A cli tool to transform *RESTful API* to *GraphQL* with one js config file.
A cli tool to transform RESTful API to GraphQL with one js config file.
Global install:
npm i -g rest2graphql
Local install:
npm i -D rest2graphql
Step 1
Write your RESTful API server, or you already have got one.
Step 2
Write the GraphQL Schema file, each rest api maps to one Query/Mutation
Choosing between
isn't important, just semantic difference. Or maybe some idempotence difference on other community tools.
Step 3
Write the config file, maps those field resolver to rest api queries sent by axios
Copy the config file in the example is smart. 😉
Step 4
Run it: rest2graphql config.js
or shorter r2g config.js
/** @type {import('../src/index').Config} */
// if you install `rest2graphql` locally, you can take advantage of its type with the first line
module.exports = {
debug: true, // defaults to `process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'`, and maybe future logging operations
port: 3000,
// serve static files
// it's `koa-send` options plus `path`(defaults to '') and `historyApiFallback`(defaults to true if index is set)
// or just a string act as root
// and we can serve multiple directories with an array
serve: {
root: 'demo',
index: 'index.html',
// `http-middleware-proxy` parameters array
proxy: [
target: "",
pathRewrite: { '^/api': '' }
axios: {
// `axios-logger` global config:
logger: {},
// `config.axios.interceptors` is just:
// `Record<string, (axios:AxiosInstance, ctx:Koa.Context) => any>`
// you can do things to them and give it a name in the key.
// see `config.graphql.axiosPresets[presetName].interceptors`
interceptors: {
// transmit cookie in both directions
cookie: (axios, ctx) => {
axios.interceptors.request.use(config => {
if (ctx.req.headers.cookie) {
config.headers = { ...config.headers, cookie: ctx.req.headers.cookie };
return config;
axios.interceptors.response.use(res => {
if (res.headers["set-cookie"]) {
ctx.set({ "set-cookie": res.headers["set-cookie"] });
return res;
// `apollo-server-koa Config`, but you can not control the `context`
graphql: {
// schema content or scheme file name like 'schema.gql'
// you can offer an array, so you can split the schema and resolvers to multiple file
typeDefs: `
type User {
id: ID!
name: String!
age: Int!
type Query {
user(id: ID!): User!
// axios presets used in `axios.create(preset)`
// each preset has a name
axiosPresets: {
default: {
baseURL: "",
interceptors: ["cookie"], // use interceptors declared in `config.axios.interceptors`
// `apollo-server-koa` `ApolloServer.applyMiddleware` options
serverRegistration: {
path: '/graphql',
cors: true,
// you can split the resolvers to multiple files and require and spread them in this main config if the schema is too big
resolvers: {
Query: {
// axios request config
// all strings in this axios request config will be evaluated in js(startsWith 'js:') or rendered by ejs with `{source, args, ctx, info}`
user: {
// preset: "default", // defaults to 'default' or set to false to not use a preset
url: "/get_user_by_id",
method: 'post',
params: { id: "", a: 'abc<%= %>defg' },
data: { id: "", a: 'abc<%= %>defg' },
// data selector from axios response
// strings will be evaluated with `{res,}`
// you can do data select in preset or even interceptors
res: { // defaults to this value
data: "",
// if (error) throw error
error: ""