NodeJS Applcation wrapper for the Riby Transaction Engine
RTE Node Wrapper.
This is the official wrapper library for the Riby RTE APIs
Available Features:
- Validate Bank Account Number
- Generate List of Nigerian Banks
- Debit Bank Accounts
- Debit ATM Cards
- Create User
- Get Transactions
- Get Transaction by User
- Get All User on RTE
- Add User Cards
- Delete User Cards
- Add User Bank Accounts
- Delete User Bank Accounts
Pending Features
- Reporting
- Pay With QR Codes
- Pay with Riby
How to Install
npm install rte-node
You will need to Intialize a new class of RTE like so:
base_urls : Staging: http://riby-rte.mybluemix.net, Live: https://rte.riby.ng const RTE = require('rte-node'); var rte = new RTE(tenant_id, key, token, base_url)
Then you can use the rte object class like so:
Get List of Nigerian Banks
- ES6
rte.Bank.getAllBanks((error, body) => {
- ES5
rte.Bank.getAllBanks(function(error, body){
Sample Response:
{ responseCode: 1,
responseText: 'Successfully Resolved Banks',
[ { name: 'Access Bank',
slug: 'access-bank',
code: '044',
longcode: '044150149',
gateway: 'emandate',
pay_with_bank: true,
active: true,
is_deleted: null,
id: 1,
createdAt: '2016-07-14T10:04:29.000Z',
updatedAt: '2016-07-14T10:04:29.000Z' },
{ name: 'Citibank Nigeria',
slug: 'citibank-nigeria',
code: '023',
longcode: '023150005',
gateway: '',
pay_with_bank: false,
active: true,
is_deleted: null,
id: 2,
createdAt: '2016-07-14T10:04:29.000Z',
updatedAt: '2016-07-14T10:04:29.000Z' },
Verify Bank Accounts:
var acct = {
bank_code: '013',
account_number : '0122*****278'
rte.Bank.resolveBankAccount(acct, (error, body) => {
rte.Bank.resolveBankAccount(acct, function(error, body){
Sample Response
{ responseCode: 1,
responseText: 'Successfully Verified Bank Account',
{ account_number: '00********20',
account_name: 'TEST ACCOUNT' },
RTERequestSuccessful: true }
Add New User
This method takes in two parameters, an object and a callback
var options = {
skip : 0,
limit : 20, // limit Cannot be greater than 50
rte.User.find(options, function(error, body){
Sample Reponse:
responseCode: 1,
responseText: 'Users Fetched Successfully',
payload: { users: [ [Object], [Object] ] },
RTERequestSuccessful: true }
Create new user
var user = {
user_id: '8383748',
username : "", <optional>
email: '[email protected]',
first_name: 'James',
last_name: "Nikon",
phone_number: '234814677368',
bvn: '22133388729',
rte.User.create(user, function(error, body){
Sample Reponse:
responseCode: 1,
responseText: 'New card added for user',
payload: {},
RTERequestSuccessful: true }
Sample Response:
```{ responseCode: 1,
responseText: 'User Added Successfully',
{ user:
{ __v: 0,
user_id: '8383748',
tenant_id: 'T5950',
_id: '594bfb564f821b92906f8195',
bank_accounts: [],
applications: [Object],
fines: [],
money_locked: [],
wallet: [Object],
user: [Object] } },
RTERequestSuccessful: true }```
Add New User Card
var options = {
"user_id": "8383748",
"card_type": "mastercard",
"number": "1111666677778888",
"issuer": "ZENITH",
"cvv2": "123",
"expiry_month": "07",
"expiry_year": "17"
rte.User.updateUserCard(options, function(error, body){
Sample Reponse:
responseCode: 1,
responseText: 'New card added for user',
payload: {},
RTERequestSuccessful: true }
Add User Bank Account
var options = {
"user_id" : "8383748",
"name": "James Nikon",
"number": "0123456789",
"bank_name": "GTB",
"bank_code": "013"
rte.User.addUserBankAccount(options, function(error, body){
Sample Reponse:
responseCode: 1,
responseText: 'Added bank account',
payload: {},
RTERequestSuccessful: true }
Delete User Card
var options = {
"user_id" : "8383748",
"card_number": "1111222233334444",
rte.User.deleteUserCard(options, function(error, body){
Sample Reponse:
responseCode: 1,
responseText: 'User card deleted',
payload: {},
RTERequestSuccessful: true }
Delete User bank Account
var options = {
"user_id" : "8383748",
"account_number": "0123456789",
rte.User.deleteUserBankAccount(options, function(error, body){
Sample Reponse:
responseCode: 1,
responseText: 'Bank Account deleted',
payload: {},
RTERequestSuccessful: true }
Initiate new Transaction
Allows transactions to be initiated.
