Versioning react-native apps and npm at the same time
What is it ?
A cli node module to turn easy versionate apps created with react-native-cli
How to use
It's simple:
install the module using global flag
npm install -g rn-version
go to react-native project folder in terminal and type
rn-version --implementation
this command will generate automatically in your react-native code, the code to facility versioning.
And to versionate just use this command in terminal
rn-version --version-code 1 --version-name 1.0.0
to automatized version, just try
rn-version --automatized
Commands Help
--help or -h
This command will detail the other commands in terminal
--implementation or -i
This command will implement the necessary code to the module work in your react-native project
--version-code or -V
this command will replace your version code. This version should be an integer and always greater than the last, but if you want just pass + symbol, the new version will be the last version + 1. This code should be used with the code below.
--version-name or -v
this command will replace your version name. this can be like this '2.1.1' or '1.0.1-alpha'. This code should be used with the code above.
--automatized or -a
this command will replace version name and version code at the same time, version code will be the last version + 1, and version name will be the last version + 1
Example how to install and use
npm i -g rn-version
rn-version -i
rn-version -V 2 -v 1.1.1
This module only work with android yet. For Ios will be implemented, please wait.