions are logged. can be a string or function. A function can be useful wehn actions where userId is part of the collection name and userId is not set before the store is initialized.
- addUserId: if true; added uuid of the user in the createdBy field.
- logAction?: boolean; (default: true). If all actions are logged; it can be disabled for a single store.
initStore(environment.firebase, 'europe-west1', {
addUserId: true,
To log all actions to firebase use the logOptions.
// creates a new store
const store = createStore<ActivityStateModel>(initialState, !environment.production);
In reactJs the store can be mapped to the component state like this:
export function MyComponent() {
const [state, setState] = useState(store.currentState());
useEffect(() => {
const subs = store.subscribe(setState);
store.dispatch(new LoadAction());
return subs.unsubscribe;
}, []);
Create an action that implements StoreAction<T, M>
export class LoadAction implements StoreAction<StateModel, never> {
type = "LOAD";
async execute(ctx: StateContext<StateModel>): Promise<StateModel> {
if (ctx.getState().users.length === 0) {
ctx.patchState({ loading: true });
const users = (await axios.get<ApiResponse>('https://randomuser.me/api/?results=20')).data.results;
return ctx.patchState({ loading: false, users });
- constructor: (initialState: T = The initial state, devTools: boolean = connect to redux devTools)
- addCallback: (callback: (action: ActionType<T, unknown>, oldState: T, newState: T, context: Map<string, unknown>) => void)=> void can be to add a callback function that captures all actions. For example to log all actions to the console or database.
- dispatch: (action: StoreAction<T, unknown>) => Promise: dispatches an action and return a promise with the new state
- currentState: returns the current state.
- asObservable: return an observable of T
- overrideSyncOptions = (newSyncOptions: Partial): can be used to change sync options after it is created
ctx: StateContext
getContext(name: string): gets the context that is added while creating the store. E.g. use to access History *
dispatch: (action: StoreAction<Partial, unknown>) => Promise: dispatches an action and return a promise with the new state
getState: gets the current state.
setState: set the entire new state.
patchState: set only the changed properties of the state, these will be merged with the current state.
Firebase functions:
- functions: Functions
- firestore: Firestore;
- storage: FirebaseStorage;
- auth: Auth;
- To use getContext() you have to set the dependency somewhere where it is available:
{ name: 'history', dependency: useHistory() }
In the action you can use:
const history = ctx.getContext<History>('history');