A simple SVG based graphing library to create dynamic graphs in JavaScript and Angular JS.
RKGraph JS
A simple SVG based graphing library to create dynamic graphs in JavaScript and Angular JS. Predefined graphs consist of Line, Point, Pie Chart, Polyline, Polygon and Curve Graph. It also provides a way to create your own graph using combination of predefined graphs and your imagination. Demo
Writing a simple graph
Let's create a line graph to show datapoints. First import the minified verison of javascript library.
<script type="text/javascript" src="RKGraphs.js"></script>
Now create an object of RKGraph constructor with the configurations (explained later). We will create a simple graph with default style.
var graph = RKGraph.LineGraph({
width: 800,
height: 700,
data: [34, 88, 35, 55]
This will create a blue line graph in document.body with width of 800px and height of 700px. Now let's take it furthur. Specify number of rows and columns.
columns: 20,
rows: 10
This will show 10 datapoints at any particular time and show 20 column intervals in which the given data lie. Now to change the color of the line.
color: 'red'
You can also add gradient to lines and graphs
gradient: 'mygrad',
color: ["rgba(0, 0, 0, .4)", "rgba(0, 0, 0, .4)", "rgba(0, 0, 0, .4)", "rgba(0, 0, 0, .05)"],
direction: "top-bottom"
It defines whether the number of columns should be fixed for the graph or should be generated with time. If false, the columns (X-Axis) will show time interval. Default is false.
It can be an array containing the title of columns such as ["Jan", "Feb", "March"]
or a single integer containing the number of columns to show. If fixedColumn
is set, then it defaults to an empty array, otherwise 5.
For time based columns, it defined the starting time for the graph. Default is 0.
It defines whether the number of rows should be fixed for the graph or should be generated as per the points. If false, the rows (Y-Axis) will show points between the maximum Y-value and minimum Y-value seen until the point. Default is false.
It defines whether the row points (Y-Axis) should show percentage or values. Default is false.
It can be an array containing the title of rows such as ["Jan", "Feb", "March"]
or a single integer containing the number of rows to show. If fixedRows
is set, then it defaults to an empty array, otherwise 5.
It defines whether the data for the new points is provided in batches or continously. Default is false.
It is an array containing the Y-Axis data points for the graph. Default is [].
It defines whether to show an average line in the graph based on the data points seen so far. Default is false.
It defines the width of the graph. Default is 400px.
It defines the height of the graph. Default is 400px.
It takes a Themes
object to customize the look and feel of the graph. Default is Themes.Light
. See Themes
for create custom themes.
It defines whether to show X and Y vertices around the graph. Default is false.
It defines the distance between border to vertices for text. Default is 50px.
It defines the margin from line to text. Default is 40px.
This prevents the graph from clearing the canvas. It allows multiple Graph
objects to share the same canvas and draw multiple graphs. The last Graph
object in the draw chain must have this property to false for proper funtioning. Default is false.
This property allows to create custom graphs. See Custom Graphs
for documentation. Default functionality is to draw a point graph.
Themes are basic color configurations to customize the look and feel of the graph. RKGraph contains 2 themes by default: Light and Dark.
Using Themes
You can pass theme object in theme
property of the configuration object.
var graph = RKGraph.LineGraph({
width: 800,
height: 700,
data: [34, 88, 35, 55],
theme: Themes.Dark
Creating custom themes
A theme object contains these configurations.
textColor: It defines the color of columns and rows text.
verticesColor: It defines the color of X and Y vertices of the graph.
backgroundColor: It defines the background color of the graph.
SVGDoc Constructor
It is used to draw everything on the graph.
width: Width of the graph.
height: Height of the graph.
config: Basic properties object to apply to each SVG elements. Such as class
or style
dom: SVG element in which the entire graph will be drawn.
This clears the attached SVG DOM element.
This method creates a line from ( x1, y1 )
to ( x2, y2 )
. It takes 5 arguments: x1, y1, x2, y2 and config object (HTML properties).
This method creates a circle at ( cx, cy )
with radius r
. It takes 4 arguments: cx, cy, r and config object (HTML properties).
