**Risloo Profile CLI** is a library for creating profiles, reports and sheets for *psychological* samples.
Risloo Profile CLI is a library for creating profiles, reports and sheets for psychological samples.
In order to install the package, you can write the code below in your terminal:
npm install -g risloo-profile-cli
How Does It Work?
This library is equipped with a CLI in order to create the profiles, reports and sheets you need for your samples. The structure of the CLI is as follows:
Main Structure
risloo [command]
extract|D <sampleName> [sampleOutputs...] [options]
gift|G [options]
test|T [options]
extract Command
Using this command, you can draw extract profiles, reports and sheets out of psychological samples.
sampleName Name of the Sample
sampleOutputs Outputs To Be Extracted Out of Sample, Choices: {profile, report, sheet}, Default: ["profile"]
-p, --profile-variant <variant> Variant of the Profile, Choices: {both, raw, with-sidebar}, Default: both
-i, --input-type <type> Type of Input, Choices: {local, remote, raw-json, stdin}, Default: local
-d, --input-data <data> Input Data
-o, --output-type <type> Type of Output, Choices: {local, remote}, Default: local
-a, --output-address <address> Output Address
-n, --name <name> Name of Output Profile (Required in "stdin" Input Type)
-m, --measure Additional Feature for Measuring Dimensions and Distances, Default: false
-b, --benchmark Time Benchmarking of Command, Default: false
gift Command
Using this command, you can create special gifts for users and customers.
-s, --gift-status <status> Gift Status, Choices: {both, open, expired}, Default: both
-i, --input-type <type> Type of Input, Choices: {raw-json, local}, Default: raw-json
-d, --input-data <data> Input Data
-a, --output-address <address> Output Address
-b, --benchmark Time Benchmarking of Command, Default: false
CLI Status Codes
The Status Codes after entering a command is as follows:
Profiles Status:
| Status Code | Label | Description | | ----------- | ----- | ----------- | | 0 | Success | Profiles Successfully Created! | | 1 | Not Found | Input Data File Does Not Exist! | | 2 | Profile JS Error | Error in Instantiating the Profile Object | | 3 | Invalid Name | Profile Name Is Not Valid | | 4 | Not Found | Profile Template File Does Not Exist | | 5 | General Error | Something Went Wrong In The Input Data File! | | 6 | General Error | Something Went Wrong In The JS Files! |
Gifts Status:
| Status Code | Label | Description | | ----------- | ----- | ----------- | | 0 | Success | Gifts Successfully Created! |
Naming Variables Stratrgy
This part is of great importance if you are going to develop and change the source code. We tried much to make code neat and clean, hence commented nearly completely, so that you on the role of developer are able to understand the code rationale as soon as possible!!
The rules taken into account in the time of creating the variables are:
- items is the general term for array of data elements to be drawn inside the profile. An item might contain mark, label, numerical (and maybe non-numerical) values required for drawing (e.g. width, angle, point coordinate, color, opacity and ...).
- If there is the total data element and it has enough differences from other elements (so-called items), we name it raw which is an object with properties identical to any element of items.
- If there is any scale or periodic graduation in the profile, we name it ticks which is an array including objects with tick number, numerical parameter required for drawing (e.g. coordinate, angle, width, height or ...).
- The s located at the end of a variable name denotes the array nature of that variable and there is no need for the matter to be emphasized with the suffix Arr.
- Structure for the Dataset Score:
dataset.score = [{label: {eng, ...others}, mark}]