Published ROX JS SDK Client for SSR
CloudBees Feature Management is a secure feature management solution for the enterprise.
Accelerate development and minimize the risk of deploying new code with simple to create feature flags, controlled rollouts, advanced target groups & deployment rules.
Getting Started
Please see the detailed instructions in our docs on how to add CloudBees Feature Management to your project.
Getting started guide, use cases, examples and videos can be found at Rollout support site
Rollout JS Server Side Rendering (SSR) SDK 🦆
Rollout JavaScript SSR SDK for web applications that use server side rendering. Define and use simple and advanced feature flags, static and computed custom properties in code. Control your application features via Rollout's dashboard.
npm i rox-ssr --save
Basic Usage
Obtain an application key by registering at
import {RoxString, RoxNumber, Flag, Rox} from 'rox-ssr';
const appSettingsContainer = {
shouldShowWelcome: new Flag(),
textColor: new RoxString('red', ['green', 'blue']),
textSize: new RoxNumber(15, [20, 45])
const onRoxReady = () => {
if (appSettingsContainer.shouldShowWelcome.isEnabled()) {
const color = appSettingsContainer.textColor.getValue()
const size = appSettingsContainer.textSize.getValue()
const div = document
.textContent('Hello world!')
.setAttribute('style', `color: ${color}; font-size: ${size}px`)
const body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]
Rox.register('settingsNamespace', appSettingsContainer);
Rox.setup('<app key>', {
configurationFetchedHandler: onRoxReady
Hydrate browser-side Rox with flag configuration
In order to ensure the consistency of feature flags between the server and the web clients, the Rollout configuration can easily be sent to the clients.
React example, assuming you already have initialized Rox. Add this to the server-side code, within the <head>
import {Rox} from 'rox-ssr';
// ...
// Your component render() method
render() {
return (
<script type='text/javascript' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: `window.rolloutData = ${JSON.stringify(Rox.rolloutData)};` }} />
The SDK will automatically use the data inside window.rolloutData
instead of fetching the configuration from Rollout's servers.
Configure the SDK with different options
Override the default configuration by prodiving predefined configuration preset for Rox.setup
For example:
import {Rox} from 'rox-ssr';
- roxOptions.distinctId
- roxOptions.version
- roxOptions.syncComplitionHandler
const roxOptions = {
distinctId: 'sessionDistinctId',
version: '1.0',
configurationFetchedHandler: () => {}
Rox.setup('<app key>', roxOptions);
Activating Manual Overrides UI
When running in the browser, you can override flags manually using a built-in UI debug utility that can be activated by invoking Rox.showOverrides()
Running it will display a UI element that allows to explicitly set values of flags. Available UI location of the UI element:
'top left'
'top right'
'bottom left'
'bottom right' (default)
Rollout client JavaScript Server Side Rendering SDK is free-to-use, proprietary software. Please see the full license found under the LICENSE file for more details.
Feedback is always welcomed