๐ sync and manage your git repositories effortlessly.
:trumpet: Overview
:question: Motivation
My primary motivation for developing this tool was to ensure that all my repositories are set up the way I want, everywhere, with minimal effort. A good example is being able to have all my repos in place for me after formatting my PC or setting up a new VPS instance.
:dart: Features
ย ย ย โ๏ธ manage all your repositories with a simple configs.json file (which follows this schema). ย ย ย โ๏ธ shows a terminal menu to select option to perform; ย ย ย โ๏ธ clone missing repositories into local machine; ย ย ย โ๏ธ delete existing repositories that should not be present on the local machine;/ ย ย ย โ๏ธ quickly open a repository on your code editor by selecting from a list; ย ย ย โ๏ธ quickly open a repository link on your browser by selecting from a list; ย ย ย โ๏ธ works for windows, linux and mac.
:warning: Requirements
In order to use this project in your computer, you need to have the following items:
- nodejs: To actually run the package;
- npm: To install the package. Npm is installed alongside nodejs;
- git: To clone the repositories.
:bulb: Usage
To setup this project in your computer, download it in this link or run the following commands:
# install the package
$ npm install repositories_manager -g
# setup the package with your configs (on linux and mac)
$ rp -s "/path/to/your_configs_file.json"
# setup the package with your configs (on windows)
$ rp -s "C:\\users\\lucas\\path\\to\\your_configs_file.json"
# tip: you can use it on your terminal as: rp, rpm or repositories_manager
After setup the repositories_manager with your configs, you can use the following options:
Usage: repositories_manager [options]
๐ sync and manage your git repositories effortlessly.
-V, --version output the version number
-s, --setup <file> setup your repositories configs file path
-r, --remove remove the repositories configs file
-p, --pull_repos clone missing repositories locally
-pg, --purge_repos purge repositories that should not exist locally
-or, --open_repo select repository to open on your editor
-ol, --open_repo_link select repository to open the link on your
-oc, --open_configs open the configs file
-h, --help display help for command
or, if your prefer (as I do), simply run rp
on your terminal and you can select the option you want!
:wrench: Development
Development setup
To setup this project in your computer, download it in this link or run the following commands:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository
$ cd repositories_manager
After download it, go to the project folder and run these commands:
# Install dependencies using npm
$ npm install
# Run the typescript code in development mode
$ npm run dev
If you want to contribute to the project, after you make the necessary changes, run these commands to check if everything is working fine:
# Compile the code into javascript
$ npm run build
# Run the compiled code in production mode
$ npm run start
Used technologies
This project uses the following thechnologies:
:books: About
This project is distributed under the terms of the MIT License Version 2.0. A complete version of the license is available in the LICENSE file in this repository. Any contribution made to this project will be licensed under the MIT License Version 2.0.