Rokot - [Rocketmakers]( TypeScript NodeJs Platform
Rokot - Rocketmakers TypeScript NodeJs Platform
The Rokot Notification library provides a framework to create (JSON) Notification Messages and send them to users via a notification channel (email
, apns
and gcm
These notification messages are generally transcoded into some form of textual content (HTML/text), but could also directly contain the content to be sent
Core Components
The library is based around the core concept of a notification message (INotification
This should represent the real life data behind the user notification
Each notification should have:
- a unique
(this is the key to indicate which handler will process the notification) - a
to indicate the audience of the notification - which can be string values (for use in a single transport scenario), or transport keys{email:"[email protected]", apns:["ABC", "XYYZ"], gcm:"xds")
to support multiple transports and multiple tokens
import {INotification} from "rokot-notification";
export interface ISampleTemplateNotification extends INotification {
fail?: boolean;
const notification: ISampleTemplateNotification = {
type: "sample-underscore-template-message",
recipient: {
email:"[email protected]"
fail: false
Each notification type
requires a notification handler
The framework provides this handler with decorators to add functions to support:
- validating notifications before the transport method is called
- creating template content (html/text content via underscore templates)
- to pre cache the templates at startup (loading template content from disk/db early)
- to validate the template execution at startup with test case notifications you provide
A simple notification handler that just utilise the transport
import {notifications, INotification} from "rokot-notification";
import {INodemailerNotificationHandler, INodemailerNotificationTransport} from "rokot-notification/lib/nodemailer";
/** Define the shape of the Notification */
export interface ISimpleNotification extends INotification {
html: string;
text: string;
Register this handler for the notification type via @notification.handler("simple")
NOTE: You dont need to export the notification handler
class SimpleHandler implements INodemailerNotificationHandler<ISimpleNotification>{
register the nodemailer transport function via @notifications.transport()
async nodemailer(notification: ISimpleNotification, transport: INodemailerNotificationTransport) {
return await transport.send(notification.recipient, m => {
m.from = transport.getFromAddress(notification)
m.subject = `Simple Email`
m.text = notification.text
m.html = notification.html
Or a complete example showing usage of all the functions
import {notifications, UnderscoreFileSystemTemplateProcessorFactory, INotification} from "rokot-notification";
import {INodemailerNotificationHandler, INodemailerNotificationTransport} from "rokot-notification/lib/nodemailer";
import {ISampleTemplateNotification} from "./sampleTemplateNotification";
import {emailTo} from "../../settings";
/** The example templates processor factory */
const exampleTemplatesFactory = new UnderscoreFileSystemTemplateProcessorFactory("./source/test/examples/templates")
export const notificationType = "sample-underscore-template-message"
/** You dont need to export the notification handler*/
class TemplateHandler implements INodemailerNotificationHandler<ISampleTemplateNotification>{
/** Validate the notification before its passed to the transport method */
validate(notification: ISampleTemplateNotification){
return Promise.resolve(notification);
/** Provides a sample notification that will be validated against any @notification.template() functions */
testMessage() : ISampleTemplateNotification{
return {type: notificationType, recipient: {nodemailer: emailTo}, fail: true}
/** You can provide as many test cases as you like (to exercise the template generation) */
testMessage1() : ISampleTemplateNotification{
return {type: notificationType, recipient: {nodemailer: emailTo}, fail: false}
/** You can also inspect which @notification.template() function is requesting the data */
testMessage2(template: string) : ISampleTemplateNotification{
if (template === "text") {
// dont use this for the 'text' template
return {type: notificationType, recipient: {nodemailer: emailTo}}
Using Underscore templates loaded from a root folder
These template providing function are pre-cached at startup to reduce runtime IO
return exampleTemplatesFactory.create<ISampleTemplateNotification>(`${notificationType}.html`)
/** Using Underscore templates loaded from a root folder */
text() {
return exampleTemplatesFactory.create<ISampleTemplateNotification>(`${notificationType}.txt`)
