## Dependencies needed
Dependencies needed
Use this command to install the npm packages listed below
- react-native-iap
- react-native-modal
- prop-types
How Do I get set up
Create products and subscriptions in google play console for android and app store for iOS. have google play developer account. Make sure to activate the products.
Steps for React Native In App Purchases in Android
- Add this permission in AndroidManifest.xml file ->
<uses-permission android:name="com.android.vending.BILLING"/>
- If the apk with this permission is not getting uploaded to play store due to version issue then add this in android/app/build.gradle -> implementation 'com.android.billingclient:billing:4.0.0'
Steps for React Native In App Purchases in iOS
- Add In-App Purchase capabilities in Xcode.
- Run npm i rn-iap-component-ql / yarn add rn-iap-component-ql.
Import the package
import IapComponent from 'rn-iap-component-ql';
Then call the component
Declare the product Ids in an array like this const purchaseProducts = Platform.select({ android: ['productID1','productID2'], ios : ['productID1','productID2'] })
<IapComponent productIds={purchaseProducts} action="purchase" />
Available Props
Name | Type | Description --- | --- | --- productIds | Array of string | The configured product ids of product available for purchase or subscription. action | string | The functionality performed is for purchase or subscribe. btnTitle | string | Text to display over button. buttonStyle | Object | style the button view. btnTitleStyle | Object | style the text of the button. modalBackdropOpacity | number | defines the backdrop opacity when the modal opens. modalStyle | Object | style the view of the modal. productListViewStyle | Object | style the list of products. productTitleStyle | Object | style the product name text. productPriceStyle | Object | style the product price text.