React Native Sestek Webchat Plugin
npm install rn-sestek-webchat --save
If you want to send and listen audio you have to follow the steps below
Step 1: Install react-native-audio-recorder-player && Install react-native-audio-record
npm install [email protected]
npm i --save [email protected]
- To record and " listen " audio, you need to install the package above and click this link to make the necessary integrations.
- To record and "send " audio, you need to install the package above and click this link to make the necessary integrations.
Step 2: Install rn-fetch-blob
npm i --save rn-fetch-blob
If you want to send files, you also need to install the "rn-fetch-blob" package. Because we need it to read the selected file and convert it to base64. You can follow the link below to integrate
Step 3: Install react-native-slider
npm i --save @miblanchard/react-native-slider
If you use to slider, you must also install the "@miblanchard/react-native-slider" package. You can follow the link below to integrate
Step 4: Install react-native-file-viewer
npm i --save react-native-file-viewer
If you do not include this package, users won't be able to open or view the files that are downloaded. This package handles file viewing functionality across different file types and ensures that files can be properly viewed once downloaded.
You can follow the link to integrate this package and ensure files open correctly in your application.
If you want to send files and pictures, you need to follow these steps
Step 1: Install react-native-document-picker for file
RN >= 0.69
npm i --save [email protected]
0.63 >= RN < 0.69
npm i --save [email protected]
You can follow the link below to integrate
RN < 0.63 Older RN versions are not supported.
Step 2: Install react-native-image-picker for gallery
npm i --save [email protected]
You can follow the link below to integrate -note :according to the android API version, the appropriate package version can be selected.
Step 3: Install rn-fetch-blob
npm i --save rn-fetch-blob
If you want to send files, you also need to install the "rn-fetch-blob" package. Because we need it to read the selected file and convert it to base64. You can follow the link below to integrate
Listening to event from conversation
You can easily catch the event with the responseData state you create in your code. Create the state, then update your state in the setResponse function and send this function to ChatModal as props. You can also provide whether the state has changed or not with your useffect or alternative solutions.
custom ActionData
The CustomActionData field can be used for any custom information wanted to be passed to the bot, that's not included in the context object parameters.
It is recommended to be sent in key/value pairs. i.e.
customActionData: "{"channel":"xxx","phoneNumber":"xxx xxx xx xx","customerName":"John Doe"}",
If you want to restart an existing session you need to follow these steps (background, screen lock, kill)
Step 1: Install @react-native-async-storage/async-storage
npm i --save @react-native-async-storage/async-storage
You may have a general understanding of how it works with the following snippet.
import { ChatModal, ChatModalProps } from 'rn-sestek-webchat';
import AudioRecorderPlayer from 'react-native-audio-recorder-player'; //Required package to listen to audio files
import RNFetchBlob from 'rn-fetch-blob'; //Required package to listen to audio files
import AudioRecord from 'react-native-audio-record'; //Required package to send audio files as waw
import AudioRecord from 'react-native-audio-record'; //Required package to send audio files as waw
import DocumentPicker from 'react-native-document-picker'
import {WebView} from 'react-native-webview';
import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage';// for the start storage session
import FileViewer from 'react-native-file-viewer';
import {launchImageLibrary} from 'react-native-image-picker';
const modalRef = useRef<ChatModalProps>(null);
const pressStartConversation = () => {
}; // open chat wherever you want
const pressEndConversation = () => {
if (!modalRef.current?.conversationStatus) {
backgroundColor: '#7f81ae',
description: 'The conversation has already ended.',
message: 'Warning',
}; // stop chat anywhere you want
// capture event from conversation
const [responseData, setResponseData] = useState<any>({});
const setResponse = (value: any) => {
useEffect(() => {
console.log('response event : ', modalRef.current.responseData);
}, [responseData]);
const pressTriggerVisible = () => {
if (!modalRef.current?.conversationStatus) {
backgroundColor: '#7f81ae',
description: 'First you need to start the conversation.',
message: 'Warning',
}; // hide chat anywhere you want
const pressGetMessageList = () => {
const data = modalRef.current?.messageList;
// console.log(JSON.stringify(data));
}; // conversation history
const permissionAudioCheck = async () => {
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
).then(res => {
if (res === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED) {
} else {
}; // example check audio permission controller for android
const customActionDataExample = {
tel: '900000000000',
}; // send webchat custom action data
const startStorageSession = () => {
const endUserInfo = {
name: 'rabia vural',
phone: '+905555555555',
email: '[email protected]',
twitter: '@rabia',
// start storage session and it should also be used in the case where modal hide does not work depending on navigation,
// i.e. in the case of an existing sessionID. When this function is used, the session will continue where it left off.
