A convenience wrapper for javascript request/response objects
npm install requestadapter
RequestAdapter exposes an interface for interacting with javascript request response objects on Node and in the browser in a simple, unified way. It is best used in combination with superagent.
var ra = new RequestAdapter(requestResponse);
Returns an ra instance.
var status = ra.status();
Returns the status code of the object.
var text = ra.text();
Returns the text of the response body.
var responseObject = ra.responseObject();
Returns the body as parsed JSON.
var headers = ra.allResponseHeaders();
Returns all the response headers.
Warning: This method only gives partial adapter support
- In a Node environment the headers will be an object
- In a browser environment the headers will be a concatenated string
var responseHeader = ra.responseHeader();
Returns the specified response header.
Warning: This method only gives partial adapter support
Header values differ between the browser and Node.
var rawReqResObject = ra.rawRequestResponse();
Returns the raw request response object instance for direct use.
var method = ra.method();
Returns the method, like GET
or PUT
var methodLC = ra.methodLowerCase();
Returns the method in lower case form, like get
or put
var url = ra.url();
Returns the URL of the request