Simple NodeJS logging lib - no dependencys. Colored console.log or log to files. Default logging functions: info, success, waring, error. Custom functions can be added. Display prefix and time for the logs.
Simple and Ready logging lib - no dependencys.
npm install rf-log
Example 1
let log = require("rf-log").start("[SYSTEM-XY]");
log.success("Use the default functions here.");
log.info("The mainPrefix before is usefull - tells who loggs");
log.warning("Optionals use 'time' option");
log.error("short logs are nice - icons are shorter than words like 'error'");
log.critical("same as 'error', but also throws an Error and stops your app");
Example 2
var log = require("rf-log");
log.info('simple log');
log.withTime.success('log with time');
log.options.mainPrefix = '[SYSTEM-XY]';
log.success('log with prefix, several args', {'hello': 'world'});
Second prefix for libs
This helps to find the origin of a message faster
// NOTE: we assume this is a lib, and rf-log was already started in another file with the mainPrefix '[yourProcess]'
// start the logger and tell it the name of your lib
var log = require('rf-log').prefix('[DB-module]')
// no need mention `DB Module` again
log.info('receiving data')
log.error('connection refusing')
Log to a file
var log = require(rf-log);
log.options.logFilePath = __dirname + "/log.txt";
log.success("this works", {"hello": "world"});
var options = require(rf-log).options;
// the object is in every `require(rf-log)` present and looks like:
mainPrefix: '',
time: false,
timeLocale: 'en-US',
timeOptions: { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', second: 'numeric' },
logFilePath: '',
carriageReturn: true
Docs of time options
The lib uses Date.toLocaleString to create a time log. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3552461/how-to-format-a-javascript-date
Docs of color options
How the lib works - creation of the strings
Each string is built in the following pattern:
prefix + mainPrefix + secondPrefix + time + argumentsToLog
Development and Testing
npm install
To be able to run grunt-eslint. Run a test script and eslint
npm test
Legal Issues
- Licenese: MIT
- Author: Felix Furtmayr