// Icon
// In icon components, if you are going to provide an image, the type should be 'component'
// and the value should be called as require('./src/images/test.png'). If you want to give a url instead of an image,
// the type should be 'uri' and the value should be a string url, for example value : "https://test.png"
AudioRecorderPlayer: AudioRecorderPlayer,
RNFS: RNFetchBlob,
RNSlider: Slider,
RNWebView: WebView,
Record: AudioRecord,
RNFileSelector: DocumentPicker,
asyncStorage: AsyncStorage,
fileViewer: FileViewer,
launchImageLibrary: launchImageLibrary,
sendConversationStart: true,
tenant: 'exampleTenant',
projectName: 'exampleProjectName',
fullName: "optional information",
channel: 'webchatmobile-sestek',
// clientId: 'Please send the user id',
locale:'en-US', //local parameter is used to set the start language for the streams in your webchat project. for more information please contact us
endUser: endUserInfo, //Please use this parameter to pass endUser information.
enableNdUi: false, //must be true only when using legacy products. default is false. ask the consultant for detailed information.
getResponseData: setResponse,
customActionData: JSON.stringify(customActionDataExample),
// Header
headerColor: '#7743DB',
headerText: 'Knovvu',
fontWeight: 'bold',
fontSize: 18,
headerHideIcon: {
type: 'component',
value: <Icon name="example" size={20} color="#900" />,
headerCloseIcon: {
type: 'url',
value: require('./example.png'),
headerAlignmentType: 'textToCenter',
// Bottom
bottomColor: 'white',
bottomInputText: 'Bottom input text..',
bottomInputBorderColor: '#d5d5d5',
bottomInputSendButtonColor: '#7743DB',
bottomAttachmentIcon: {
type: 'url',
value: 'https://example.com/exampleImage.png',
bottomSendIcon: {
type: 'componenet',
value: <Icon name="example" size={20} color="#900" />,
bottomVoiceIcon: {
type: 'url',
value: require('https://example.com/exampleImage.png'),
bottomVoiceStopIcon: {
type: 'url',
value: require('./example.png'),
bottomVoiceDisabledIcon: {
type: 'url',
value: require('./example.png'),
// User MessageBox
userMessageBoxBackground: '#863CEB',
userMessageBoxTextColor: 'white',
userMessageIcon: { // You can add a profile picture or icon to user messages using this props. If you don't send, the user profile picture or icon will not be visible.
type: 'url',
// ChatBot MessageBox
chatBotMessageBoxBackground: '#EFEFEF',
chatBotMessageBoxTextColor: 'black',
chatBotMessageIcon: {
type: 'url',
value: require('./example.png'),
chatBotMessageBoxButtonBackground: 'white',
chatBotMessageBoxButtonTextColor: 'black',
chatBotMessageBoxButtonBorderColor: '#863CEB',
messageBoxAvatarIconSize: 28,
// Chat Body
chatBody: {type: 'color', value: 'white'},// Use to set body background color or image.
