Post data generator for RealFaviconGenerator API
Post data generator for RealFaviconGenerator API
- Inspired by and originally from evilebottnawi/favicons
- Extracted and reduced to work with the RealFaviconGenerator API only.
Usage example
// create config
// package.json information might be useful
const pkg = require('./package');
// can be also created by extending the default config: require('rfg-config').defaultConf
const conf = {
appName: pkg.name, // Your application's name. `string`
appDescription: pkg.description, // Your application's description. `string`
developerName: null, // Your (or your developer's) name. `string`
developerURL: null, // Your (or your developer's) URL. `string`
background: '#fff', // Background colour for flattened icons. `string`
path: '/', // Path for overriding default icons path. `string`
display: 'browser', // Android display: "browser" or "standalone". `string`
orientation: 'portrait', // Android orientation: "portrait" or "landscape". `string`
start_url: '/', // Android start application's URL. `string`
version: pkg.version, // Your application's version number. `number`
icons: {
// Platform Options:
// - offset - offset in percentage
// - shadow - drop shadow for Android icons, available online only
// - background:
// * false - use default
// * true - force use default, e.g. set background for Android icons
// * color - set background for the specified icons
// e. g. to create Opera Coast icon with offset 25%:
// coast: {
// offset: '25%'
// }
android: true, // Create Android homescreen icon. `boolean` or `{ offset, background, shadow }`
appleIcon: true, // Create Apple touch icons. `boolean` or `{ offset, background }`
appleStartup: true, // Create Apple startup images. `boolean` or `{ offset, background }`
coast: true, // Create Opera Coast icon. `boolean` or `{ offset, background }`
favicons: true, // Create regular favicons. `boolean`
firefox: true, // Create Firefox OS icons. `boolean` or `{ offset, background }`
windows: true, // Create Windows 8 tile icons. `boolean` or `{ background }`
yandex: true // Create Yandex browser icon. `boolean` or `{ background }`
// generate post data
const postData = require('rfg-config').createPost('path/to/logo.png', conf);
// post
const Client = require('node-rest-client').Client;
const client = new Client();
client.post('https://realfavicongenerator.net/api/favicon', {
data: postData,
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
}, (data, response) => {
// ...