rf-api implementation for RPC over websockets using JSON messages with optional ACL
rf-api implementation for RPC over websockets using JSON messages with optional ACL.
ws server
- Uses express server instance
- Websocket communication service
- Allows safe RPC
- Uses JSON messages
ws methods
Add a simple callback handler. Errors can be signalled via exceptions Any previous handler with the same func name will be replaced.
services.addHandler (funcName, callback, acl = {})
The name of the handler. In order for the handler to be called, this needs to be used in the func attribute of the received websocket message.callback
The handler function(msg, responseCallback(msg))acl
Optional ACD configuraton
Add a promise callback handler that either resolves to null (no response) or to response data and signals exceptions via rejection (logged, no response. Any previous handler with the same func name will be replaced.
services.addPromiseHandler (funcName, genPromise, acl = {})
The name of the handler. In order for the handler to be called, this needs to be used in the func attribute of the received websocket message.callback
The handler function(msg, responseCallback(msg))acl
Optional ACD configuraton
services.sendObj (ws, obj)
TODO: integrate callbackID maybe one raw send method, and one preconfigured (default to use)
Send the given object to ALL the currently connected websockets NOTE: This sends the object as-is.
services.broadcast (obj)
Getting started
start the package
When the module is started, the websocket server and handler is automatically registered against the HTTP server. You dont need to start the server manually!
// prepare backend
var config = require('rf-config').init(__dirname); // config
var http = require('rf-http').start({ // webserver
pathsWebserver: config.paths.webserver,
port: config.port
var API = require('rf-api').start({app: http.app}); // prepare api
var mongooseMulti = require('mongoose-multi'); // databases
var db = mongooseMulti.start(config.db.urls, config.paths.schemas);
db.global.mongooseConnection.once('open', function () {
// optional: start access control; has to be done before starting the websocket
db: db,
app: http.app,
sessionSecret: dbSettings.sessionSecret.value
// start websocket connection;
require('rf-api-websocket').start({API: API, http: http});
// start requests
API.startApiFiles(config.paths.apis, function (startApi) {
startApi(db, API, services);
Use Websocket requests
Websocket messages have the form: {func: "", data: {...}, token: ""} Any other attributes are copied to the response
Register a handler like this:
API.onWSMessage("myfunc", (msg, respondWS, userInfo) => {
// userInfo contains the object extracted from the JWT (or {} if no token was supplied)
// If the user does not have the required permissions or the message is malformed,
// this function is not called but instead an error msg is sent!
if(!userInfo.isAdmin) {
return false;
// Handle message (msg is .data of the original message)
// Then send response. Convention is to have an err attribute
respondWS({err: null, info: "It works"});
// NOTE: You can call respondWS multiple times if required!
}, {}) // Empty ACL => no auth required
See the rf-acl
package for documentation about the ACL syntax
If you are using Promises, use this syntax
API.onWSMessagePromise("myfunc", (msg, respondWS, userInfo) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if(!userInfo.isAdmin) {
return reject("nope"); // Will send {err: "nope"}
return resolve({"foo": "bar"}); // will send {err: null, "foo": "bar"}
}, {}) // Empty ACL => no auth required
Install the dev tools with
npm install
Then you can runs some test cases and eslint with:
npm test
Generate Docs:
npm run-script doc
To Do
- get the everything running
Legal Issues
- License: MIT
- Author: Rapidfacture GmbH