This module is used to display popup box with ajax or inline content
RibsPopup is a package to display popup box with ajax or inline content
How install it ?
npm install ribs-popup
How use it ?
import css
You have just to add followings lines to you head in html
<link rel="stylesheet" src="node_modules/ribs-popup/dist/css/style.min.css" />
import js
At the end of your body, you have just to add followings lines in html
<link rel="stylesheet" src="node_modules/ribs-popup/dist/js/ribs-popup.js" />
open a popup
<a href="#" data-ribspopup data-popup="popup-test">Supprimer ce compte</a>
To open a popup, you just have to put in the html element you want those attributes :
- data-ribspopup : that will be trigger by the js to add event on click (required)
- data-popup : the div you want to open in the popup (required)
- data-ajax : recieve the url to open in ajax (will put content in #set-content of the popup)
the popup div
<div class="ribs-popup" id="popup-test">
<div class="content">
<div id="set-content">
<h2>Are you sure you want to delete this item ?</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. A ad commodi corporis cupiditate explicabo<br/></p>
<p class="warning">You can go back if you delete !</p>
<div class="link">
<a class="cancel" data-close>Cancel</a>
<a href="#" class="validate" data-validate>Validate</a>
<div class="clear"></div>
You just have to put the code below in your HTML. YOu have some elements that are required :
- data-close : the element that will be used to close the popup
- data-validate : to validate a link. To send to a url add data-href="you-url" or data-form"form-id" to submit it
- #set-content div that will be triggered when you load ajax content. It will be put in it.