Converts resx files to json and optionaly generates a TypeScript resourceManager.
Source code for node module: resx-json-typescript-converter
A node module for generating json-files and (optionally) an additional TypeScript resourceManager based on one or multiple resx-files.
This module is usually used in grunt or other taskrunners during development to make text resources from resx-files available in JavaScript and Typescript
npm install --save-dev resx-json-typescript-converter
The resx-json-typescript-converter is exported as a commonjs module. To use it in your environment (e.g. with Grunt) you need to require or import the corresponding function from the module.
Example usage:
let resxConverter = require('resx-json-converter');
resxConverter.convertResx(['./App_GlobalResources/ResourceBase.en.resx', './App_GlobalResources/', './App_GlobalResources/ResourceBase.resx'], './App_Assets/TS/resources', { defaultResxCulture: 'de', mergeCulturesToSingleFile: true, generateTypeScriptResourceManager: true, searchRecursive: true });
A call to the convertResx function has a few required and optional parameters:
resxInput - A single string or an array of strings pointing either to individual resx files or to folders containing resx files that should be included.
outputFolder - The output folder where the generated *.json files and the optionally generated resourceManager should be created/saved.
options - The option for the conversion is an Object with following keys:
defaultResxCulture: 'de',
mergeCulturesToSingleFile: true,
generateTypeScriptResourceManager: true,
searchRecursive: true
defaultResxCulture - The default resx culture is used in two cases. First there might be resx-files that do not contain a culture in their filename (e.g. ResourceBase.resx, as opposed to fr is used as culture of the resource file). For this files the defaultResxCulture is used. (Default: 'en')
mergeCulturesToSingleFile - Combine teh cultures of a resource file into one json file or export a separate json for ech culture version. (Default: true)
generateTypeScriptResourceManager - Generate a TypeScript resourceManager module that imports the json files for simple access to the resources in TypeScript. (Default: true)
searchRecursive - Determines if input folders should be searched for *.resx files recursively. (Default: false)
Usage of the JSON-files
If you are not using the generated TypeScript resourceManager you are free to import, ajax-load or otherwise use the json files.
Usage of the TypeScript resourceManager
Needs some documentation