Russet Server Side Framework
Example Usage
'use strict';
var russet = require('russet')
class MyBundle extends russet.Bundle
return [{
'GET:/': function(request)
return new russet.Response("this is working")
'GET:/foo': function(request)
return new russet.Response("bar")
class MyApp extends russet.App
return [
new MyBundle()
var AwesomeApp = new MyApp()
All Russet apps are a collection of bundles. The app itself usually requires minimal updates, and is essentially used to register your bundles.
'use strict';
const russet = require('russet')
class MyAppClass extends russet.App
* Return an array of bundles to register
return []
const MyApp = new MyAppClass()
* This starts the http server and starts serving traffic to any
* matched routes in your registered bundles or in the ./public/
* directory (usually used for static assets)
Bundles are meant to be folders that contain a list of your models, stores, routes, and templates.
Each bundle requires a bundle object to register the routes.
'use strict';
const russet = require('russet')
class MyBundle extends russet.Bundle
return [{
'GET:/': function(request)
return new russet.Response("this is working")
Routes for Russet are defined via a simply key => function syntax. The key begins with an HTTP Verb, and then the path to match.
'use strict';
var LandingController = require('./controller/landing')
const MyRoutes = {
'GET:/': LandingController.indexAction,
'POST:/login': LandingController.loginAction,
'DELETE:/user/{userId}': LandingController.deleteUser,
'PUT:/user': LandingController.saveUser
When the route is matched, the corresponding function will be called, and should return a russet.Response object. The function will receive a http.Request object, a http.Response object (which allows you to end the response outside of russet), and if the URL contains parameters, a 3rd object with the parameters:
'use strict';
const russet = require('russet')
const MyRoutes = {
'DELETE:/user/{userId}': function(request, response, data)
return new russet.Response("Deleting user with ID: " + data.userId)
When using TypeScript, routes can use the Route Sanitizer Decorator from beef
Template Response
Russet allows you to return React objects in a response which will be rendered out to a string using ReactServer.
//written using jsx
'use strict';
const russet = require('russet')
const React = require('react')
var MyComponent = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return <div>Hello World</div>
const MyRoutes = {
'GET:/': function()
return new russet.TemplateResponse(<MyComponent />)