RSQL Criteria Wrapper for Typescript projects. Useful in building the rsql string for you.
RSQL Criteria builder for Typescript
Install via NPM
npm install rsql-criteria-typescript
Import into the needed files via
import { RSQLCriteria, RSQLFilterExpression, Operators } from 'rsql-criteria-typescript';
Add your own criteria and call build()
to create it!
let rsql: RSQLCriteria = new RSQLCriteria();
rsql.filters.add(new RSQLFilterExpression('code', Operators.Equal, 'abc'));
There are build methods on most things, so feel free to use whatever part you need.
method will generate a query string with the following defaults:
- Filter expressions will be prefixed with
. ex:$where=code=="abc"
- Order By expressions will be prefixed with
. ex:$orderBy=code asc, description desc
- Page Size pagination setting will be prefixed with $pageSize. ex:
- Page Number pagination setting will be prefixed with $pageNumber. ex:
- Include Total Count pagination setting will be prefixed with $includeTotalCount. ex:
These can be overridden by passing in the prefixes you would like when creating the RSQLCriteria
let rsql: RSQLCriteria = new RSQLCriteria('filterBy', 'order');
A filter builder is included as well. You can choose to use this if you prefer this method of constructing the filter expressions.
let builder: RSQLFilter = new RSQLFilterBuilder();
let list = builder.column('blah').equalTo('123').toList();
let queryStringPart =;
// returns blah=="123"
Builder with Custom Operators
let value: 123;
let builder: RSQLFilter = new RSQLFilterBuilder();
let list = builder.column('blah').custom('=myCustomOp=', `someFunctionOnServer(${value})`).toList();
let queryStringPart =;
// returns =myCustomOp="someFunctionOnServer(123)"
Or a more complex example that shows chaining of the expressions:
let rsql: RSQLCriteria = new RSQLCriteria();
let builder: RSQLFilter = new RSQLFilterBuilder();
// returns $where=(blah=="123" or test=="456")
Combining multiple RSQLCriteria Instances
You can combine multiple RSQLCriteria instances by the and
or or
functions that are available. The major thing to know about this is that the criteria that you call and
or or
on will be the one that the pagination and order by parts will be taken from. The combination is a way to combine the filters together in a nice fashion.
let criteria1 = new RSQLCriteria();
criteria1.pageSize = 10;
let criteria2 = new RSQLCriteria();
criteria2.pageSize = 5;
//returns $pageSize=10 instead of pageSize = 5
A note on function names
This library has been tested against a SQL Server backend and some irregularities have been found. A RSQL ==
operation turns into a LIKE
in SQL Server so that wildcard characters are available for use. However, in most other languages an equals
operation is an exact match. To handle this, the Operators.Equal
and RSQLFilterBuilder.equalTo
methods will create an =in=
RSQL string. This doesn't allow wildcards to be used in and will intuitively make more sense for those of us that are used to equals meaning exactly equal to. Wildcard characters are still allowed to be passed in, but they will be interpretted as the characters themselves and not wildcards.
To allow wildcards to be used, another operation and function are available. Operators.Like
will use the RSQL ==
and allow wildcard characters to be passed along.
Other examples
Other examples can be found in the tests folder. Many usages already have tests wrapped around them.
Created with Typescript Library Starter