8devices sensor network REST server API and demo
Example program This example shows basic restserver-api usage.
const restAPI = require('restserver-api');
const { Lwm2m } = restAPI;
const { RESOURCE_TYPE, encodeResource, decodeResource } = Lwm2m.TLV;
console.log('Initialize service and endpoint');
const service = new restAPI.Service();
const device = new restAPI.Device(service, 'urn:uuid:17200d69-ec9b-43b3-9051-73df2207907c');
console.log('Encode resource to TLV format');
const tlvBuffer = encodeResource({
identifier: 3,
value: 60
console.log('Start service');
service.start().then(() => {
console.log('Service started');
console.log('Writing into device\'s resource');
device.write('/3/0/7', (status) => {
console.log('Received response with status: ', status);
console.log('Stopping service');
service.stop().then(() => {
console.log('Service stopped');
}, tlvBuffer);
This class represents device (endpoint).
Kind: global class
- Device
- new Device(service, id)
- .getObjects() ⇒ Promise
- .read(path, callback) ⇒ Promise
- .write(path, callback, payload, type) ⇒ Promise
- .execute(path, callback, payload, type) ⇒ Promise
- .observe(path, callback) ⇒ Promise
- .cancelObserve(path) ⇒ Promise
new Device(service, id)
Constructor initiliazes given service object, device's id and starts listening for events emited by service (when device registers, updates, deregisters, sends data), handles "async responses" and emits "register", "update", "deregister" events.
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | service | object | Service object | | id | string | Endpoint id |
const restAPI = require('restserver-api');
const service = new restAPI.Service(serviceOptions);
const device = new restAPI.Device(service, 'deviceId');
device.getObjects() ⇒ Promise
Sends request to get all device's objects.
Kind: instance method of Device
Returns: Promise - Promise object with device's objects
device.getObjects().then((resp) => {
// resp = [ { uri: '/1/0' }, { uri: '/2/0' }, ... ]
}).catch((err) => {
// err - exception message object or status code
});, callback) ⇒ Promise
Sends request to read device's resource data.
Kind: instance method of Device
Returns: Promise - Promise with async response id
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | path | string | Resource path | | callback | function | Callback which will be called when async response is received |
Example, (status, payload) => {
// status = 200
// payload = 4RbaAA==
}).then((asyncResponseId) => {
// asyncResponseId = 1533889157#42f26784-1a8d-4861-36aa-d88f
}).catch((err) => {
// err - exception object or status code
device.write(path, callback, payload, type) ⇒ Promise
Sends request to write a value into device's resource.
Kind: instance method of Device
Returns: Promise - Promise with async response id
| Param | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | path | string | | Resource path | | callback | function | | Callback which will be called when async response is received | | payload | buffer | | Data (optional) | | type | string | "application/vnd.oma.lwm2m+tlv" | Content type (optional) |
device.write(path, (status) => {
// status = 202
}, payload).then((asyncResponseId) => {
// asyncResponseId = 1533889926#870a3f17-3e21-b6ad-f63d-5cfe
}).catch((err) => {
// err - exception object or status code
device.execute(path, callback, payload, type) ⇒ Promise
Sends request to execute device's resource.
Kind: instance method of Device
Returns: Promise - Promise with async response id
| Param | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | path | string | | Resource path | | callback | function | | Callback which will be called when async response is received | | payload | buffer | | Data (optional) | | type | string | "text/plain" | Content type (optional) |
device.execute(path, (status) => {
// status = 202
}).then((asyncResponseId) => {
// asyncResponseId = 1533889926#870a3f17-3e21-b6ad-f63d-5cfe
}).catch((err) => {
// err - exception object or status code
device.observe(path, callback) ⇒ Promise
Sends request to subscribe to resource.
Kind: instance method of Device
Returns: Promise - Promise with async response id
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | path | string | Resource path | | callback | function | Callback which will be called when async response is received |
device.observe(path, (status, payload) => {
// status = 200
// payload = 4RbaAA==
}).then((asyncResponseId) => {
// asyncResponseId = 1533889157#42f26784-1a8d-4861-36aa-d88f
}).catch((err) => {
// err - exception object or status code
device.cancelObserve(path) ⇒ Promise
Sends request to cancel subscriptions.
