Console tools and scripts for nx and not only that I (EndyKaufman) use to automate the workflow and speed up the development process
Console tools and scripts for nx and not only that I (EndyKaufman) use to automate the workflow and speed up the development process
make-ts-list - create list of ts files for all nx libraries
npx rucken "make-ts-list" "--help"
Usage: rucken make-ts-list|mtsl [options]
create list of ts files for all nx libraries
-h, --help display help for command
version-updater - update versions in all nx applications
npx rucken "version-updater" "--help"
Usage: rucken version-updater|vu [options]
update versions in all nx applications
-upv,--update-package-version [boolean] update package version (default: true)
-h, --help display help for command
translate - extract translate from source (run: extract-i18n => gettext => extract-i18n)
npx rucken "translate" "--help"
Usage: rucken translate [options]
extract translate from source (run: extract-i18n => gettext => extract-i18n)
-l,--locales [strings] list of available languages (example: ru,en)
-dl,--default-locale [string] default locale (default: en)
-h, --help display help for command
extract-i18n - translate marker extractor (use: transloco-keys-manager + transloco-scoped-libs)
npx rucken "extract-i18n" "--help"
Usage: rucken extract-i18n [options]
translate marker extractor (use: transloco-keys-manager + transloco-scoped-libs)
-l,--locales [strings] list of available languages (example: ru,en)
-rut,--reset-unused-translates [boolean] remove all translates if they not found in source code (default: true)
(default: "true")
-h, --help display help for command
gettext - translate marker extractor
npx rucken "gettext" "--help"
Usage: rucken gettext [options]
translate marker extractor
-l,--locales [strings] list of available languages (example: ru,en)
-dl,--default-locale [string] default locale (default: en)
-h, --help display help for command
prepare - make-ts-list + version-update + translate
npx rucken "prepare" "--help"
Usage: rucken prepare [options]
make-ts-list + version-update + translate
-l,--locales [strings] list of available languages (example: ru,en)
-dl,--default-locale [string] default locale (default: en)
-upv,--update-package-version [boolean] update package version (default: true)
-h, --help display help for command
postgres - application database creator
npx rucken "postgres" "--help"
Usage: rucken postgres [options]
postgres application database creator
-r,--root-database-url [strings] database url for connect as root user (example:
-a,--app-database-url [strings] application database url used for create new database (example:
-fu,--force-change-username [boolean] force rename username if one exists in database for app-database-url
excluding root (default: false)
-fp,--force-change-password [boolean] force change password of specified app-database-url (default: false)
-d,--drop-app-database [boolean] drop application database before try create it (default: false)
-h, --help display help for command
env-replacer - recursive replace input value with process environment values
npx rucken "env-replacer" "--help"
Usage: rucken env-replacer [options] <input>
recursive replace input value with process environment values
-h, --help display help for command
copy-paste - copy paste source files to destination with singular and plural replace text in file contents and file paths
npx rucken "copy-paste" "--help"
Usage: rucken copy-paste|cp [options]
copy paste source files to destination with singular and plural replace text in file contents and file paths
-p,--path [strings] the path with the source code to copy, it uses the current CWD if it is not defined, default: "." (example: ../../src)
-f,--find [strings] source singular text in kebab-case (example: user-role)
-fp,--find-plural [strings] source text in plural in kebab-case, if not defined, it will be automatically detected programmatically (example: user-rules)
-r,--replace [strings] destination singular text in kebab-case (example: user-company)
-rp,--replace-plural [strings] destination text in plural in kebab-case, if not defined, it will be automatically detected programmatically (example:
-d,--dest-path [strings] the path with the destination code to paste, it uses the "path" if it is not defined, default: "." (example: ../../src)
-e,--extensions [strings] extensions of files for copy paste, default: "ts,html,htm,scss,css,txt,json,yaml,yml,xml,js.esm,sh" (example: py,ini)
-gr,--glob-rules [strings] match files using the patterns the shell uses
-re,--replace-envs [strings] do you need to replace environment variables when copying, you can specify a template, the default template is %key%
(examples: "true", "%key%", "${key}")
-h, --help display help for command