RVGeo is a frontend TypeScript library for simple spatial data computation and visualization.
RVGeo 2.0.9 改动说明
- demo: https://pzq123456.github.io/RVGeo/dist/index.html
- docs: this site
- 2024.3.28 12:27:00 UTC + 08:00 该版本调整了项目结构,部分接口发生变化(降级或移除)。
- 降级:所有方法内指定 unit 单位的功能均不再支持,默认单位为米。在 math 模块下仍保留原来的单位换算方法,可以直接调用。主要目的是维护全局坐标系统一,原先的写法会默认带入 km、m 的混合问题。
- 重构:
- Geometry 模块的所有代码均已重构,类中接口有部分改动,类继承关系完全改变。
- 需要注意的是,不再有 toArray 方法,现在可以直接(只读)获取符合 GeoJSON 标准的 coordinates 。具体改动可以参考源代码。
- toXYArray 方法也都改名为 toXY 。这样做可以更好地统一独立geometry 与 multigeometry 之间的语意。
- Geometry 模块的所有代码均已重构,类中接口有部分改动,类继承关系完全改变。
- 功能增强:
- Topology 模块直接复制并修改 TopoJSON 代码库(将其由 js 转化为了 TypeScript),现在你可以将 GeoJSON 格式的数据转化为 TopoJSON,并调用一些诸如 merge、mesh 等方法来操纵它。(详细用法请参考 TopoJSON Client)
- Geo 模块:参考 leaflet 为每一种投影及坐标系实现一个 object ,这样可以更好地管理多种坐标系。(当前仍然只有 wgs84 的投影与反投影)这也就意味着,原先的 plane2Wgs84 及其逆方法 Wgs842Plane 被移除。现在你需要指定某一投影实体 object,譬如
origonal RVGeo Welcom Page
Release Notes
2023-11-12 V2.0.7
new function for Class Grid :
- This function can replace the "invalid value" in given band with the mean value.
- The so called values are now: -99999, 0. (may the 0 makes no sense and this function will uograde in the future)
three-channel remote sensing image rendering, specify the band corresponding to the rendering channel to achieve the rendering of true color, standard false color and other remote sensing images.新增影像直方图,正在测试中,仅供参考。
2023-11-12 V2.0.6
- 新增影像金字塔(Example14) 图像傅里叶变换(Example15)
- New image pyramid (Example14) image Fourier transform (Example15)
- You can use
to get the image pyramid, and useRVGeo.Renderer.drawQTree2d
to draw the image pyramid.const subdivide2QTree = RVGeo.Coverage.subdivide2QTree; const Grid = RVGeo.Coverage.Grid; const drawQTree2d = RVGeo.Renderer.drawQTree2d; const drawGrid2d = RVGeo.Renderer.drawGrid2d; let mySimpleColorBand = RVGeo.Colors.simpleColorBandFactory(RVGeo.Colors.stretchType.linear); axios.get('dem.csv').then((res)=>{ let data = parseData(res.data); let grid = new Grid(myMBR1,[data]); let subgrid = subdivide2QTree(grid,10); // 10 为金字塔层数 drawQTree2d(canvas,{x: 0, y: 0, w: 1024, h: 1024},subgrid,grid,mySimpleColorBand) drawGrid2d(canvas, data, {x: 1024, y: 0, w: 1024, h: 1024}, grid.getBandStatistics(0), mySimpleColorBand); });
- You can use the following code segment to test 1D FFT and visualize the result.
const subdivide2QTree = RVGeo.Coverage.subdivide2QTree; const Grid = RVGeo.Coverage.Grid; const drawQTree2d = RVGeo.Renderer.drawQTree2d; const drawGrid2d = RVGeo.Renderer.drawGrid2d; let mySimpleColorBand = RVGeo.Colors.simpleColorBandFactory(RVGeo.Colors.stretchType.linear); axios.get('dem.csv').then((res)=>{ let data = parseData(res.data); let grid = new Grid(myMBR1,[data]); let subgrid = subdivide2QTree(grid,10); drawQTree2d(canvas,{x: 0, y: 0, w: 1024, h: 1024},subgrid,grid,mySimpleColorBand) drawGrid2d(canvas, data, {x: 1024, y: 0, w: 1024, h: 1024}, grid.getBandStatistics(0), mySimpleColorBand); });
- You can use the following code segment to test 2D FFT and visualize the result.
const subdivide2QTree = RVGeo.Coverage.subdivide2QTree; const Grid = RVGeo.Coverage.Grid; const drawQTree2d = RVGeo.Renderer.drawQTree2d; const drawGrid2d = RVGeo.Renderer.drawGrid2d; let mySimpleColorBand = RVGeo.Colors.simpleColorBandFactory(RVGeo.Colors.stretchType.linear); axios.get('dem.csv').then((res)=>{ let data = parseData(res.data); let grid = new Grid(myMBR1,[data]); let subgrid = subdivide2QTree(grid,10); drawQTree2d(canvas,{x: 0, y: 0, w: 1024, h: 1024},subgrid,grid,mySimpleColorBand) drawGrid2d(canvas, data, {x: 1024, y: 0, w: 1024, h: 1024}, grid.getBandStatistics(0), mySimpleColorBand); });
2023-11-4 V2.0.5
- 新增等值线计算与渲染(基于 Marching Squares 方法)
- Contour calculation and rendering (based on Marching Squares method)
- You can use
to draw contour lines, after you get the contour code fromRVGeo.Coverage.Grid.getCoutourCode
const drawCountour = RVGeo.Renderer.drawCountour;
let data = parseData(res.data);
let grid = new RVGeo.Coverage.Grid(myMBR1,[data]);
let countour1 = grid.getCoutourCode(0,0.6);
drawCountour(canvas, countour1, {x: 0, y: 0, w: 1024, h: 1024},"red");
2023-11-2 V2.0.4
- 栅格数据新增伪彩色渲染器
- New pseudocolor renderer for raster data
- 噪声模块新增三维 sin 函数噪声、三维柏林噪声及三维阻尼 sin 函数噪声
- New 3D sin noise, 3D Perlin noise and 3D damped sin noise in noise module