Sparkline Bar Chart Web Component
The rms-sparkline-inline
web component renders a simple sparkline including the following elements:
- the line
- a point indicating the start of the line
- a point indicating the end of the line
- a point indicating the highest value in the line
- a point indicating the lowest value in the line
The sparkline can be styled. See the properties section for details
See examples of applications on the Angular web application, app, included in this repository.
Declare the component on the Angular application
The software engineer updates the host application's packages.json to include rms-sparkline-inline:
"rms-sparkline-inline": "MAJOR.minor.patch",
As part of the development process the software engineer can simply symlink the component to app, as follows:
- navigate to the root folder of the target: $
- link to the component: $
nmp link ~/rms-sparklines/rms-sparkline/rms-sparkline-inline/
To remove the symlink simply:
- navigate to the app root folder: $
- link to the component: $
nmp unlink rms-sparkline-inline
Import the web component into the Angular application, app:
// ...
import 'rms-sparkline-inline';
// ...
Create app component(s) to host the web components
See the rms-sparkline-inline Angular component used to render a simnple sparkline, and the the rms-sparkline-inline-chart Angular component used to render a sparkline with a drop dawn shade.
In our case the component selector is app-rms-sparkline-inline
Configure the Angular Component to use the Web Component:
Edit rms-sparkline-inline.component.html to use the web component, including its attributes. Note that the attributes are all lowercase, even thought they are bound to Angular properties with camel cased names.
Simple inline:
Define the Angular Component properties
Edit rms-sparkline-inline.component.ts to define the propoerties bound to the Web Component attributes. Note that the Angular properties are camel cased; be awere that this can be a source of confusion!
// Class(es) to be added to the canvas element.
className = '';
// The sparkline data source
linePoints: number[] = [4, 3, 7, 8, 1, 4, 9, 2, 5, 3, 5, 9];
// A number giving the width of the sparkline box in pixels.
width = 64;
// A number giving the height of the sparkline box in pixels. By default, uses the height of the Canvas element.
height = 16;
// A string giving the color of the sparkline. Any valid CSS color.
lineColor = 'black';
// A number giving the stroke of the line in pixels.
lineWidth = 1.5;
// A string giving the color of the dot marking the first value. Any valid CSS color.
startColor = 'red';
// A string giving the color of the dot marking the last value. Any valid CSS color.
endColor = 'red';
// A string giving the color of the dot marking the highest value. Any valid CSS color.
maxColor = 'teal';
// A string giving the color of the dot marking the lowest value. Any valid CSS color.
minColor = 'teal';
// A number giving the size of the dots used to mark important values.
dotRadius = 2;
// Whether to show values the mouse glides over the sparkline
shade = true;
// A string giving the color of the dot marking the highest value. Any valid CSS color.
// shadeColor = '#a6c1ed';
// shadeColor = '#a3d8ed';
shadeColor: string = `#d0e8f2`;
// Whether to show values the mouse glides over the sparkline
toolTip = false;
Add the Angular component showing the web component to the view
Edit app.component.html:
. . .
. . .
You will notice that app.component.html
also includes a declaration for the app-rms-sparkline-inline-shade
Angular component, used to showcase a diffrent instance of rms-sparkline-inline
with a drop down shade.
. . .
. . .
- className:A string of space separated classe names to be added to the canvas element. Default is no classes.
- linePoints: An array of numbers representing the sparkline data source. Default is empty array.
- width: A number giving the width of the sparkline box in pixels. Default is 64.
- height: A number giving the height of the sparkline box in pixels. Default is 16.
- linecolor: A string giving the color of the sparkline; any valid CSS color. Default is black.
- linewidth: A number giving the stroke of the line in pixels. Default is 1.
- startcolor: A string giving the color of the dot marking the first value. Any valid CSS color. Default it 'red'.
- endcolor: A string giving the color of the dot marking the last value. Any valid CSS color. Default it 'red'.
- maxcolor: A string giving the color of the dot marking the highest value. Any valid CSS color. Default it 'teal'.
- mincolor: A string giving the color of the dot marking the lowest value. Any valid CSS color. Default it 'teal'.
- dotradius: A number giving the size of the dots used to mark important values. Default value is 2.
- shade: Whether to show values the mouse glides over the sparkline. Default value is false;
- shadecolor: A string giving the color of the dot marking the highest value; any valid CSS color. Default value is blue
- tooltip: Whether to show values the mouse glides over the sparkline. Default value is false;
The web element does not offer an API. It interactions are controlled by changing its attributes.
Events Received
Events Emitted
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