This method creates an arc from at ( cx, cy )
with radius r
from startAngle
to endAngle
. It takes 6 arguments: cx, cy, r, startAngle, endAngle and config object (HTML properties).
This method add a text element in SVG starting from (x, y)
with text str
. It takes 4 arguments: x, y, str and config object (HTML properties).
This method add a rect element in SVG starting from (x, y)
with width
and height
. It takes 5 arguments: x, y, width, height and config object (HTML properties).
This method add a polyline element in SVG with the given datapoints
. It takes 2 arguments: dataPoints and config object (HTML properties).
This method add a polygon element in SVG with the given datapoints
. It takes 2 arguments: dataPoints and config object (HTML properties).
This method add a path element in SVG with the given strPath
param. It takes 2 arguments: strPath and config object (HTML properties).
This method add a qudratic bezier curve using path element in SVG with the given datapoints
. It takes 2 arguments: dataPoints and config object (HTML properties).
This method add a linear gradient element in SVG with the given name
and color
and direction
. It takes 3 arguments: name, colors and direction.
Predefined Graphs
It creates a Point graph with the given configurations object.
Additional Configurations
radius: The radius of points in the graph.
color: color of the point.
className: class name to be given to each data point in the graph for easy CSS manipulations.
doDuplication: whether to create two copies of the same data points at the same position for more effect.
dupClass: class name of the duplicated point.
averageLineColor: color of the average line.
var g = RKGraph.PointGraph({
width: 800,
height: 700,
columns: 5,
rows: 10,
data: [1,2,3,4,5]
It creates a Bar graph with the given configurations object.
Additional Configurations
color: color of the bar.
className: class name to be given to each data point bar in the graph for easy CSS manipulations.
doDuplication: whether to create two copies of the same data points at the same position for more effect.
dupClass: class name of the duplicated bar.
barspacing: spacing between two consecutive data point bar. Default is 20px.
stroke: defines whether to stroke the bar or fill it with given color. Default is false(fill).
averageLineColor: color of the average line.
var g = RKGraph.BarGraph({
width: 800,
height: 700,
columns: 5,
rows: 10,
data: [1,2,3,4,5]
It creates a Line graph with the given configurations object.
Additional Configurations
color: color of the line.
className: class name to be given to each data point line in the graph for easy CSS manipulations.
doDuplication: whether to create two copies of the same data point line at the same position for more effect.
dupClass: class name of the duplicated line.
strokeWidth: width of the stroke. Default is 5px.
averageLineColor: color of the average line.
var g = RKGraph.LineGraph({
width: 800,
height: 700,
columns: 5,
rows: 10,
data: [1,2,3,4,5]
It creates a Polyline graph with the given configurations object.
Additional Configurations
color: color of the polyline.
className: class name to be given to each data point polyline in the graph for easy CSS manipulations.
doDuplication: whether to create two copies of the same data point polyline at the same position for more effect.
dupClass: class name of the duplicated polyline.
stroke: defines whether to stroke the polyline or fill it with given color. Default is false(fill).
strokeWidth: width of the stroke. Default is 5px.
averageLineColor: color of the average line.
var g = RKGraph.PolylineGraph({
width: 800,
height: 700,
columns: 5,
rows: 10,
data: [1,2,3,4,5]
It creates a Polygon graph with the given configurations object.
Additional Configurations
color: color of the polygon.
className: class name to be given to each data point polygon in the graph for easy CSS manipulations.
doDuplication: whether to create two copies of the same data point polygon at the same position for more effect.
dupClass: class name of the duplicated polygon.
stroke: defines whether to stroke the polygon or fill it with given color. Default is false(fill).
averageLineColor: color of the average line.
var g = RKGraph.PolygonGraph({
width: 800,
height: 700,
columns: 5,
rows: 10,
data: [1,2,3,4,5]
It creates a Pie graph with the given configurations object.
