Comprehensive Chilean RUT validation and verification toolkit for JavaScript and TypeScript. Easily validate RUT format, calculate check digits, and ensure data accuracy in your applications.
Comprehensive RUT Validation and Utilities for JavaScript and TypeScript
Rut-Chile is a comprehensive package for working with Chilean RUTs (Rol Único Tributario) in JavaScript and TypeScript. It provides a robust validation mechanism that goes beyond the standard verification digit check, ensuring the RUT adheres to all structural and format requirements. Additionally, it offers versatile formatting and de-formatting functionalities with control over case sensitivity and hyphen.
Key Features:
Rigorous Validation:
- Validates the verification digit using the Chilean RUT algorithm.
- Checks for invalid characters.
- Ensures proper spacing and dash placement.
- Verifies valid RUT lenght.
function provides a detailed response object including validation status, message, and validity flag (boolean).
Flexible Formatting:
- Formats RUTs to various standard formats with configurable separators (dot or comma).
- Case Sensitivity Control: Formats the RUT output (including the verification digit 'K') in uppercase or lowercase as desired.
De-formatting Options:
- Removes formatting characters and dashes if desired (123456789 or 12345678-9).
- Extracts RUT from formatted strings.
TypeScript Support:
- Seamless integration with TypeScript projects.
npm install rut-chile
validate(rut: string): boolean
and validateWithResponse(rut: string): RUTResult
These methods validate a Chilean RUT (Rol Único Tributario). Checks for invalid characters, spaces or improper length. And finally check if the verification digit is valid. All-in-One RUT validation!
import RUT from 'rut-chile';
const rut = '10766555-2';
// Rut-Chile also accepts RUTs in these formats:
// 10.766.555-2 (Dotted format)
// 10,766,555-2 (Comma format)
// 107665552 (Unformatted, without separators and without hyphen)
// Accepts lowercase or uppercase for RUTs with 'k'.
console.log(RUT.validate(rut)) // Output: true
console.log(RUT.validateWithResponse(rut)) // RUTResult Object Output: { status: success, message: 'Valid RUT', payload: true}
const badRut = '10766555-k'; // Wrong verification digit
console.log(RUT.validate(badRut)) // Output: false
console.log(RUT.validateWithResponse(badRut)) // RUTResult Object Output: { status: error, message: 'Invalid check digit', payload: false}
getDigit(rutWithoutDigit: string, toUppercase = false): string
Returns a RUT verification digit. Can be returned with uppercase in case of 'k' if desired. Note: it does not check for invalid characters.
import RUT from 'rut-chile';
const rutWithoutDigit = '16591919';
// Rut-Chile also accepts RUTs in these formats:
// 16.591.919 (Dotted format)
// 16,591,919 (Comma format)
// 16591919 (Unformatted)
console.log(RUT.getDigit(rutWithoutDigit)) // Output: k
console.log(RUT.getDigit(rutWithoutDigit, true)) // Output: K
checkDigit(rut: string): boolean
Returns a boolean indicating whether the check digit is valid or not. Note: it does not check for invalid characters.
import RUT from 'rut-chile';
const rut = '10766555-2';
// Rut-Chile also accepts RUTs in these formats:
// 10.766.555-2 (Dotted format)
// 10,766,555-2 (Comma format)
// 107665552 (Unformatted)
// Accepts lower and uppercase in case of 'k'
console.log(RUT.checkDigit(rut)) // Output: true
const badRut = '10766555-3'; // bad verification digit
console.log(RUT.checkDigit(badRut)) // Output: false
format(rut: string, withComma = false, toUpperCase = false): string
Returns the formatted RUT number with dots and dash. Can be returned with comma and uppercase if desired too. Note: it does not check for invalid characters.
import RUT from 'rut-chile';
const rut = '16591919k';
// Rut-Chile also accepts RUTs in these formats:
// 16591919-k (Unformatted, only with dash)
// Accepts lowercase and uppercase in case of 'k'
console.log(RUT.format(rut)) // Output: 16.591.919-k
console.log(RUT.format(rut, true)) // Output: 16,591,919-k
console.log(RUT.format(rut, true, true)) // Output: 16,591,919-K
deformat(rut: string, noDash = false, toUpperCase = false): string
Returns the RUT number without dots or commas. Can be returned without dash and with uppercase if desired too. Note: it does not check for invalid characters.
import RUT from 'rut-chile';
const rut = '16.591.919-k';
// Rut-Chile also accepts RUTs in these formats:
// 16,591,919-k (Comma format)
// Accepts lowercase or uppercase in case of 'k'.
console.log(RUT.deformat(rut)) // Output: 16591919-k
console.log(RUT.deformat(rut, true)) // Output: 16591919k
console.log(RUT.deformat(rut, true, true)) // Output: 16591919K
Individual Validations:
hasTooFewChars(rut: string): boolean
Returns true if the RUT has too few characters, false otherwise.
import RUT from 'rut-chile';
const rut = '46555-5';
// Rut-Chile also accepts RUTs in these formats:
// 46.555-5 (Dotted format)
// 46,555-5 (Comma format)
// 465555 (Unformatted, without separators and without hyphen)
// Accepts lowercase or uppercase for RUTs with 'k'.
console.log(RUT.hasTooFewChars(rut)) // Output: true
hasTooManyChars(rut: string): boolean
Returns true if the RUT has too many characters, false otherwise.
import RUT from 'rut-chile';
const rut = '107665555-5';
// Rut-Chile also accepts RUTs in these formats:
// 107.665.555-5 (Dotted format)
// 107,665,555-5 (Comma format)
// 1076655555 (Unformatted, without separators and without hyphen)
// Accepts lowercase or uppercase for RUTs with 'k'.
console.log(RUT.hasTooManyChars(rut)) // Output: true
hasInvalidChars(rut: string): boolean
Returns true if the RUT has invalid characters, false otherwise.
import RUT from 'rut-chile';
const rut = '17665555-5';
// Rut-Chile also accepts RUTs in these formats:
// 17.665.555-5 (Dotted format)
// 17,665,555-5 (Comma format)
// 176655555 (Unformatted, without separators and without hyphen)
// Accepts lowercase or uppercase for RUTs with 'k'.
console.log(RUT.hasInvalidChars(rut)) // Output: false
const badRut = '1766555a-5';
console.log(RUT.hasInvalidChars(badRut)) // Output: true
hasInvalidDash(rut: string): boolean
Returns true if the RUT has invalid dash, false otherwise.
import RUT from 'rut-chile';
const rut = '17665555-5';
// Rut-Chile also accepts RUTs in these formats:
// 17.665.555-5 (Dotted format)
// 17,665,555-5 (Comma format)
// Accepts lowercase or uppercase for RUTs with 'k'.
console.log(RUT.hasInvalidDash(rut)) // Output: false
const badRut = '1766555-55';
console.log(RUT.hasInvalidChars(badRut)) // Output: true
hasSpaces(rut: string): boolean
Returns true if the RUT has invalid spaces, false otherwise.
import RUT from 'rut-chile';
const rut = '17665555-5';
// Rut-Chile also accepts RUTs in these formats:
// 17.665.555-5 (Dotted format)
// 17,665,555-5 (Comma format)
// 176655555 (Unformatted, without separators and without hyphen)
// Accepts lowercase or uppercase for RUTs with 'k'.
console.log(RUT.hasSpaces(rut)) // Output: false
const badRut = '17 665555-5';
console.log(RUT.hasSpaces(badRut)) // Output: true