NodeJS RSQL to LoopBack query Converter
Node RSQL to LoopBack query Converter
Without GOD's blessing, I am not able to do anything useful!
Thanks to Prashanth Ponugoti and Kameswara Eati for their guidance, inspiration and contribution.
RSQL (RESTful Service Query Language) is an extention of apache's FIQL (Feed Item Query Language). It is very simple and yet capable to express complex queries within a HTTP URI string. It is very well adopted as a generic query language for searching RESTful service endpoints.
An open source implementation convert RSQL to LoopBack queries for LoopBack Framework. Providing this adapater for LoopBack queries makes RSQL a natural choice for query RESTful APIs that backended with LoopBack models.
// install rsql-to-loopback in your project
npm i -S rsql-to-loopback
// import RSQL to LoopBack model
var rsql2loopback = require('rsql-to-loopback');
// convert RSQL string to LoopBack query where clause
var loopbackQuery = rsql2loopback.convert(rsqlString);
// convert RSQL string to loopBack query where clause,
// check RSQL string only contains keys defined in keys map
loopbackQuery = rsql2loopback.convert4keys(rsqlString, keys);
This project convert RSQL query to where clouse of LoopBack query:
# basic equality
firstName==John ->
"where": {
"firstName": "John"
# basic inequality
firstName!=John ->
"where": {
"firstName": {
"neq": "John"
# basic greater than
createDate>'2016-01-01' ->
createDate=gt='2016-01-01' ->
"where": {
"createDate": {
"gt": "2016-01-01"
# basic greater than or equal
createDate>='2016-01-01' ->
createDate=ge='2016-01-01' ->
"where": {
"createDate": {
"gte": "2016-01-01"
# basic less than
createDate<'2016-06-06' ->
createDate=lt='2016-06-06' ->
"where": {
"createDate": {
"lt": "2016-06-06"
# basic less than or equal
createDate<='2016-06-06' ->
createDate=le='2016-06-06' ->
"where": {
"createDate": {
"lte": "2016-06-06"
# basic element appears in list
firstName=in=(John, Vincent, Melissa) ->
"where": {
"firstName": {
"inq": [
# basic element does not appear in list
firstName=out=(John, Vincent, Melissa) ->
"where": {
"firstName": {
"nin": [
# anding of two basic conditions
firstName!=Joe;lastName==Dummy ->
"where": {
"and": [
"firstName": {
"neq": "Joe"
"lastName": "Dummy"
# oring of two basic conditions
firstName!=John,lastName==Dude ->
"where": {
"or": [
"firstName": {
"neq": "John"
"lastName": "Dude"
# anding of two oring conditions of anding conditions
((firstName==John;lastName==Duoe),(firstName==Aaron;lastName==Yuarter));((age==25;height==5ft),(age==30;height==6ft)) ->
"where": {
"and": [
"or": [
"and": [
"firstName": "John"
"lastName": "Duoe"
"and": [
"firstName": "Aaron"
"lastName": "Yuarter"
"or": [
"and": [
"age": "25"
"height": "5ft"
"and": [
"age": "30"
"height": "6ft"
This project is licensed under MIT license.