/** the nodemailer transport function */
async nodemailer(notification: ISampleTemplateNotification, transport: INodemailerNotificationTransport) {
return await transport.send(notification.recipient, m => {
m.from = transport.getFromAddress(notification)
m.subject = `Template Email`
// using templates.transform provides access to the pre-cached @notification.template() decorated function results
m.text = notifications.transformTemplate(notification, this.text)
m.html = notifications.transformTemplate(notification, this.html)
Or a notification handler using multiple transports
import {notifications, INotification} from "rokot-notification";
import {INodemailerNotificationHandler, INodemailerNotificationTransport} from "rokot-notification/lib/nodemailer";
import {IApnsNotificationHandler, IApnsNotificationTransport} from "rokot-notification/lib/apns";
export interface IMultipleNotification extends INotification {
type: "sample-multi-channel-message"
count: number;
class MultipleHandler implements IApnsNotificationHandler<IMultipleNotification>, INodemailerNotificationHandler<IMultipleNotification>{
/** the apns transport function */
async apns(notification: IMultipleNotification, transport: IApnsNotificationTransport) : Promise<any>{
return await transport.send(notification.recipient, n => {
n.body = `Count of ${notification.count}`
n.topic = "<app package id>"
/** the nodemailer transport function */
async nodemailer(notification: IMultipleNotification, transport: INodemailerNotificationTransport) {
return await transport.send(notification.recipient, m => {
m.from = transport.getFromAddress(notification)
m.subject = `Test Email`
m.text = `Count of ${notification.count}`
m.html = `Test HTML email`
NOTE: There are 3 core notification handlers avaiable 'out-the-box' IApnsNotificationHandler<TNotification>
, IGcmNotificationHandler<TNotification>
and INodemailerNotificationHandler<TNotification>
The framework provides a NotificationDispatcher
to route notifications to their dispatch handler
You need to create your Application NotificationDispatcher
and configuring which transports are used
import {NotificationDispatcherFactory} from "rokot-notification";
import {apnsInitializer, IApnsProviderOptions} from "rokot-notification/lib/apns";
import {sendgridInitializer,INodemailerSendgridOptions} from "rokot-notification/lib/nodemailer";
import {gcmInitializer,IGcmProviderOptions} from "rokot-notification/lib/gcm";
import {ConsoleLogger, Logger} from "rokot-log";
async function createDispatcher(nodemailerOptions: INodemailerSendgridOptions, apnsOptions: IApnsProviderOptions, gcmOptions: IGcmProviderOptions) {
const logger = ConsoleLogger.create("test-multiple-message-dispatcher")
const dispatcherFactory = new NotificationDispatcherFactory(logger)
return await dispatcherFactory.createDispatcher(
sendgridInitializer(logger, nodemailerOptions),
gcmInitializer(logger, gcmOptions),
apnsInitializer(logger, apnsOptions));
// createDispatcher({username:"sendgrid username", password:"send grid password"}, {token:{key:"/path/to.p8",keyId:"KEY_ID",teamId:"TEAM_ID"},production:false}, {apiKey:"<gcm api key>"})
NOTE: You can create your own MessageHandler for any kind of notification channel you like, or change the Nodemailer transport (from the 'out-the-box' sendgrid)
Notification Client Generation
You can create a typescript file in the root of your source and include the source below (modifying the paths to match your handler locations)
This code will inspect the source code and generate a Notifications client - exposing methods for each of the notification types
import {ConsoleLogger} from "rokot-log";
import {generateClient, getInterfaceFunctionName, getFolderFiles} from "rokot-notification/lib/client/generator";
const logger = ConsoleLogger.create("create notification client",{level:"info"})
/** Get all notification handler source files (all in a single folder) */
const files = getFolderFiles("./source/test/examples/handlers");
/** Generate a notification client */
generateClient(logger, files, "./source/test/examples/notifications.ts", {
/** override the method naming function */
functionName: getInterfaceFunctionName
HTML Template
Hello There <%= model.recipient.nodemailer || || model.recipient %> (<%= model.type %>)
Process <%= ? "Failed" : "Ok" %>
Getting Started
Install via yarn
yarn add rokot-notification
Further Examples
Check out the examples in /package/source/test/examples
to see various dispatcher configs and message handlers
Consumed Libraries
Android Push Notifications
Apple Push Notifications
Email Notifications
Email via sendgrid transport
The testing framework used within the Rokot Platform!