Rollup plugin that makes it easy to develop Chrome / Firefox extensions
This is a Rollup plugin that makes it easy to build, run, and test WebExtensions.
It supports creating both Firefox Extensions and Chrome Extensions.
Internally this plugin uses web-ext, which is automatically installed.
# If you are using npm
npm install --save-dev rollup-plugin-webext
# If you are using yarn
yarn add --dev rollup-plugin-webext
Just import the plugin and add it into your plugins
inside of rollup.config.js
import webext from "rollup-plugin-webext";
export default {
plugins: [
When running Rollup in watch mode, it will automatically launch the browser with your extension installed.
Whenever you change a file, it will automatically reload the extension. This is very useful for development.
When running Rollup in build mode, it will create a
file inside of theweb-ext-artifacts
file contains your extension code. You can then publish
file to the Chrome / Firefox extension websites.When publishing Firefox extensions, you need to sign your extension.
It is recommended to use the webextension-polyfill package, so that way your extension will work in both Firefox and Chrome.
These are the default options:
// The root directory for your extension.
// By default this is the same as the `output.dir` setting in Rollup.
dir: null,
// URL which is opened in watch mode.
// By default it loads an empty tab.
url: null,
// Automatically opens up the developer tools in watch mode.
devtools: true,
// Which browsers it should open in watch mode. You can specify multiple browsers.
// The possible browsers are: "firefox-desktop", "firefox-android", and "chromium"
targets: ["firefox-desktop"],
// This allows you to specify a custom profile to use for the browser in watch mode.
// The default creates a new empty profile.
profiles: {
firefox: null,
chromium: null,
// This allows you to specify a custom binary for the browsers which are opened in watch mode.
binaries: {
firefox: null,
chromium: null,
bundle: {
// The filename for the .zip file which is created in build mode.
// By default it uses the name and version of your extension.
filename: null,
// The directory for the .zip file which is created in build mode.
dir: "web-ext-artifacts",
// Extra arguments which are passed to web-ext
webExtArgs: [],
The example directory contains a working example.