This package is inspired by [React Native Style Tachyons](https://github.com/tachyons-css/react-native-style-tachyons). The goal is to provide Bootstrap features to react-native, since both BootstrapV4 and react-native depends heaily on flexbox, I think i
React Native Web - Bootstrap (v4)
This package is inspired by React Native Style Tachyons. The goal is to provide Bootstrap features to react-native, since both BootstrapV4 and react-native depends heaily on flexbox, I think it is possible to bring most features from BootstrapV4 to react-native, and maybe react-native-web as well.
Firstly, use npm
to install, you can use yarn
as well
npm install rnw-bs
Then, at the root component for the app, initiate the stylesheets
import {build as rnwbsBuild} from 'rnw-bs';
import { styles } from 'rnw-bs';
To use the built styles, first import the styles, and pass them to the component's style props
//import fist
import { styles } from 'rnw-bs';
//then in the render funciton
<View style={styles.containerFluid}>
<View style={styles.row}>
<View style={styles.col12}
<Text style={styles.h1}>
Progress and To-Dos
Currently just trying to get the grid and typography going
Reference to the Bootstrap Grid
| Element | Progress | Remarks
| ------------------------------- |:-------------:| -----
| container | Done |
| containerFluid | Done |
| row | Done |
| col | In Progress | not sure how to acheive this effect
| col-{columnscount} | Done |
| col-{breakpoint}-{columnscount} | Done |
| col-auto | In Progress | not sure how to acheive this effect
| col-{breakpoint}-auto | In Progress |
Other less commonly used features will be dealt with later
| Element | Progress | Remarks
| ------------------------------- |:-------------:| -----
| h1, ... h5 | Done |
| p | Done |
| a | Done |
Other less commonly used features will be dealt with later
If you like this project and want to help me with it, please send me PRs!