Additional Configurations
color: list of colors equal to number of data points.
className: class name to be given to each data point arc in the graph for easy CSS manipulations.
doDuplication: whether to create two copies of the same data point arc at the same position for more effect.
dupClass: class name of the duplicated arc.
stroke: defines whether to stroke the arc or fill it with given color. Default is false(fill).
var g = new RKGraph.PieGraph({
width: 400,
height: 400,
data: [44, 99, 1000, 50],
color: ["#e74c3c", "#2ecc71", "#3498db", "#e67e22"],
fixedcolumns: true,
columns: ["Red", "Green", "Blue", "Orange"],
theme: "dark",
doDup: true,
dupClass: "pop"
It creates a BezierCurve graph with the given configurations object.
Additional Configurations
color: color of the curve.
className: class name to be given to each data point curve in the graph for easy CSS manipulations.
doDuplication: whether to create two copies of the same data point curve at the same position for more effect.
dupClass: class name of the duplicated curve.
stroke: defines whether to stroke the curve or fill it with given color. Default is false(fill).
strokeWidth: width of the stroke. Default is 5px.
averageLineColor: color of the average line.
var g = RKGraph.CurveGraph({
width: 800,
height: 700,
columns: 5,
rows: 10,
data: [1,2,3,4,5],
color: "blue",
averageLineColor: "#000",
showAverage: true
Custom Graphs
The functionality of RKGraph
can be extended by drawing custom graphs. The configuration object of Graph
takes customDraw
property which allows user to create custom data points drawing functionality.
Creating Simple Custom Graph
First create a method that takes 5 arguments. For our simple example, we will create a graph which shows point graph but the first and last point is a bar graph.
function myCustomDraw(svgDoc, prevPoint, currPoint, nextPoint, config) {
// if first or last point
if(prevPoint == null || nextPoint == null) {
// draw a bar
// get row width
var bar_width = (config.right - config.left - (config.cols-1)*5) / (config.cols);
svgDoc.Rect(currPoint.x - bar_width/2, currPoint.y, bar_width, config.bottom - currPoint.y, {
"fill": "blue"
} else {
// draw a point
svgDoc.Circle(currPoint.x, currPoint.y, 5, {
"fill": "blue"
Now set this method as callback for customDraw
property in configuration object.
var graph = RKGraph.LineGraph({
width: 800,
height: 700,
data: [34, 88, 35, 55],
customDraw: myCustomDraw
It contains the SVGDoc
object which is used to draw everything on the graph. See SVGDoc
documentation for more details.
It contains the previous data point if exists, otherwise null.
It contains the current data point in the iteration.
It contains the next data point if exists, otherwise null.
It contains the basic configurations required to draw points on the graphs.
theme: The theme of the graph.
length: Number fo data points on the graph to show.
top: Top most corner of the graph.
left: Left most corner of the graph.
right: Right most corner of the graph.
bottom: Bottom most corner of the graph.
rows: Number of rows in the graph.
cols: Number of columns in the graph.
Updating graphs
The graph object has one method Add()
which allows user to add data points programmatically.
var g = RKGraph.LineGraph({
width: 800,
height: 700,
columns: 5,
rows: 10,
data: [1,2,3,4,5],
color: "blue",
averageLineColor: "#000",
showAverage: true
// add a new point
// keep adding points between (0, 100)
setInterval(function() {
datapoint = random(0, 100);
}, 1000/5);
Angular 1.6 Module
Simple Example
Let's create a simple line graph in angularJS. Include the JS file angular-RKGraph.js
and create a line graph using modules.
<body ng-app="myapp" ng-controller="myctrl">
<linegraph width="300" height="300" data-inputs="data" data-columns="10" data-average="black" data-theme="light" data-color="#2980b9"></linegraph>
Now to create an app and controller in JavaScript
var app = angular.module("myapp", ['RKGraph']);
app.controller("myctrl", function($scope, GraphProvider) {
$scope.data = [5,6,7,3];
Updating graphs
Now that you have created your simple line graph from above example. Let's try to add a data point in $scope.data
. It will immediately be reflected in the graph. Let's add random data points to the graph.
var app = angular.module("myapp", ['RKGraph']);
app.controller("myctrl", function($scope, $interval, GraphProvider) {
$scope.data = [5,6,7,3];
$interval(function() {
$scope.data.push(Math.random() * 100);
}, 100);
Supported Directives
- piegraph
- polygongraph
- polylinegraph
- bargraph
- pointgraph
- linegraph