A router for both server and client
Routr library is an implementation of router-related functionalities that can be used for both server and client. It follows the same routing rules as Express by using the same library. This library does not use callbacks for routes, instead just mapping them to string names that can be used as application state and used within your application later. For instance in Flux, the current route would be held as state in a store.
For more detailed examples, please check out example applications;
import Router from 'routr';
const router = new Router([
name: 'view_user',
path: '/user/:id',
method: 'get',
foo: {
bar: 'baz',
name: 'view_user_post',
path: '/user/:id/post/:post',
method: 'get',
// match route
const route = router.getRoute('/user/garfield?foo=bar');
if (route) {
// this will output:
// - "view_user" for
// - "/user/garfield" for route.url
// - {id: "garfield"} for route.params
// - {path: "/user/:id", method: "get", foo: { bar: "baz"}} for route.config
// - { foo: 'bar' } for route.query
console.log('[Route found]:', route);
// generate path name (does not include query string) from route
// "path" will be "/user/garfield/post/favoriteFood?meal=breakfast"
const path = router.makePath(
{ id: 'garfield', post: 'favoriteFood' },
{ meal: 'breakfast' }
We use Object.freeze
to freeze the router and route objects for non-production environments to ensure the immutability of these objects.
For production environments, it is recommended to use tools like envify along with uglify as part of your build process to strip out the production specific code for performance benefits.
We use if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production')
to wrap around Object.freeze()
, so that you can use various tools to build the code for different environments:
Build with Webpack
Two main utility plugins:
- use DefinePlugin to define the value for
- use UglifyJsPlugin to remove dead code.
Example of the webpack configuration:
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
'process.env': {
NODE_ENV: JSON.stringify('production')
new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin(),
Build with Browserify
Similar to webpack, you can also use the following two utils with your favorite build system:
Command-line example:
$ browserify index.js -t [ envify --NODE_ENV production ] | uglifyjs -c > bundle.js
This software is free to use under the Yahoo! Inc. BSD license. See the LICENSE file for license text and copyright information.
Third-pary open source code used are listed in our package.json file.