Intuitive type notation for JavaScript.
Intuitive type notation for JavaScript.
About rtype
- Compiler-free type notation.
- Standing on the shoulders of giants: ES6, TypeScript, Haskell, Flow, & React
Developer preview. Breaking changes expected.
Perhaps the most important part of API documentation is to quickly grasp the function signatures and data structures required to work with the API. There are existing standards for this stuff, but I don't like them, for various reasons.
- JSDoc is too verbose, not intuitive, and painful to maintain.
- TypeScript's structural types are very appealing, but currently somewhat difficult to integrate into workflows that don't have explicit support for it.
I want a type syntax that is very clear to modern JavaScript developers (ES2015+), that could potentially be used at runtime with simple utilities.
What is an rtype?
An rtype is a string that represents the type of a variable in JavaScript.
Reading Function Signatures
Function types are described by a function signature. The function signature tells you each parameter and its type, separated by a colon, and the corresponding return type:
(param: type): returnType
To make the signature familiar to readers, we use common JavaScript idioms such as destructuring, defaults, and rest parameters:
({ count = 0: number }): any
(...args: string): any
(firstIndex[]): any
Optional Parameters
Optional parameters can be indicated with ?
User({ name: string, avatarUrl? }): User
Array Types
Arrays with typed contents can be represented like this:
The any
The special type any
means that any type is allowed:
(...args: any): array
Union Types
Union types are denoted with the OR operator, ||
(userInput: string || number): string || number;
Builtin Types
boolean, number, string, array, object, func
Here, func
stands in for function
because function
is a reserved word.
You can instead describe a function's signature using a function interface
User({ name: string, avatarUrl? }): user
You can also use the generic interface
interface User {
({ name: string, avatarUrl? }): User
Interface: User Defined Types
You can create your own types using interface
User, Record, Avatar, Cart
An interface spells out the structure of the object:
interface user {
name: string,
avatarUrl?: url,
about?: string
By default, all values are required.
There's a shorthand for type literal forms:
interface user {
name: /\w+/,
description?: ''
likes?: [],
data?: {}
A one-line interface doesn't need brackets:
interface name: /\w+/
And arrow functions:
interface stamp (obj) => {
return typeof obj === 'function' &&
typeof obj.compose === 'function';
Looking into the future, all of this could eventually be specified inline in ES6 with no compile step:
import rtype from 'rtype';
const isStamp = (obj) => {
return typeof obj === 'function' &&
typeof obj.compose === 'function';
const Stamp = rtype`interface stamp ${ isStamp }`;
Somewhat related ideas and inspiration sources.