A NodeJS wrapper for some of the RESTful methods documented at doc.revenuemonster.my
This is an Nodejs/Typescript SDK that maps some of the RESTful methods of Open API that are documented at doc.revenuemonster.my.
# using npm
npm i rm-api-sdk
# using yarn
yarn add rm-api-sdk
Supported APIs
- Client Credentials (Authentication)
- Mechant related API
- Store related API
- User related API
- Payment (Transaction QRCode/URL)
- Payment (Quick Pay)
- Loyalty
- Voucher
- Get Client ID and Client Secret from portal.
- Generate private key and publci key from portal.
- Store private key for own use and public key at portal.
Import the RMSDK via require
var RMSDK = require('rm-api-sdk').RMSDK
Or ES5
var { RMSDK } = require('rm-api-sdk')
Or Import/Export convention
import { RMSDK } from 'rm-api-sdk'
Initialise a RMSDK instance by using
const SDK = RMSDK({
clientId: '5499912462549392892',
clientSecret: 'pwMapjZzHljBALIGHxfGGXmiGLxjWBKt',
privateKey: Buffer.from(fs.readFileSync('privateKey.pem')).toString(),
openApiVersion: 'v3' // default, optional
oauthApiVersion: 'v1' // default, optional
isProduction: false // default, optional
timeout: 2000, // default, optional
Access Token Generation - getClientCredentials()
To get refresh token and access token(expired after 2 hours) with using provided clientId
and clientSecret
const result = await SDK.getClientCredentials();
Refresh Access Token - refreshToken(string)
To get new access token(expired after 2 hours) with using provided clientId and clientSecret (recommended to schedule to run this fucntion on every less than 2 hours) in order to avoid expired access token error.
const result = await SDK.refreshToken(refreshToken);
Merchant related API
Get merchant profile - getMerchantProfile(accessToken)
const result = await SDK.getMerchantProfile(accessToken);
Get merchant subscription - getMerchantSubscriptions(accessToken)
const result = await SDK.getMerchantSubscriptions(accessToken)
Store realted API
Get list of stores - getStores(accessToken)
const result = await SDK.getMerchantSubscriptions(accessToken)
Get store by Id - getStoreById(accessToken)
const result = await SDK.getStoreById(accessToken)
Create store - createStore(accessToken, data)
const result = await SDK.createStore(accessToken, {
name: 'Revenue Monster',
addressLine1: 'B-5-30, 5th Floor, Block Bougainvillea,'
addressLine2: 'PJU 6A, Lebuhraya SPRINT, 10 Boulevard,' // optional
postCode: '47400',
city: 'Petaling Jaya',
state: 'Selangor',
country: 'Malaysia',
countryCode: '60',
phoneNumber: '377334080',
geoLocation: { // optional
Lat: 3.1349857,
Lng: 101.6136659
Update store - updateStore(accessToken, storeId, data)
const result = await SDK.updateStore(accessToken, '1662168764176583360', {
name: 'Revenue Monster',
addressLine1: 'B-5-30, 5th Floor, Block Bougainvillea,'
addressLine2: 'PJU 6A, Lebuhraya SPRINT, 10 Boulevard,' // optional
postCode: '47400',
city: 'Petaling Jaya',
state: 'Selangor',
country: 'Malaysia',
countryCode: '60',
phoneNumber: '377334080',
geoLocation: { // optional
Lat: 3.1349857,
Lng: 101.6136659
Delete store - deleteStore(accessToken, storeId)
const result = await SDK.deleteStore(accessToken, '1662168764176583360')
User related API
Get user profile - getUserProfile(accessToken)
const result = await SDK.getUserProfile(accessToken)
Payment (Transaction QRCode/URL)
Create transaction QRCode/URL
Payment.createTransactionUrl(accessToken, transactionPayload)
const result = await SDK.Payment.createTransactionUrl(accessToken, {
amount: 100,
currencyType: 'MYR',
expiry: { type: 'PERMANENT' },
isPreFillAmount: true,
method: ['WECHATPAY'],
order: {
details: 'detail AAA',
title: 'title BBB',
redirectUrl: 'https://www.google.com',
storeId: '1981039839353524638',
type: 'DYNAMIC',
Get list of transaction QRCode/URLs generated
const result = await SDK.Payment.getTransactionUrl(accessToken)
Get transaction QRCode/URL by code
Payment.getTransactionUrlByCode(accessToken, code)
const result = await SDK.Payment.getTransactionUrlByCode(accessToken, 'a669adc3b06fe5cef977cc762f40ce8c')
Get list of transactions by code
Payment.getTransactionsByCode(accessToken, code)
const result = await SDK.Payment.getTransactionsByCode(accessToken)
Payment (Quick Pay)
Initiate Quick Pay transaction
Payment.initQuickPay(accessToken, data)
const result = await SDK.Payment.initQuickPay(accessToken, {
authCode: '161108235812586242',
order: {
amount: 100,
currencyType: 'MYR',
id: '12344333233444',
title: 'title',
detail: 'description here',
additionalData: 'API testing',
ipAddress: '',
storeId: '5237968049713769466'
Refund transaction
Payment.refund(accessToken, data)
const result = await SDK.Payment.refund(accessToken, {
transactionId: '181203100634010427614646',
refund: {
type: 'FULL',
currencyType: 'MYR',
amount: 100,
reason: 'testing purpose',
Reverse transaction
Payment.reverse(accessToken, data)
const result = await SDK.Payment.reverse(accessToken, {
orderId: '12345678123'
Get list of payment transactions
const result = await SDK.Payment.getPaymentTransactions(accessToken);
Get payment transaction by Id
Payment.getTransactionById(accessToken, Id)
const result = await SDK.Payment.getPaymentTransactionById(accessToken, '1805260552060011600267');
Get payment trasaction by Order Id
Payment.getTransactionByOrderId(accessToken, orderId)
const result = await SDK.Payment.getPaymentTransactionByOrderId(accessToken, '9809099398273542333339');
Get daily settlement report
Payment.getDailySettlementReport(accessToken, data)
const result = await SDK.Payment.getDailySettlementReport(accessToken, {
date: "2019-01-06",
method: "WECHATPAY",
region: "MALAYSIA",
sequence: 1
Loyalty related API
Give loyalty point - giveLoyaltyPoint(accessToken, data)
const result = await SDK.giveLoyaltyPoint(accessToken, {
point: 100,
countryCode: '60',
phoneNumber: '176473298',
Voucher related API
Issue voucher - issueVoucher(accessToken, batchKey)
const result = await SDK.issueVoucher(
Void voucher - voidVoucher(accessToken, code)
const result = await SDK.voidVoucher(accessToken, 'NAklEfbVdV')
Get voucher by code - getVoucherByCode(accessToken, code)
const result = await SDK.getVoucherByCode(accessToken, 'NAklEfbVdV')
Get list of voucher batches - getVoucherBatches(accessToken)
const result = await SDK.getVoucherBatches(accessToken)
Get voucher batch by key - getVoucherBatchByKey(accessToken, batchKey)
const result = await SDK.getVoucherBatchByKey(
Get WeChat User OAuth URL throught Revenue Monster Official Account
const result = await SDK.getWechatOauthUrl(
Get Revenue Monster Official Account WeChat User Information By Code
const result = await SDK.getWechatUserByCode(