A framework for a Realtime Integrated Backend
Rib-Server is the simplest way to create and horizontally scale a realtime backend. This should be coupled with rib-client to create a simple real-time application. Rib-Server allows you to call client-side functions directly from the server.
For the official github, please click here.
let RibServer = require("rib-server").default
RibServer.startServer(5000, "This is much easier to program")
let myRib = new RibServer()
myRib.onConnect((client) => {
// call the client-side function sendMSG on all clients except the one that just connected
myRib.clientFunctions.sendMSG("Someone else joined the party 🎊", { query: { _ribId: { $ne: client._ribId } }})
// call the client-side function sendMSG for just the newly connected client
myRib.clientFunctions.sendMSG("Welcome to this example 😃", { query: client })
function logMessage(msg) {
logMessage.argTypes = ["string"] // validates client passed 1st parameter of type string
function add(x, y) {
return x + y
add.argTypes = ["number", "number"] // validates client passed 1st & 2nd parameter of type number
myRib.exposeFunctions([logMessage, add]) // allows us to call add & logMessage functions from the client
startServer: Static Function
const PORT = 5000
RibServer.startServer(PORT, `Started up on port ${PORT}`)
Starts up a server with a specified port and an optional message log.
setRedisUrl: Static Function
Link to a redis server. This is for horizontal scaling your application. More can be found on the official redis documentation at https://redis.io/.
setRoute: Static Function
RibServer.setRoute("/", `${ __dirname }/Home/Client/index.html`)
Set a route for your application and the file to send with the associated route.
setClientFolder: Static Function
{ path: "/Home/Client/", fullPath: `${ __dirname }/Home/Client/` }
Set static folder that can be accessed by a client.
setClientFolders: Static Function
{ path: "/Home/Scripts/", fullPath: `${ __dirname }/Home/Scripts/` },
{ path: "/Home/Styles/", fullPath: `${ __dirname }/Home/Styles/` },
Set static folders that can be accessed by a client.
getApp: Static Function
const app = RibServer.getApp()
Get express app to use for middleware.
Instantiate Rib Server:
let myRib = new RibServer()
Note: The constructor takes two optional parameters. The first is the namespace that the client is trying to connect to(default is "/"). The second is whether or not you want to use the singleton design pattern(default is true).
onConnect: Function
myRib.onConnect((client) => {
Call a function after a client connects to the server. The object given is called a Persistent Client Object(PCO for short). This object is given each time a client calls a serverside function, and you can attach any data to this object and it will be persistent each time that client calls a server side function.
onDisconnect: Function
myRib.onDisconnect((client) => {
console.log("A client disconnected 🙁")
Call a function when a client disconnects from the server. The callback value is a Persistent Client Object(PCO for short).
exposeFunction: Function
function add(x, y) {
return x + y
add.argTypes = ["number", "number"]
Expose a server-side function that can be called from the rib-client instance. If argTypes is an added onto the function, aka functionName.argTypes = [], then this function's arguments will be validated before executing the function. Recognized argtypes are "undefined", "object", "boolean", "number", "string", "symbol", "null", and "any".
exposeFunctions: Function
Expose an array of server-side functions that can be called with a rib-client instance. If argTypes is added onto a function, functionName.argTypes = [], then that function's arguments will be validated before executing the function. Recognized argtypes are "undefined", "object", "boolean", "number", "string", "symbol", "null", and "any".
concealFunction: Function
Conceal a server-side function where it can no longer be accessed from all clients.
concealFunctions: Function
Conceal server-side functions where they can no longer be accessed from the client.
possibleClientFunctions: Function
myRib.possibleClientFunctions = ["logMessage"]
Gives ability to call your client-side functions with ease of mind by setting an array of possible client-side functions.
call: Function
"Log this message client side 👋🏻",
{ query: { locationId: client.locationId } },
The safest way to call a client function.
runPOF: Function
const res = await app.runPOF(
{ locationId: locationId.toString() },
) // run function getName on each PCO whose locationId matches specified
Run a persistent object function that matches a query