Kind: instance method of Device
Returns: Promise - Promise with HTTP status code
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | path | string | Resource path |
device.cancelObserve(path).then((status) => {
// status - status code
}).catch((err) => {
// err - exception object
This class represents REST API service.
Kind: global class
- Service
- new Service(opts)
- .start(opts) ⇒ Promise
- .stop() ⇒ Promise
- .authenticate() ⇒ Promise
- .registerNotificationCallback() ⇒ Promise
- .deleteNotificationCallback() ⇒ Promise
- .checkNotificationCallback() ⇒ Promise
- .pullNotification() ⇒ Promise
- .getDevices() ⇒ Promise
- .getVersion() ⇒ Promise
- .get(path) ⇒ Promise
- .put(path, argument, type) ⇒ Promise
- .delete(path) ⇒ Promise
- .post(path, argument, type) ⇒ Promise
new Service(opts)
Initializes default configurations. Reconfigures with given options.
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | opts | object | Options object (optional) |
const options = {
// REST server's address
host: 'http://localhost:8888',
// CA certificate
ca: '',
// authentication (true or false)
authentication: false,
username: '',
password: '',
// notification polling (true or false)
polling: false,
// time between each poll in miliseconds
interval: 1234,
// port for socket listener (not relevant if polling is enabled)
port: 5728,
new Service(options);
service.start(opts) ⇒ Promise
(Re)starts authentication, socket listener creation and notification callback registration or notification polling processes.
Kind: instance method of Service
Returns: Promise - Promise which fulfills when service is started
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | opts | object | Options object (optional) |
service.start().then(() => {
// started service
}).catch((err) => {
// err - exception object
Example (Passing options object)
const options = {
// REST server's address
host: 'http://localhost:8888',
// CA certificate
ca: '',
// authentication (true or false)
authentication: false,
username: '',
password: '',
// notification polling (true or false)
polling: false,
// time between each poll in miliseconds
interval: 1234,
// port for socket listener (not relevant if polling is enabled)
port: 5728,
service.stop() ⇒ Promise
Stops receiving and processing events Stops this service and all it's subservices that were started in start(). Cleans up resources
Kind: instance method of Service
Returns: Promise - Promise which fulfills when service is stopped
service.stop().then(() => {
// stopped service
service.authenticate() ⇒ Promise
Sends request to authenticate user.
Kind: instance method of Service
Returns: Promise - Promise with authentication data (token and after what time it expires)
service.authenticate().then((resp) => {
// resp = { access_token: 'token-value', expires_in: 3600 }
}).catch((err) => {
// err - exception message object or status code
service.registerNotificationCallback() ⇒ Promise
Sends request to register notification callback.
Kind: instance method of Service
Returns: Promise - Promise which fulfills when notification callback is registered
service.registerNotificationCallback().then(() => {
// notification callback has been registered
}).catch((err) => {
// err - exception object or status code
service.deleteNotificationCallback() ⇒ Promise
Sends request to delete notification callback.
Kind: instance method of Service
Returns: Promise - Promise with HTTP status code
service.deleteNotificationCallback().then((status) => {
// status - status code
}).catch((err) => {
// err - exception object
service.checkNotificationCallback() ⇒ Promise
Sends request to check whether or not notification callback is registered.
Kind: instance method of Service
Returns: Promise - Promise with notification callback data
service.checkNotificationCallback().then((resp) => {
// resp = { url: 'http://localhost:5728/notification', headers: {} }
}).catch((err) => {
// err - exception message object or status code
service.pullNotification() ⇒ Promise
Sends request to get pending/queued notifications.
Kind: instance method of Service
Returns: Promise - Promise with notification data (registrations,
deregistrations, updates, async responses)
service.pullNotification().then((resp) => {
// resp = { registrations: [...], 'reg-updates': [...], ... }
}).catch((err) => {
// err - exception object
service.getDevices() ⇒ Promise
Sends request to get all registered endpoints.
Kind: instance method of Service
Returns: Promise - Promise with a list of endpoints
service.getDevices().then((resp) => {
// resp = [ { name: 'uuid-4567', type: '8dev_3700', ... }, ... ]
}).catch((err) => {
// err - exception message object or status code
service.getVersion() ⇒ Promise
Sends request to get REST server version.
