Rollup plugin Gettext extractor for Vue components, JS
Is a plugin to translate js, vue files with gettext
. It relies on the gettext-extractor
npm install rollup-plugin-gettext-vue
Configuration rollup config
import vue from 'rollup-plugin-vue';
import resolve from 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve';
import commonjs from 'rollup-plugin-commonjs';
import requireContext from 'rollup-plugin-require-context';
import gettext from 'rollup-plugin-gettext-vue';
const plugins = [
exclude: 'node_modules/**',
include: '**/*@(vue|js)',
languageFiles: 'uk',
output: './locale/messages.pot',
language: 'ru',
translations: 'messages.po',
template: {
isProduction: false,
compilerOptions: { preserveWhitespace: false }
export default {
input: './example/app.js',
output: {
globals : { vue: 'Vue' },
external: ['vue'],
file: 'example/dist/app.js',
format: 'iife',
name: 'WUJS',
options.include: '**/*@(vue|js)'
options.exclude: 'node_modules/**'
Patterns of files for filter. Both of which can be a minimatch pattern or an array of minimatch patterns. If options.include is omitted or of zero length, files should be included by default; otherwise they should only be included if the ID matches one of the patterns.
options.languageFiles: 'en'
Default: 'en'. The source language.
options.output: string
Path to pot file with found messages
options.language: 'uk'
Translation language. You can use "uk", "ru", "en"
options.translations: string
Name of file with translations in po format. The file must be in ./locale/uk_UA/LC_MESSAGES/* . uk_UA is the name of the folder that will be obtained from short name options.language.
Configuration rollup with multiple languages
import vue from 'rollup-plugin-vue';
import resolve from 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve';
import commonjs from 'rollup-plugin-commonjs';
import requireContext from 'rollup-plugin-require-context';
const extractor = require('./dist/index.js');
var locales = ['uk','ru'];
const plugins = (ln) => [
exclude: 'node_modules/**',
include: '**/*@(vue|js)',
languageFiles: 'uk',
language: ln,
translations: 'messages.po',
template: {
isProduction: false,
compilerOptions: { preserveWhitespace: false }
export default => {
return {
input: './example/app.js',
plugins: plugins(ln),
output: {
globals : { vue: 'Vue' },
external: ['vue'],
file: 'example/dist/app.'+ln+'.js',
format: 'iife',
name: 'WUJS',
Usage example in js files
// formatted strings
const name = _('Mike');
const text = gettext(`Hello ${name}`);
// plurals (works for en locale out of the box)
const n = 5;
const msg = ngettext(`${ n } task left`, `${ n } tasks left`, n);
// context formatted strings
const chelloMike = pgettext('context', `Hello ${name}`);
// context plurals (works for en locale out of the box)
const msg = npgettext('context', `${ n } task left`, `${ n } tasks left`, n);
Basic installation with vue components
For using in vue components files add mixin methods
Vue.prototype.$gettext = gettext;
Vue.prototype.$pgettext = pgettext;
Vue.prototype.$ngettext = ngettext;
Vue.prototype.$npgettext = npgettext;
Usage example in vue components template
{{$pgettext('context', 'Test')}}
{{$ngettext(`${n} test`, `${n} tests`, n)}}
{{$ngettext('context', `${n} test`, `${n} tests`, n)}}
Usage example in vue components options and methods
export default
mounted() {
const text = this.$gettext(`Hello ${name}`);
// plurals (works for en locale out of the box)
const n = 5;
const msg = this.$ngettext(`${ n } task left`, `${ n } tasks left`, n);
// context formatted strings
const chelloMike = this.$pgettext('context', `Hello ${name}`);
// context plurals (works for en locale out of the box)
const msg = this.$npgettext('context', `${ n } task left`, `${ n } tasks left`, n);
Create translations po files
You can use the msginit
program to create and merge po files.
Create po file
msginit --input=messages.pot --no-translator --locale=uk_UA --output-file=uk_UA/LC_MESSAGES/translations.po
Merge po file
msgmerge -o "uk_UA/LC_MESSAGES/translations.po" "uk_UA/LC_MESSAGES/translations.po" "messages.pot"
Configuration aliases
For usage another aliases of name gettext, pgettext, ngettext, npgettext you can add name of alias in file config.js
const calleeNames = {
gettext: ['_','$gettext','[this].$gettext'],
pgettext: ['$pgettext','[this].$pgettext'],
ngettext: ['$ngettext','[this].$ngettext'],
npgettext: ['$npgettext', '[this].$npgettext']
Compile info
The gettext, ngettext, pgettext, npgettext functions will be added to the resulting bundle. Function calls gettext and pgettext will be replaced to the translated strings in the resulting bundle.