Business Rules Engine
BizRez Rules - JavaScript Condition Event Engine
A small functional Rule Engine - simple maybe an understatement...
Simplicity is elegance. This rule engine is NOT forward chaining, backward chaining, nor is this an inference engine. What it is, is a pragmatic reactive engine. Simply stated, when there is a condition, execute an action -- most assuredly in a stateless manner.
Prime directives, and ables ...
- Stateless
- Simple input, output, and process
- Asynchronous non-blocking invocations
- Rules to be self contained and serializable to a database (persistable)
- Rules to be versioned (versionable)
- Rules to be inventoried and stored in a library (sharable)
- Rules can be modified on-the-fly (adaptable)
- Rules can be unit tested independently (testable)
- Crazy fast
#####Martin Fowler on Rule Engines
// Rule Abilities
{ables: [persistable, versionable, shareable, adaptable, testable, chainable, reusable, extensible]}
- Underscore.js for Mapreduce Decision Tables
- Async.js for asynchronous hooks and behavior
- Mocha.js for for test infecting the code (good infection)
- Require.js for the module loader
A few Use Cases for Usage
- Validations
- Mappings
- Calculations
- Batch processing
- Automated business rules - decision engine
- Automation of sequential events and process
- Home security, sprinkler systems, and darn maybe your car...
- Repository of rules
- Traceability
- Modify the rule not the code
- Dynamic changeability - conditions change so do the execution
- Easy to understand and modify
- Extensible
- Maintainable
- Reusable
- Chainable
- Micro foot print and scalable
Design - IPO (Input Process Output)
// Input - Example Greetings
facts = {
input: { hour: 10 },
output: {greeting:''}
// Process - Example Decision Table
rule = {
"id": "GREETING",
"description": "Show correct greeting based on time",
"condition": function (facts) {
// We will calculate the results regardless
return true;
"action": function (facts) {
var decisionTable
= [
{from: 0, to: 11, greeting: 'Good Morning'},
{from: 12, to: 17, greeting: 'Good Afternoon'},
{from: 18, to: 22, greetings: 'Good Evening'},
{from: 23, to: 24, greetings: 'Good Night'}
var resultArray;
// MAP
resultArray =, function (row) {
var result = "";
if (facts.input.hour >= row.from && facts.input.hour <= {
result = row.greeting;
return result;
// Reduce
var result = _.reduce(resultArray, function (memory, element) {
if (element !== "") {
memory = element;
return memory;
facts.output.greeting = result;
// Output - Example result
facts = {
input: { hour: 10 },
output: {greeting:'Good Morning'}
The source is available for download from GitHub.
Alternatively, you can install using Node Package Manager npm:
npm install rulesengine
mocha test