ES5/6 library for RPG genre: inventory operations, modifiers applications, random selections, etc
RPG Tools
RPG Tools is a set of small utilities for role-playing and similar games. Each submodule can be loaded individually (unless it depends on other module) and all of them support AMD, CommonJS and browser globals. This is not graphical engine in any sense, for one of those seek for ROT.js or PIXI.js, zounds of them out there.
Random number utilities.
int(min, max)
random.int returns random integer frommin
(including) up tomax
(not including), e.g. random.int(0, 2) will return 1's and 0's, but never 2. Ifmax
is omitted, then first argument is considered upper border and lower border is considered to be 0.sign()
random.sign returns either 1 or -1.key(objectOrArray)
returns random string key, if given an object, or numerical index, if given an array.item(objectOrArray)
returns random item from given object or array.
Dice representation. Understands following dice notations: 3d6 (3 6-sided dice), 2d-H (2 rolls of 6-sided die, take highest roll), 2d-L (same as previous, but take lowest), 2d4+2 (2 4-sided rolls +/- constant). Defaults to 1 roll of 6-sided die. Usage:
var die = new Dice('d');
die.roll(); // 4
die.roll(); // 6
die.roll(); // 1
die.roll(); // 1
This module depends on random
Contains one method: met(wearer, requirements)
. Both arguments are objects. Each requirements
field could be one of following:
- array of possible values,
- object with
properties (either numerical or string) or - primitive value.
Name of field can be pathkey, e.g. 'some.nested.property'.
If field with this name is missing from wearer
, this too means requirements are not met.
var slingRequirements = {
race: ['elf', 'halfling'],
str: {min: 5, max: 7},
dex: 24
var goodHobbit = { race: 'halfling', str: 5, dex: 24};
var nobleElf = { race: 'elf', str: 7, dex: 24};
var dirtyOrk = { race: 'human', str: 6, dex: 24};
assert.isTrue(requirements.met(goodHobbit, slingRequirements), 'good hobbit');
assert.isTrue(requirements.met(nobleElf, slingRequirements), 'noble elf');
assert.isFalse(requirements.met(dirtyHuman, slingRequirements), 'dirty ork');
// nested
var staffRequirements = {
class: {
subclass: ['elementalist', 'necromancer']
var archMage = {
class: {
type: 'manaUser',
subclass: 'elementalist'
var apprentice = {
class: {
type: 'manaUser' // no subclass yet, too young
assert.isTrue(requirements.met(archMage, staffRequirements));
assert.isFalse(requirements.met(apprentice, staffRequirements));
See more examples in test/requirements.test.js
This module depends on utils
apply(num, modifier)
applies somemodifier
to given number. Modifier can be either just number, e.g. -3, or percentage string, like '+12%'.
This module depends on utils
ProtoTree implements Prototype design pattern for usage in data modelling. This means you store your game data in nice, designer-friendly JSON (or maybe even in YAML or INI), where every item which wants to inherit something else, reference it in special proto
field, but your game engine receives objects with all fields. Example:
var weaponTree = {
'@weapon': {
name: '-- Weapon --',
description: 'If you see this, please contact developers.',
type: 'weapon',
icon: 'generic-weapon'
'@sword': {
proto: '@weapon',
name: '-- Sword --',
slot: 'rightHand',
icon: 'generic-sword'
twoHandedSword: {
proto: '@sword',
isTwoHanded: true,
name: 'Two-handed sword',
description: 'Very long and heavy sword',
requirements: {
'class': 'warrior'
ar: 15
flamberg: {
proto: 'twoHandedSword',
name: 'Flamberg',
description: 'Flamberg is so-called flaming sword, with wavy blade.',
requirements: {
'class': 'warrior'
ar: 20
espada: {
proto: '@sword',
name: 'Espada',
description: 'Espada',
requirements: {
'class': 'scout'
ar: 10,
icon: 'generic-espada'
rapier: {
proto: 'espada',
name: 'Rapier',
description: 'Rapier.',
ar: 15,
icon: 'rapier'
gladius: {
proto: '@sword',
name: 'Gladius',
description: 'Short sword, lightweight and handy in close quarters.',
requirements: {
'class': 'bard'
var weapons = new ProtoTree(weaponTree);
weapons.get('rapier').requirements.class; // 'scout'
weapons.get('flamberg').isTwoHanded; // true
This module depends on utils
Contains several method for inventory manipulation. Each of them accepts attributes
object, consists at least of equipped
object and inventory
array. equipped
object maps character slot names to items carried in those slots, and inventory
is array of items.
Every method here can throw a lot of different exceptions, because many things can go wrong.
unEquip(attributes, slotName)
object and slotName string. Takes item fromequipped
and puts it to inventory.equipFromInventory(attributes, index, slotName)
take item from inventory at given index and try to wear it to given slotName. If slotName is ommited it will be taken from item'sslotName
field. If there was something equipped, it will beunEquip
ped first. Returnsattributes
back.isWearable(attributes, index)
is item laying in inventory by given index can be weared? Return string with suitable slot name or throws error.
This module depends on requirements
Using submodules
If you're using AMD or CommonJS module loaders, all you need is to require needed module:
// AMD way
define(['rpg-tools/lib/inventory'], function (rpgToolsInventory) {
// your code
// nodejs or browserify
var rpgToolsInventory = require('rpg-tools/lib/inventory');
All dependencies will be handled, but if you're stuck in 2008, you should load dependencies manually:
<script src="js/libs/rpg-tools/lib/requirements"></script>
<script src="js/libs/rpg-tools/lib/inventory"></script>
<script>console.log(rpgTools.requirements, rpgTools.inventory)</script>