A React Hook that makes any component resizable. Extremely flexible and unopinionated.
A React Hook that makes any component resizable. Extremely flexible and unopinionated.
- Headless: no default styling, doesn't create a new DOM element.
- Unopinionated: doesn't add handles, borders or even handles state, it's all up to your taste.
- Flexible: allows you to completely customize the resizing behavior.
Getting started
Install the dependency:
pnpm add resize-kit
Add the hook to your component:
const Component = () => {
const { createHandleListeners, transform } = useResizable({});
return (
<div style={{ width: 200 + (transform?.w ?? 0), height: 100 + (transform?.h ?? 0) }}>
Resizable div
<button style={{ position: absolute, right: 0, bottom: 0 }} {...createHandleListeners('se')} />
Resizing handles
Since the idea of this library is to be headless, it doesn't create the handles automatically. Creating a handle is as simple as passing the listeners to any kind of Component and specifying the direction it represents.
const Component = () => {
const { createHandleListeners, transform } = useResizable({});
return (
<div style={{ width: 200 + (transform?.w ?? 0), height: 100 + (transform?.h ?? 0) }}>
Resizable div
<button style={{ position: absolute, right: 0, bottom: 0 }} {...createHandleListeners('se')} />
<button style={{ position: absolute, right: 0, top: '50%' }} {...createHandleListeners('e')} />
The possible directions are:
type ResizeDirection = 'n' | 's' | 'e' | 'w' | 'ne' | 'nw' | 'se' | 'sw';
Meaning that 's' is resizing from bottom, 'e' from the right and 'se' from the bottom-right.
Handles with pure directions (n, s, e, w) allow resizing only on their axis (x or y)!
Resizing events
There are three resizing events that can be handled:
const Component = () => {
const { createHandleListeners, transform } = useResizable({
onResizeStart: (data) => {/* ... */},
onResize: (data) => {/* ... */},
onResizeEnd: (data) => {/* ... */}
// ...
Here are the types for each event handler:
type onResizeStart = (data: {
event: React.PointerEvent;
handle?: ResizeDirection;
}) => void;
type onResize = (data: {
transform: Transform;
delta: Delta;
event: PointerEvent;
handle?: ResizeDirection;
}) => void;
type onResizeEnd = (data: {
transform: Transform;
delta: Delta;
event: PointerEvent;
handle?: ResizeDirection;
}) => void;
In order to modify the original resizing behavior, passing a modifier is required. Here are the included modifiers:
Restricts the resizing to the bounds of the parent element of the element that contains the handles.
const Component = () => {
const { createHandleListeners, transform } = useResizable({
modifiers: [boundToParentElement]
<div style={{ border: '1px solid black', width: 500, height: 500 }}> {/* <<< Will restrict to the bounds of this element. */}
<div style={{ width: 200 + (transform?.w ?? 0), height: 100 + (transform?.h ?? 0) }}>
<button style={{ position: absolute, right: 0, bottom: 0 }} {...createHandleListeners('se')} />
Creates a snap modifier, allows different snap distances on each axis.
const Component = () => {
const { createHandleListeners, transform } = useResizable({
modifiers: [createSnapModifier([10, 20])] // Will snap each 10px on x and w, 20px on y and h.
<div style={{ width: 200 + (transform?.w ?? 0), height: 100 + (transform?.h ?? 0) }}>
<button style={{ position: absolute, right: 0, bottom: 0 }} {...createHandleListeners('se')} />
Creating a custom modifier:
Creating a modifier is as simple as creating a function that returns a new Transform:
const customSnapModifier: Modifier = ({ transform }) => {
// Will snap only the width transformation.
return {
w: Math.round(transform.w / 10) * 10,