because runt wasn't the answer
rrunt is a simple website development tool that helps you:
- UglifyJS your scripts
- Compile and split (IE8 Bug) your Less styles
- Compile your Pistachio2 templates
It can do that simpler than Grunt and in addition it can Monitor your filesystem for changes and do a rebuild when necessary. Further more it will analyze the dependencies in templates (like partials) and less files (imports) that should trigger a rebuild. So even if you change an included File, it will trigger a rebuild on change.
So it becomes a painless experience to develop with Less, Templates and JavaScript. So you can use the same HTML code in development as in production it uses Sourcemaps (thanks to Uglify).
npm install -g rrunt
Now notification support is also available. If the node-notifier node module is available and functional it is used to also display a notification when a build item is completed.