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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Rinocloud lets you schedule tasks when files are created. Its useful for processing data automatically if your doing experiments or simulations.





Rinocloud lets you schedule tasks when files are created. Its useful for processing data automatically if your doing experiments or simulations.

This is the command line version of the program, not to be confused with the full rinobot app.

Getting started

Install from npm - you'll need node and npm installed

npm install rinobot -g

To run rinobot just type:

rinobot path/to/watch/

rinobot will then check the path for a rino.yaml file. If it exists it will start watching.


The rino.yaml file describes the tasks you want done when a file appears in the watched directory.

We call these collection of tasks a pipeline. When a file is created, it will be run through the pipeline. If any of the tasks in the pipeline fail, we will queue the pipeline and try it again later.


Here is a simple example that uploads all .txt files that appear in a directory

apiToken: 8186755009251ef0bbb273fbc86d7b9caa228374

  - match: "*.txt"
    command: "rinocloud-upload"
    on: add

And here is an example that calls the python script and plots the data and the uploads the .txt and .png file.

apiToken: 8186755009251ef0bbb273fbc86d7b9caa228374

  - "*.py"

  - match: "*.txt"
    command: "python"
    args: " {{filepath}}"

  - match: "*.txt"
    command: "rinocloud-upload"
    on: add

  - match: "*.png"
    command: "rinocloud-upload"
    on: add

Here is the file:

import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fpath = sys.argv[1]
data =  np.loadtxt(fpath)

plt.imshow(data, extent=[0, 100, 0, 1], aspect='auto')
plt.savefig(fpath.replace('.txt', '.png'))


This section is only relevant if you want to integrate rinobot with your javascript codebase or to develop rinobot itself.

To get setup run

npm install

And to start testing run

npm run test

All the source code lives in src/, the source is all es6 javascript, so it needs to be transpiled before we can distribute. So run npm run build to create the library is the dist/ folder.


const watchPath = 'some/dir'

const w = watcher
  .on('all', (event, path, stats) => {
    var p = new pipeline.Pipeline({
      on_complete: function(pipeline){ console.log(pipeline.relPath + ' done') }
      on_log: function(pipeline, msg){ console.log(pipeline.relPath + ' ' + msg) }


import {pipeline} from 'rinobot'
const p = new pipeline.Pipeline(options)

options has three required properties

  • event: String, the name of the event given by chokidar
  • path: Path, the path given by the chokidar event
  • watchPath: Path, the path of the root directory being watched

options has some optional properties

  • on_complete: function(pipeline), called when the entire pipeline completes successfully
  • on_error: function(pipeline, err), called if the pipeline fails to complete - the pipeline will abort before the error is thrown
  • on_ignore: function(pipeline), called if the pipeline ignores the file
  • on_log: function(pipeline, message), general log for entire pipeline
  • on_task_complete: function(pipeline, task, err), called when a task completes
  • on_task_error: function(pipeline, task), called when a task fails - the pipeline will abort
  • on_task_ignore: function(pipeline, task), called if the task has already been completed, or ignored for some other reason
  • api: rinocloud-javascript api instance, defaults to making its own instance


import {task} from 'rinobot'
const t = new task.Task(options)

A task will run on a schedule in series. And a group of tasks in a pipeline will all run in series with respect to all the other pipeline tasks.

If a pipeline fails, its tasks are removed from the queue and then there is a timeout and the pipeline is put to the end of the queue again.


import {watcher} from 'rinobot'

Chokidar is the library we use to monitor files, and we have a specific functions getChokidar to get the chokidar instance, this is because sometimes the pipelines and watcher operate in different process threads (for example in an electron.js application).

const chokidar = watcher.getChokidar()

Add a watcher to the list of watchers


Close all the watchers


Close a specific watcher by index


Rinobot.js event specification

Chokidar events:

  1. add
    • Triggered upon creating file, renaming file, renaming one of the parent folders, moving parent folder, moving file
  2. unlink
    • Triggered upon deleting file, renaming file, renaming one of the parent folders, moving parent folder, moving file
  3. addDir
    • Triggered upon creating folder, renaming folder, renaming one of the parent folders, moving parent folder
  4. unlinkDir
    • Triggered upon deleting folder, renaming folder, renaming one of the parent folders, moving parent folder
  5. change
    • Upon overwriting

User actions:

  1. Create folder (addDir event)
  2. Create file (add event)
  3. Delete folder (unlinkDir or crashing program)
  4. Delete file (unlink event)
  5. Rename folder (unlinkDir + addDir events + multiple unlink, add, unlinkDir, addDir events for subfolders and files within)
  6. Rename file (unlink + add events)
  7. Change file (change event)
  8. Move folder (unlinkDir + addDir events + multiple unlink, add, unlinkDir, addDir events for subfolders and files within).
  9. Move file (unlink + add events)

Discriminating user actions:

  1. No previously triggered unlink or unlinkDir event within 1 or 2 sec - create file or folder
  2. No following triggered add oraddDir event within 1 or 2 sec - delete file or folder
  3. If sequent unlink + add (issue: the order is not necessarily the same) triggered, can be:
    • Renamed file (how to discriminate: events only two, the same base path)
    • Renamed parent folder (Accompanied by at least unlinkDir + addDir. If the file is within modified folder path, only the modified folder has to be updated).
    • Moved file (Events only two, different base path, file name the same. Issue: multiple files moved)
    • Moved parent folder (Accompanied by at least unlinkDir + addDir. If the file is within modified folder path, only the top modified folder has to be updated)
  4. If sequent unlinkDir + addDir (the order is not necessarily the same) triggered, can be:
    • Renamed folder (find the top)