An easy to use Node.js licensing system. Made for Minecraft plugins, but can be used for other things too.
Easy to use licensing system with encryption to keep your data secret
Using built-in Rest API (Express)
var rLicense = require("rlicense");
var system = rLicense("SecretTokenHere");
To create a license, send a POST request to url/api/new/
Body Example: {"product":"example"}
Response Example: {"token":"token","product":"product"}
Required Bearer Token. The token is the "SecretTokenHere"\
To revoke a license, send a POST request to url/api/revoke
Body Example: {"token":"token"}
Response Example: {"success":true}
Required Bearer Token. The token is the "SecretTokenHere"\
To verify a license, send a POST request to url/api/validate
Body Example: {"token":"token","product":"product"}
Response Example: {"valid":true}
To create new api license, send a POST request to url/api/new/SecretTokenHere/ProductNameHere To revoke a license, send a POST request to url/api/revoke/SecretTokenHere/TokenHere To verify send a GET request to url/validate/ProductNameHere/TokenHere
Using the Node API
var rLicense = require("rlicense");
var system = rLicense("SecretTokenHere");
// Validate token by product (If "product" is not provided, it will be using "default" product)
var token = "tokenHere"
console.log("Is token valid: " + system.validate(token, product));
// Create a new token for product (If "product" is not provided, it will be using "default" product)
var tokenData = system.createToken("productName");
var newToken = tokenData.token;
console.log("Data: " + tokenData)
console.log("Token: " + newToken);
// To revoke tokens
var successRevoke = sytem.revoke(newToken);
console.log("Tried revoking token \""+newToken+"\", success: " + successRevoke)
Simple as that, you got a system running.