var vars = {
amount: '10.58', // Amount to debit
type : 'debit', // Transaction Type
user_id : '0098290', // User ID
email : '[email protected]' // Email of user,
rte.Transaction.initiateDebitSecureCardTransaction(vars, function(error, body){
Sample Response
{ responseCode: 1,
responseText: 'Payment Initiated Successfully',
payload: { responseurl: 'http://localhost:3000/thirdparty/secure_pay?node={"transactionReference":"RTE_REF24466","amount":1058,"email":"[email protected]"}' },
RTERequestSuccessful: true }
The responsehtml can be loaded into an Iframe or browser for user to complete transaction.
Make recurring debit.
This allows to make recurring debit on user card.
PS: This method is only available for card only.
var vars = {
amount: '10.58', // Amount to debit
type : 'debit', // Transaction Type
user_id : '0098290', // User ID
email : '[email protected]' // Email of user, Must me the same as previous
rte.Transaction.makeRecurentCardDebitTransaction(vars, function(error, body){
Sample Response
{ responseCode: 1,
responseText: 'Payment Completed Successfully',
payload: { status: true },
RTERequestSuccessful: true
Get Transastions
How to use
var options = {
skip : 0,
limit : 20,
rte.Transaction.find(options, function(error, body){
Sample Response
{ responseCode: 1,
responseText: 'Transactions f
{ transactions:
[ { _id: '594a9932a4b8b7977c4c5a70',
transaction_id: 'RTE115959',
transactionReference: 'RTE_REF266002',
amount: 100,
channel_used: 'card',
processed_with: 'paystack',
transaction_remark: 'Card Debit By REF RTE_REF266002',
type: 'debit',
user_id: '0019288',
tenant_id: 'T5950',
transaction_status: 'success',
__v: 0,
resuable: true,
is_initial_charge: false,
origin: null,
autorization_id: 'AUTH_wlt801rs97',
card_type: 'visa DEBIT',
expiry_year: '2020',
expiry_month: '01',
card_number: '408408',
created_at: '2017-06-21T16:05:00.154Z',
signed_transaction: false }
{ _id: '594a9932a4b8b7977c4c5a70',
transaction_id: 'RTE115959',
transactionReference: 'RTE_REF266002',
amount: 100,
channel_used: 'card',
processed_with: 'paystack',
transaction_remark: 'Card Debit By REF RTE_REF266002',
type: 'debit',
user_id: '0019288',
tenant_id: 'T5950',
transaction_status: 'success',
__v: 0,
resuable: true,
is_initial_charge: false,
origin: null,
autorization_id: 'AUTH_wlt801rs97',
card_type: 'visa DEBIT',
expiry_year: '2020',
expiry_month: '01',
card_number: '408408',
created_at: '2017-06-21T16:05:00.154Z',
signed_transaction: false }
] },
RTERequestSuccessful: true }
Find Transaction by User ID
Sample var options = { skip : 0, limit : 20, user_id : "902998" };
rte.Transaction.findById(options, function(error, body){
Sample Reponse:
{ responseCode: 1,
responseText: 'Transactions f
{ transactions:
{ _id: '594a954ef1119e272066c885',
transaction_id: 'RTE994557',
transactionReference: 'RTE_REF654571',
amount: 100,
channel_used: 'card',
processed_with: 'paystack',
transaction_remark: 'Card Debit By REF RTE_REF654571',
type: 'debit',
user_id: '0019288',
tenant_id: 'T5950',
transaction_status: 'success',
__v: 0,
resuable: true,
is_initial_charge: false,
origin: null,
autorization_id: 'AUTH_wlt801rs97',
card_type: 'visa DEBIT',
expiry_year: '2020',
expiry_month: '01',
card_number: '408408',
created_at: '2017-06-21T15:48:16.704Z',
signed_transaction: false }
{ _id: '594a9932a4b8b7977c4c5a70',
transaction_id: 'RTE115959',
transactionReference: 'RTE_REF266002',
amount: 100,
channel_used: 'card',
processed_with: 'paystack',
transaction_remark: 'Card Debit By REF RTE_REF266002',
type: 'debit',
user_id: '0019288',
tenant_id: 'T5950',
transaction_status: 'success',
__v: 0,
resuable: true,
is_initial_charge: false,
origin: null,
autorization_id: 'AUTH_wlt801rs97',
card_type: 'visa DEBIT',
expiry_year: '2020',
expiry_month: '01',
card_number: '408408',
created_at: '2017-06-21T16:05:00.154Z',
signed_transaction: false }