chatBodyMessageBoxGap: 20,
// Chat Start Button
chatStartButton: {
type: 'url',
value: require('./example.png'),
chatStartButtonBackground: 'white',
chatStartButtonBackgroundSize: 70,
chatStartButtonHide: false,
chatBotCarouselSettings: {
nextButtonIcon: {
type: 'url',
value: require('./example.png'),
prevButtonIcon: {
type: 'url',
value: require('./example.png'),
buttonGroup: {
borderColor: '#E2E2E4',
backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
textColor: '#863CEB',
// Slider
userSliderMinimumTrackTintColor: '#C3ACD0',
userSliderMaximumTrackTintColor: 'white',
userSliderThumbTintColor: '#C3ACD0',
type: 'url',
value: require('./example.png'),
userSliderPauseImage: {
type: 'url',
value: require('./example.png'),
botSliderMinimumTrackTintColor: "red",
botSliderThumbTintColor: "black",
botSliderPlayImage: {
type: 'url',
value: require('./example.png'),
botSliderPauseImage: {
type: 'url',
value: require('./example.png'),
type: 'url',
value: require('./example.png'),
// Before Func
permissionAudioCheck: permissionAudioCheck,
//loading indicator
indicatorColor : "#863CEB",
fontSettings: {
subtitleFontSize: 16,
descriptionFontSize: 13,
// Close Modal
closeModalSettings: {
use: true,
text: "Chat'ten çıkmak istediğinize emin misiniz ?",
textColor: 'black',
background: 'white',
buttons: {
yesButton: {
text: 'Evet',
textColor: 'white',
background: '#863CEB',
borderColor: 'transparent',
noButton: {
text: 'Hayır',
textColor: 'black',
background: 'transparent',
borderColor: '#863CEB',
language: {
tr: {
headerText: 'Knovvu',
bottomInputText: 'Lütfen bir mesaj yazınız..',
closeModalText: 'Chatden çıkmak istediğinize emin misiniz?',
closeModalYesButtonText: 'Evet',
closeModalNoButtonText: 'Hayır',
filePTitle: 'Depolama İzni Gerekli',
filePMessage:'Bu uygulamanın dosya kaydetmesi ve açması için izne ihtiyacı var.',
filePNeutral: 'Daha Sonra',
filePNegative: 'İptal',
filePPositive: 'Tamam',
noAppFoundTitle: 'Uygulama Bulunamadı',
noAppFoundMessage:'Bu dosya türünü açmak için uygun bir uygulama bulunamadı. Google Play Store’dan bir uygulama yükleyin.',
noAppFoundCancel: 'İptal',
addFile:'Dosya Ekle',
addPhoto:'Fotoğraf Ekle'
en: {
headerText: 'Knovvu',
bottomInputText: 'Please write a message..',
closeModalText: 'Are you sure you want to exit chat?',
closeModalYesButtonText: 'Yes',
closeModalNoButtonText: 'No',
filePTitle: 'Storage Permission Required',
filePMessage: 'This app needs permission to save and openfiles.',
filePNeutral: 'Later',
filePNegative: 'Cancel',
filePPositive: 'OK',
noAppFoundTitle: 'No App Found',
noAppFoundMessage:'No suitable app found to open this file type. Install anapp from the Google Play Store.',
noAppFoundCancel: 'Cancel',
addFile:'Add File',
addPhoto:'Add Photo'
dateSettings: {
backgroundColor: '#EFEFEF',
textColor: 'black',
format:'long' //If you want to change the date format, these props are used.
autoPlayAudio: false,
NOTE: With the language object in customizeConfiguration, you can update all texts in Chat modal from here. The first value given is set as the default language setting. If no value is given to the language object, the default values of the chat modal will be valid. Please do not forget to enter data in this field for your application.
For Close Button (headerCloseIcon
) (closeModalSettings.onClose
- If you want to call a function or navigate to another page during the close action, you should do this in the
function within thecloseModalSettings
prop. This ensures that the close modal works correctly. - You can only pass simple components like
to theheaderCloseIcon
prop. These components should not be wrapped by another component (e.g.,Pressable
). - If you pass a component with an
action to theheaderCloseIcon
prop, the close modal will be overridden and will not work properly. - If you do not want to send a function for the close modal, there is no need to use the
prop, and the npm package will continue to work in its natural flow.
