ReScope, spells and react bindings
rScopes What ?
RS is a flexible state management system inspired by ReactJS methods. Quickly said, RS allow linking, scoping, and sequencing of multiples redux-like, async-able, stores while remaining in a serializable flux architecture.
RS is semantically and operationally stable; it does the work and have a coherent semantic system. That said, it wasn't wrote with perf or perfect code as priority, but to manage states & async problematics in a intuitive & modular way.
Minimal doc here
What's it like?
Here some conceptual basics :
import React from "react";
import {asRef, asScope, asStore, withScope, withStateMap, propsToScope, scopeToProps} from "rscopes";
import {MyComplexStore} from "./from/somewhere";
// withScope will instantiate a dedicated scope when using this React Component
// it will inherit the scope & actions from the parents React Elements
CoffeeMachine: {
coffee: 100,
sugar : 100,
// actions return state mutation & can be call with props.$actions.*
makeCoffee: () => ( state ) => ({
coffee: - 1,
sugar : state.sugar - 1,
// withStateMap hoc any Store to add values & refs to theirs state
goFetchTaskIn: "developement"
ThingsTodo: MyComplexStore,
// Scope can contain sub scopes
BrainScope: {
workMachine: {
cafeine : 0,
workerId: undefined,
// refs can targets any store value in the scope
// when starting with "!" the store will not apply until the targeted value is !== undefined
subject: "!ThingsTodo.stuff",
work() {
return ( state ) => ({ cafeine: state.cafeine + 1 });
// the $apply fn update data basing the new state
$apply( data, { cafeine }, changesInState ) {
return {
canWork: cafeine >= 2
Manager: {
// Connecting Manager will auto instantiate any referenced store
allOK : "BrainScope.workMachine.canWork",
shouldBuyCoffee: "",
$apply( data, { allOK } ) {
return {
// this will connect any changes of props.workerId to BrainScope.workMachine.workerId
// this will bind the result data of Manager to props.Manager
// * Store are recursively instantiated when referenced & are destroyed when listeners are removed
class TestProps extends React.Component {
About decorators
( well, like code-decorators )
These are stage-0 decorators because while the decorators spec has changed and is now stage-2, no transpiler has yet to implement these changes and until they do, this library won't either. Although the TypeScript documentation uses the phrase "Decorators are a stage 2 proposal for JavaScript" this is misleading because TypeScript still only implements the stage-0 version of the spec, which is very incompatible with stage-2 (as of this writing). If you concretely find that a compiler (babel, TS, etc) implement stage-2+, please do link me to the appropriate release notes! 🎈
This can be consumed by any transpiler that supports stage-0 of the decorators spec, like babel.js version 5. Babel 6 does not yet support decorators natively, but you can include babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy or use the applyDecorators()
Related packages
rScopes link the following packages :
ReScope : rescope React HOCs, decorators & tools : react-rescope ReScope HOCs, decorators & tools : rescope-spells
Samples & bootstraps
The examples and bootstrap will come gradually here