Sparkline Bar Chart Web Component
The rms-sparkline-bar-chart
web component renders a sparkline including the following elements:
- a collection of bars, one for each point
These sparkline can be styled. See the properties section for details
See examples of applications on the Angular web application, rms-sparklines-=styleguid.
Declare the component on the Angular application
The software engineer updates the host application's packages.json to include rms-sparkline-bar-chart:
"rms-sparkline-bar-chart": "MAJOR.minor.patch",
As part of the development process the software engineer can simply symlink the component to app, as follows:
- navigate to the rms-sparklines-=styleguid root folder: $
cd ~/rms-sparklines-styleguide
- link to the component: $
nmp link ~/rms-sparklines/rms-sparkline-bar-chart
To remove the symlink simply:
- navigate to the app root folder: $
cd ~/rms-sparklines-styleguide
- link to the component: $
nmp unlink rms-sparkline-bar-chart
Import the web component into the Angular application, app:
// ...
import 'rms-sparkline-bar-chart';
// ...
Create app component(s) to host the web components
See the rms-sparkline-bar-chart Angular component used to render a simnple sparkline, and the the rms-sparkline-bar-chart Angular component used to render a sparkline with a drop dawn shade.
In our case the component selector is app-rms-sparkline-bar-chart
Configure the Angular Component to use the Web Component:
Edit rms-sparkline-bar-chart.component.html to use the web component, including its attributes. Note that the attributes are all lowercase, even thought they are bound to Angular properties with camel cased names.
Simple inline:
[barPoints] = "barPoints"
[className] = "className"
[fillColor] = "fillColor"
[height] = "height"
[lineColor] = "lineColor"
[lineWidth] = "lineWidth"
[toolTip] = "toolTip"
[width] = "width"
Define the Angular Component properties
Edit rms-sparkline-bar-chart.component.ts to define the propoerties bound to the Web Component attributes. Note that the Angular properties are camel cased; be awere that this can be a source of confusion!
// The sparkline data source
barPoints: number[] = [4, 3, 7, 8, 1, 4, 9, 2, 5, 3, 5, 9];
// Class(es) to be added to the canvas element.
className = '';
// A string giving the color to fill the bars; any valid CSS color. Default is red
fillColor = 'red';
// A number giving the height of the sparkline box in pixels. By default, uses the height of the Canvas element.
height = 16;
// A string giving the color of the sparkline. Any valid CSS color.
lineColor = 'black';
// A number giving the stroke of the line in pixels.
lineWidth = 1.5;
// Whether to show values the mouse glides over the sparkline
toolTip = false;
// A number giving the width of the sparkline box in pixels.
width = 64;
Add the Angular component showing the web component to the view
Edit app.component.html:
. . .
. . .
- className:A string of space separated classe names to be added to the canvas element. Default is no classes.
- barPoints: An array of numbers representing the sparkline data source. Default is empty array.
- width: A number giving the width of the sparkline box in pixels. Default is 64.
- height: A number giving the height of the sparkline box in pixels. Default is 16.
- linecolor: A string giving the color of the sparkline; any valid CSS color. Default is black.
- linewidth: A number giving the stroke of the line in pixels. Default is 1.
- fillcolor: A string giving the color to fill the bars; any valid CSS color. Default value is blue
- tooltip: Whether to show values the mouse glides over the sparkline. Default value is false;
The web element does not offer an API. It interactions are controlled by changing its attributes.
Events Received
Events Emitted
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