Kind: instance method of Service
Returns: Promise - Promise with REST server's version
service.getVersion().then((resp) => {
// resp = '1.0.0'
}).catch((err) => {
// err - exception object
service.get(path) ⇒ Promise
Performs GET requests with given path.
Kind: instance method of Service
Returns: Promise - Promise with data and response object
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | path | string | Request path |
service.get(path).then((dataAndResponse) => {
// - data object
// dataAndResponse.resp - response object
}).catch((err) => {
// err - exception object
service.put(path, argument, type) ⇒ Promise
Performs PUT requests with given path, data and data type.
Kind: instance method of Service
Returns: Promise - Promise with data and response object
| Param | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | path | string | | Request path | | argument | object | | Data which will be sent (optional) | | type | string | "application/vnd.oma.lwm2m+tlv" | Data type (optional) |
service.delete(path) ⇒ Promise
Performs DELETE requests with given path.
Kind: instance method of Service
Returns: Promise - Promise with data and response object
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | path | string | Request path |, argument, type) ⇒ Promise
Performs POST requests with given path, data and data type.
Kind: instance method of Service
Returns: Promise - Promise with data and response object
| Param | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | path | string | | Request path | | argument | object | | Data which will be sent (optional) | | type | string | "application/vnd.oma.lwm2m+tlv" | Data type (optional) |
Kind: global constant
Represents resource type (NONE, BOOLEAN, INTEGER, FLOAT, STRING, OPAQUE).
Kind: global constant
getDictionaryByValue(dictionaryList, keyName, value) ⇒ Object | string | number
Gets dictionary by given name of the key and value.
Kind: global function
Returns: Object | string | number - dictionary
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | dictionaryList | object | Dictionary list. | | keyName | Object | string | Name of the key | | value | Object | string | number | Value |
encodeResourceValue(resource) ⇒ object
Encodes value of the resource.
Kind: global function
Returns: object - buffer - Buffer of encoded value.
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | resource | object | Object which stores resource value and value's type. |
const resource = {
value: 1
const encodedValue = encodeResourceValue(resource);
// encodedValue = <Buffer 01>
decodeResourceValue(buffer, resource) ⇒ Object | string | number | boolean
Decodes value of the resource.
Kind: global function
Returns: Object | string | number | boolean - value - Decoded value in specified type
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | buffer | object | Buffer which will be decoded. | | resource | object | Object which stores resource value's type. |
const buffer = Buffer.from([0x01]);
const resource = {
const decodedValue = decodeResourceValue(buffer, resource);
// decodedValue = 1
encode(object) ⇒ object
Encodes ant type of instance (Object instance, multiple resources, resources instance, resource).
Kind: global function
Returns: object - buffer - encoded TLV buffer.
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | object | object | object which stores type, identifier and value. |
const resource = {
identifier: 5850,
value: true
const encoded = encode({
identifier: resource.identifier,
value: encodeResourceValue(resource),
// encoded = <Buffer e1 16 da 01>
encodeResourceInstance(resourceInstance) ⇒ object
Encodes resource instance to TLV buffer.
Kind: global function
Returns: object - buffer - Buffer in TLV format
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | resourceInstance | object | Object which stores resource identifier, value and it's type. |
const resourceInstance = {
identifier: 5850,
value: true
const encoded = encodeResourceInstance(resourceInstance);
// encoded = <Buffer e1 16 da 01>
encodeMultipleResourcesTLV(resources) ⇒ object
Encodes multiple resource values to TLV buffer.
Kind: global function
Returns: object - buffer - TLV buffer.
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | resources | object | Object which stores identifier, resource type, and multiple values. |
const resources = {
identifier: 5850,
value: [true, false]
const encoded = encodeMultipleResources(resources);
// encoded = <Buffer a6 16 da 41 00 01 41 01 00>
encodeResource(resource) ⇒ object
Encodes resource to TLV buffer.
Kind: global function
Returns: object - buffer - TLV buffer.
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | resource | object | Object which stores resource identifier, type and value. |
const resource = {
identifier: 5850,
value: true
const encoded = encodeResourcez(resource);
// encoded = <Buffer e1 16 da 01>
encodeObjectInstance(objectInstance) ⇒ object
Encodes LwM2M object instance to TLV buffer.