For Minimize Button (hideCloseIcon
- If you want to use a function in the
prop, make sure to wrap this function appropriately when sending it.
headerCloseIcon: {
type: 'component',
value: (
<Image source={CloseIcon} />
headerHideIcon: {
type: 'component',
value: (
onPress={() => {
<Image source={MinusIcon} />
closeModalSettings: {
use: true,
onClose: () => {
For other additional information, we have created a document that you can use in the table below.
| props | type | description |
| ------------------ | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| startConversation | void | Function that starts the chat for the user and automatically triggers the modal screen. |
| endConversation | void | Function that ends the chat for the user and automatically closes the modal screen. |
| triggerVisible | void | Function that opens and closes the modal screen after the chat starts and continues the conversation from where it left off. |
| messageList | any | Returns the active chat history. |
| conversationStatus | boolean | Indicates whether there is an active conversation or not. |
You can customize your external components with the following values
export default interface PropsCustomizeConfiguration {
headerColor?: string;
headerHideIcon?: IconType;
headerCloseIcon?: IconType;
headerAlignmentType?: HeaderAlignmentType;
bottomColor?: string;
bottomInputText?: string;
bottomInputBackgroundColor?: string;
bottomInputBorderColor?: string;
bottomVoiceIcon?: IconType;
bottomVoiceStopIcon?: IconType;
bottomVoiceDisabledIcon?: IconType;
bottomSendIcon?: IconType;
bottomAttachmentIcon?: IconType;
bottomInputSendButtonColor?: string;
userMessageBoxTextColor?: string;
userMessageIcon?: IconType;
chatBotMessageIcon?: IconType;
chatBotMessageBoxTextColor?: string;
chatBotMessageBoxBackground?: string;
chatBotMessageBoxButtonBackground?: string;
chatBotMessageBoxButtonBorderColor?: string;
chatBotMessageBoxButtonTextColor?: string;
messageBoxAvatarIconSize?: number;
chatBotCarouselSettings?: CarouselSettings;
chatBody?: BodyColorOrImageType;
chatBodyMessageBoxGap?: number;
chatBodyTimeBackground?: string;
chatStartButtonHide?: boolean;
chatStartButton?: IconType;
chatStartButtonBackground?: string;
chatStartButtonBackgroundSize?: number;
userMessageBoxBackground?: string;
audioSliderSettings?: AudioSliderSettings;
closeModalSettings?: CloseModalSettings;
indicatorColor?: string;
fontSettings?: FontSettings;
fileIcon?: IconType;
permissionAudioCheck?: () => Promise<void>;
language?: {
[key: string]: {
headerText: string;
autoPlayAudio?: boolean
interface BodyColorOrImageType {
type: 'image' | 'color';
value: any;
type DateFormatType = 'short' | 'long' ;
type HeaderAlignmentType = 'textToLeft' | 'textToRight' | 'textToCenter';
export interface IconType {
type: 'url' | 'component' | undefined;
value: string | React.ReactElement | React.ReactNode;
export interface FontSettings {
interface CarouselSettings {
nextButtonIcon?: IconType;
prevButtonIcon?: IconType;
buttonGroup?: {
borderColor?: string;
backgroundColor?: string;
textColor?: string;
interface CloseModalSettings {
use: boolean;
textColor?: string;
background?: string;
buttons?: {
yesButton?: {
textColor?: string;
background?: string;
borderColor?: string;
noButton?: {
textColor?: string;
background?: string;
borderColor?: string;
export interface AudioSliderSettings {
userUnplayedTrackColor?: string;
userPlayedTrackColor?: string;
userTimerTextColor?: string;
userSliderPlayImage?: IconType;
userSliderPauseImage?: IconType;
botUnplayedTrackColor?: string;
botPlayedTrackColor?: string;
botTimerTextColor?: string;
botSliderPlayImage?: IconType;
botSliderPauseImage?: IconType;