Current ReactNative version: 0.27
ReactNative Playground
Current ReactNative version: 0.27
Right now there is no easy way to make quick ReactNative experiments. Everytime react-native init
runs it installs ReactNative all over again.
This package provides a ReactNative container app (similar to rnplay.org) that you can use to run adhoc experiments without having to create new ReactNative projects.
Versioning Policy
RNPlay's major and minor version numbers track ReactNative's version number.
So rnplay 0.27.x would bundle ReactNative 0.27.x.
npm install -g rnplay
Running The Packager
In any directory that contains index.ios.js
and index.android.js
, start the packager:
$ rnplay packager
Try downloading the JavaScript bundle with curl:
$ curl localhost:8081/index.ios.bundle
})(typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : this);
(function(global) {var
var inGuard=false;
function define(id,factory){
Note: Port 8081 is hardwired in a few places within ReactNative. Not easy to change, sorry.
Launch RNPlay Container App
You only need to launch the container app once. If you want to do another experiment, navigate to another directory and restart the packager server.
iOS App
Launch the RNPlay App in an iOS simulator:
# Default to 'iPhone 6 Plus'
$ rnplay ios
You can switch to a different simulator
# Default to 'iPhone 6'
$ rnplay ios 'iPhone 6'
List the iOS devices you have:
$ xcrun simctl list devices
== Devices ==
-- iOS 9.3 --
iPhone 4s (7B7C268D-C4BE-4624-92D8-1CAC83E12831) (Shutdown)
iPhone 5 (8C2125C6-83B1-4AEE-A689-E8984BC79D19) (Shutdown)
iPhone 5s (7A03D71A-71BD-4883-8674-FF156ADF48CC) (Shutdown)
iPhone 6 (F7C9B7B0-B64F-4CF9-9E32-74B496F1266E) (Booted)
iPhone 6 Plus (7664A1CC-3277-4499-B338-C5145258B510) (Shutdown)
iPhone 6s (EEA520B8-A95D-4392-A741-684676A59060) (Shutdown)
iPhone 6s Plus (DE20015B-2B4A-4DC0-A50F-7CE9EF1C58E6) (Shutdown)
iPad 2 (BAFEA719-E78A-4358-A039-4DC9C153B28D) (Shutdown)
iPad Retina (353CA1B6-942C-4905-B04F-0EC0C6DE8909) (Shutdown)
iPad Air (2B0E3469-ADF6-4326-B374-664105DA0425) (Shutdown)
iPad Air 2 (A7E8B340-1F6A-4764-B01B-91131E6E633A) (Shutdown)
iPad Pro (3D6BD8E7-D56F-409E-8755-43D2D305F0A1) (Shutdown)
-- tvOS 9.2 --
Apple TV 1080p (4BF723FD-BD92-451C-85B7-6F52B976B404) (Shutdown)
-- watchOS 2.2 --
Apple Watch - 38mm (A748FA72-5DD5-416B-B037-AB8CB35F9D01) (Shutdown)
Apple Watch - 42mm (18C5D269-0FCE-4660-861F-3EBAFDA38487) (Shutdown)
-- Unavailable: com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-9-1 --
iPhone 4s (E5B1C0ED-D7B2-4D16-A656-EFC1105FE445) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPhone 5 (204EFEC2-324D-4740-B04F-F3A24ADCB818) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPhone 5s (20B51EF1-20B0-48AB-BE97-74E09863ADF6) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPhone 6 (30AC3B72-25CC-45FF-9F5B-4E1FD5D0E405) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPhone 6 Plus (5CE3F446-A091-45B1-867C-B7449AC6C05A) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPhone 6s (315ABBA7-AC38-4935-B216-785A4E51331F) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPhone 6s Plus (6E933647-417D-4116-B5B8-EC0C8B163682) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPad 2 (D13159E6-3FA9-405F-AAAC-C26F528D0143) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPad Retina (A857406B-6900-4296-8F6B-54CDAAFD77EE) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPad Air (36441288-8212-4AC5-B3BB-7D1F315123F1) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPad Air 2 (A2E3672C-9A41-4BF9-9FC2-9E96F7452F17) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
iPad Pro (0B694E51-C953-44CB-AAA6-402823757372) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
-- Unavailable: com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.tvOS-9-0 --
Apple TV 1080p (0D08D065-B5F0-4A26-A2F3-8C2E0DD27F33) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
-- Unavailable: com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.watchOS-2-0 --
Apple Watch - 38mm (473D5E20-F729-4628-9062-9C7907DD8F3E) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
Apple Watch - 42mm (69DB47DF-5AF0-49FD-9CEC-670CBE26ABB4) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
Android App
Invoke Gradle to build and deploy the app:
$ rnplay android
You'll need to start an Android device on your own, so Gradle can install the app onto it. Use Genymotion