Kind: global function
Returns: object - buffer - TLV buffer.
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | objectInstance | object | LwM2M object. |
const objectInstance = {
identifier: 0,
resources: [
identifier: 5815,
value: 999.99
const encoded = encodeObjectInstanceTLV(objectInstance);
// encoded = <Buffer 07 00 e4 16 b7 44 79 ff 5c>
encodeObject(object) ⇒ object
Encodes LwM2M object to TLV buffer.
Kind: global function
Returns: object - buffer - TLV buffer.
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | object | object | LwM2M object. |
const object = {
identifier: 3305,
objectInstances: [{
identifier: 0,
resources: [
identifier: 5815,
value: 999.99
const encoded = encodeObject(object);
// encoded = <Buffer 07 00 e4 16 b7 44 79 ff 5c>
decode(buffer) ⇒ object
Decodes any TLV buffer.
Kind: global function
Returns: object - object - Decoded object.
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | buffer | object | encoded TLV buffer. |
const buffer = Buffer.from([0xe1, 0x16, 0xda, 0x01]);
const decoded = TLV.decode(buffer);
// decoded = { type: 3, identifier: 5850, value: <Buffer 01>, tlvSize: 4 }
decodeResourceInstance(buffer, resources) ⇒ object
Decodes resource instance.
Kind: global function
Returns: object - decodedResource - Object which stores resource identifier,
tlvSize resource type and value.
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | buffer | object | Resource instance TLV buffer. | | resources | object | Object which stores resource identifier and resource type. |
const buffer = Buffer.from([0x61, 0x16, 0xda, 0x01]);
const resources = {
identifier: 5850,
const decoded = decodeResourceInstance(buffer, resources);
// decoded = { identifier: 5850, tlvSize: 4, type: TLV.RESOURCE_TYPE.BOOLEAN, value: true }
decodeResourceInstanceValue(buffer, resourceInstance) ⇒ object
Decodes resource instance value
Kind: global function
Returns: object - decodedResourceValue - Decoded resource value
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | buffer | object | Resource instance value TLV buffer | | resourceInstance | object | Object which stores resource type |
const buffer = Buffer.from([0x01]);
const resourceInstance = {
const decoded = decodeResourceInstance(buffer, resources);
// decoded = 1
decodeResource(buffer, resource) ⇒ object
Decodes resource.
Kind: global function
Returns: object - buffer - Decoded resource.
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | buffer | object | Resource TLV buffer | | resource | object | Object which stores identifier and resource type. |
const buffer = Buffer.from([0xe1, 0x16, 0xda, 0x01]);
const resource = {
identifier: 5850,
const decoded = decodeResource(buffer, resource);
// decoded = { identifier: 5850, type: 1, value: true, tlvSize: 4 }
decodeObjectInstance(buffer, objectInstance) ⇒ object
Decodes object instance from TLV buffer.
Kind: global function
Returns: object - object - Decoded object instance.
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | buffer | object | TLV buffer. | | objectInstance | object | Object which stores object instance identifier and resources. |
const buffer = Buffer.from([0x07, 0x00, 0xe4, 0x16, 0xb7, 0x44, 0x79, 0xff, 0x5c]);
const objectInstance: {
identifier: 0,
resources: [
identifier: 5815,
const decoded = decodeObjectInstance(buffer, objectInstance);
// decoded = { identifier: 0, resources: [ { identifier: 5815, type: 3 } ] }
decodeObject(buffer, object) ⇒ object
Decodes LwM2M object to TLV buffer.
Kind: global function
Returns: object - object - Decoded object.
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | buffer | object | TLV buffer. | | object | object | Object which stores object instances with their resources. |
const buffer = Buffer.from([0x07, 0x00, 0xe4, 0x16, 0xb7, 0x44, 0x79, 0xff, 0x5c]);
const object = {
identifier: 3305,
objectInstances: [{
identifier: 0,
resources: [
identifier: 5815,
const decoded = decodeObject(buffer, object);
decoded = {
identifier: 3305,
objectInstances: [
identifier: 0,
resources: [
identifier: 5815,
type: 3,
value: 999.989990234375,
tlvSize: 7