A super simple JSON decoder for Rescript
Rtype is a super-simple way of decoding unknown json.
npm i rescript-rtype
Then add rescript-rtype as a dependency to bsconfig.json:
"bs-dependencies": [
How it works
Let's create a value that the type system is unaware of...
%%raw(`const unknown = { greeting: "hello world" }`)
@val external unknown: 'a = "unknown"
Using Rtype (short for for Runtime Type), we can match an unknown value against a given type.
We start by creating the type that we are looking for. We'll call this the decoder-type.
type decoder = {
greeting: string
We can now create the actual decoder using Rtype.
Note how similar the decoder is to the actual decoder-type above.
Also the decoder has the same type as the decoder-type.
open RescriptRtype.Rtype // Opening Rtype gives access to the match function, as well as common decoders
let decoder: decoder = {
greeting: string
Simply pass the unknown value into match(decoder)
and switch
on the outcome
If the value matches the decoder, the decoder-type type is inferred.
-> match(decoder)
-> outcome => switch outcome {
| Some(value) => Js.log(value.greeting)
| None => Js.log(":(")
Built in decoders
We can build decoders with
- string, int, float, bool, as well as
- array(...) where ... can be any other decoder
- dict(...) where ... can be any other decoder
- as well as...
- gt, gte, lt, lte => eg. gt(10.0) will match if it gets a float greater than 10
- And Tuple and Record decoders can be built from all of the above.
Eg. Matching a dictionary
type compileTimeCat = { name: string }
type compileTimeDictionary = Js.Dict.t<compileTimeCat>
let runTimeTypeDictionary: compileTimeDictionary = dict({ name: string })
// create a value unknown. The type system is unaware of the actual type.
%%raw(`const unknown2 = { charlie: { name: "charlie" }}`)
@val external unknown2: 'a = "unknown2"
unknown2 -> match(runTimeTypeDictionary) -> v => switch v {
| Some(thing) => switch Js.Dict.get(thing, "charlie") {
| Some(cat) => Js.log(
| None => Js.log(":(")
| None => Js.log(">:(")
Eg. Matching a tuple
type myTuple = (string, int, bool)
let myTuple: myTuple = (string, int, bool)
%%raw(`const unknown3 = ["hi", 7, true]`)
@val external unknown3: 'a = "unknown3"
-> match(myTuple)
-> outcome => switch outcome {
| Some(str, _, _) => Js.log(str ++ " there") // hi there
| None => Js.log(":(")
Matching on literals
"hello world"
-> match("hello world")
-> outcome => switch outcome {
| Some(greeting) => Js.log(greeting) // hello world
| None => Js.log(":(")