A simple node utility to resize images including sprite sheets and spine animations.
A simple node utility to resize images including sprite sheets and spine animations.
Beta Features:
- Sprite sheet scaling by manipulating the data in JSON files.
- Spine scaling by manipulating the data in atlas files. JSON data is not manipulated so users need to rely on runtime scaling. More info in the below links.
Image resizing can be done using Jimp or Sharp.
npm install -g resource-scaler
resource-scaler -i resources/scale-8 -o resources/scale-4 -s 0.5
| Option | Description | Default |
| -t, --tool | jimp
or sharp
| sharp
| -i, --input | input folder | |
| -o, --output | output folder | |
| -s, --scale | scale factor | 1 |
| -sa, --sharp_algorithm | 1-41 | |
| -ja, --jimp_algorithm | 1-52 | |
| -n, --normalize | normalize the channels in the image | |
| -q, --quality | quality (0-100, PNG and JPEG only) | 100 |
| -v, --verbose | verbose | |
| -h, --help | help | |
1Sharp Algorithms
- 1 - nearest
- 2 - cubic
- 3 - lanczos2
- 4 - lanczos3
2Jimp Algorithms
- 1 - bilinear
- 2 - nearest
- 3 - bicubic
- 4 - hermite
- 5 - bezier
- jpg
- png
- webp (sharp only)
- tiff (sharp only)
- bmp (jimp only)
- json (texture packer and spine)
- atlas (spine)
Any issues please report.
Licensing Information
This content is released under the MIT license.
Jimp is licensed under the MIT license.
Sharp is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
Contributor Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct is adapted from Contributor Covenant, version 1.4