Common errors that can be thrown to simplify promise based api implementations
Rest Api Errors for Nodejs
What is this?
It's a set of errors that can be thrown to break a promise chain in a clean and logical way when creating APIs using NodeJS. I created it because I like promises and I like rest and I like simple. It also keeps me from having to remember the right http status codes to return for various errors.
How do I use it?
Here's an example of an endpoint to delete a Thang.
// delete a thang
app.delete('/thangs/:id', function (req, resp) {
var username = req.user.username;
var id =;
_id: id
}).then(thang => {
if (!thang) {
// give em a 404 with custom error code and message
throw new NotFoundError('thang_not_found', "I can't find that thang :(");
} else if (thang.createdBy !== username) {
// give em a generic 403
throw new ForbiddenError();
// it's all good so actually delete the thang
return Thang.deleteOne({
_id: id
}).then(function () {
}).catch(function (err) {
if(err instanceof ApiError) {
// handle any ApiError with a simple elegant response
code: err.code,
message: err.message
} else {
// handle all other errors in some kinda way
handleError(resp, err);
What errors are supported?
All of following are implemented. Throw them to your hearts content.
- 400 - BadRequest
- 401 - Unauthorized
- 402 - PaymentRequired
- 403 - Forbidden
- 404 - NotFound
- 405 - MethodNotAllowed
- 406 - NotAcceptable
- 407 - ProxyAuthenticationRequired
- 408 - RequestTimeout
- 409 - Conflict
- 410 - Gone
- 411 - LengthRequired
- 412 - PreconditionFailed
- 413 - RequestEntityTooLarge
- 414 - RequestUriTooLong
- 415 - UnsupportedMediaType
- 416 - RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
- 417 - ExpectationFailed
- 418 - IAmATeapot
- 420 - EnhanceYourCalm
- 422 - UnprocessableEntity
- 423 - Locked
- 424 - FailedDependency
- 426 - UpgradeRequired
- 428 - PreconditionRequired
- 429 - TooManyRequests
- 431 - RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
- 444 - NoResponse
- 449 - RetryWith
- 450 - BlockedbyWindowsParentalControls
- 499 - ClientClosedRequest
- 500 - InternalServerError
- 501 - NotImplemented
- 502 - BadGateway
- 503 - ServiceUnavailable
- 504 - GatewayTimeout
- 505 - HTTPVersionNotSupported
- 506 - VariantAlsoNegotiates
- 507 - InsufficientStorage
- 508 - LoopDetected
- 509 - BandwidthLimitExceeded
- 510 - NotExtended
- 511 - NetworkAuthenticationRequired
- 598 - NetworkReadTimeout
- 599 - NetworkConnectTimeout