CloudBees Feature Management ROX JS SDK flag config fetcher
CloudBees Feature Management is a secure feature management solution for the enterprise.
Accelerate development and minimize the risk of deploying new code with simple to create feature flags, controlled rollouts, advanced target groups & deployment rules.
Getting Started
Please see the detailed instructions in our docs on how to add CloudBees Feature Management to your project.
Getting started guide, use cases, examples and videos can be found in CloudBees Feature Management documentation
CloudBees Feature Management Javascript flag configuration fetcher.
This package allows you to fetch feature flag configuration for use with the rox-serverless CloudBees Feature Management SDK. Use this package to fetch your feature flag configuration outside of your serverless application, then inject it into the application for highly efficient runtime flag evaluation. The fetched configuration could be injected using whatever mechanism best suits your application, but examples could include via the filesystem, configuration parameters, or a fast-access data store such as the KV store for CloudFlare workers.
yarn add rox-config-fetcher
npm i rox-config-fetcher --save
import {fetchClientData} from 'rox-config-fetcher'
// Substitute your CloudBees Feature Management environment key here.
const envKey = 'e7fb52da628ce8ce43e7e14f'
const flagConfig = await fetchClientData(envKey)
// Store the flagConfig somewhere, ready to be injected into your serverless applications.
CloudBees Feature Management is free-to-use, proprietary software. Please see the full license (found in LICENSE in this distribution) for details on its license and the licenses of its dependencies.
CloudBees Feature Management Javascript SDK for serverless is free-to-use, proprietary software. Please see the full license found under the LICENSE file for more details.
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