Monitoring and metrics endpoints for node.js applications
RTP monitoring and metrics
This module is intended to be used with node.js web apps using Express. It exports an express router which provides useful endpoints.
Endpoints provided
The following endpoints are provided:
GET /metrics
This will return metrics in the following JSON format, with HTTP 200:
"cpu": 5.5,
"memory": {
"rss": 92643328,
"heapTotal": 71131392,
"heapUsed": 40280776
Note: if an error occurs attempting to generate the metrics HTTP 500 will be returned with JSON containing the error
GET /healthz
This will check that a session store is available and return HTTP 200 all is ok. The JSON response will be in the following format:
"app": "OK",
"session": "OK"
If the request to the endpoint times out then the app is not alive. Also if there is not a session store available HTTP 500 will be returned and it will state "unavailable".
GET /readiness
The readiness endpoint operates exactly the same as the /healthz
How to use
- Add this module to your application using
npm install --save rtp-monitoring-metrics
- Add the exported router to you app:
Additional configuration
If you would like to mount the middleware functions under a sub-route, you can do so using express out the box
app.use('/path-to-mount-at', require('rtp-monitoring-metrics'));