a canvas react component aiming to generate personalized poster, featured with the responsive locating and sizing of images for display purposes
一个在react框架下利用canvas生成海报的简单组件 A simple REACT component for generating posters
- Take advantage of the simple json-like object to easily use
- With a given area as frame, the image (for example, the NFT image) in it will be automatically positioned and resized to the most suitable place for displaying .
- 通过传入简单的类json数据来轻松使用
- 通过先给定的数据设置相框区域,传入相框内的图片会自动定位并调整大小到最适宜展示的程度
install, import & use
npm i responsive-poster-react
import Poster from 'responsive-poster-react';
<Poster posterData={posterData} />
tips: the 'responsiveImage' item must be set after the 'rect' item to activate the automation 提示:数组中的responsiveImage对象必须被放置在rect对象之后来启用自动定位和调整大小
import bg from './assets/poster_zh.png'
import error from './assets/error.png'
import test from './assets/test.jpg'
const posterData = {
error: error,
exportHeight: 740, // true height of the exported image
cw: 4689, //canvas width
ch: 7364, //canvas height
bgColor: '#808080', //background color
drawData: [
type: 'staticImage', //background image
url: bg,
left: 0,
top: 0,
width: 4689,
height: 7363,
}, //
type: 'text', //
content: '1024',
width: 800,
top: 6050,
left: 450,
fontSize: 260,
fontWeight: 'bold',
color: '#0043a5',
}, //
type: 'text',
content: 'Shinomiya',
top: 4550,
left: 2344.5,
fontSize: 200,
textAlign: 'center',
fontWeight: 'bold',
color: '#000'
type: 'rect',
left: 200,
top: 1200,
width: 4289,
height: 2930,
borderRadius: 200,
borderColor: '#ff0000',
opacity: 1,
type: 'responsiveImage',
url: test
type: 'qrcode',
url: 'http://localhost:3001/',
left: 3590,
top: 6350,
width: 710,
height: 710
const App = () => <Poster
render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'))
key | notes | type | default value | required ---|---|---|---|--- cw| the canvas width | Number| |yes| ch| the canvas height | Number| |yes| bgColor| the canvas background color | String | #ffffff | no| error| the default image if the image load failed| url | | yes| exportHeight| the exported image height, as the width will be auto | Number | |yes| drawData| the main data as below | Array | |yes|
An array of objects and each item can be one of the following:
type: text
draw a line of text key | notes | type | default value | required ---|---|---|---|--- type| must be 'text' | String | |yes| top | the distance between the image top edge and the canvas top edge| Number| 0 |no| left| the distance between the image left edge and the canvas left edge| Number| 0 |no| fontSize| - |Number|16|no color| - | String | '#000' |no baseLine | choose the base line among 'top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom'| String | 'bottom' | no textAlign | 'left', 'right' or 'center' |String | 'center' | no content | the text content to be displayed | String ||yes| opacity |-| Number |1| no fontWeight |-| String or Number |'normal'|no fontStyle| 'normal', 'italic', 'small-caps' or 'normal' etc.|String |'normal'|no fontFamily|-|String|'Microsoft YaHei'|no
draw a line key | notes | type | default value | required ---|---|---|---|--- type| must be 'line' | String | |yes| startX| the x value (same as 'left' above) of the start of the line| Number | |yes| startY| the y value (same as 'top' above) of the start of the line| Number | |yes| endX| the x value of the end of the line| Number | |yes| endY| the y value of the end of the line| Number | |yes| color|-|String|'#000'|no width|line width|Number|1|no| lineCap|same as the css property 'stroke-linecap'|String|'butt'|no
type: staticImage
draw a image key | notes | type | default value | required ---|---|---|---|--- type| must be 'staticImage' | String | |yes| url|the image URI| String||yes top|same as above |Number|0|no left|same as above |Number|0|no width| set the width of the image|Number|0|no height| set the height of the image|Number|0|no borderRadius|same as the css property 'border-radius'|Number|0|no borderWidth| same as the css property 'border-width'|Number|0|no borderColor| same as the css property 'border-color'|String|'rgba(255,255,255,1)'|no
type: qrcode
draw a qrcode key | notes | type | default value | required ---|---|---|---|--- type| must be 'staticImage' | String | |yes| url|the string to be transferred to qrcode|String||yes top|same as above |Number|0|no left|same as above |Number|0|no width| set the width of the image|Number|0|no height| set the height of the image|Number|0|no borderRadius|same as the css property 'border-radius'|Number|0|no borderWidth| same as the css property 'border-width'|Number|0|no borderColor| same as the css property 'border-color'|String|'rgba(255,255,255,1)'|no
type: rect
draw a rectangle or a frame to display key | notes | type | default value | required ---|---|---|---|--- type| must be 'rect' | String | |yes| width|-|Number|0|no height|-|Number|0|yes left|-|Number|0|yes top|-|Number|0|yes backgroundColor|-|String||no borderWidth| same as the css property 'border-width'|Number|0|no borderColor| same as the css property 'border-color'|String|'#000'|no borderRadius|same as the css property 'border-radius'|Number|0|no opacity|-|Number|1| no
tips: the 'responsiveImage' item must be set after the 'rect' item to activate the automation
type: responsiveImage
draw a responsive image that can be automatically positioned and resized key | notes | type | default value | required ---|---|---|---|--- type| must be 'responsiveImage' | String | |yes| url|the image uri|String| |yes