![reportportal-logo]( This is the API documentation for ReportPortal. We describe this documentation following our [API Principles](
ReportPortalApi - JavaScript client for report_portal_api
This is the API documentation for ReportPortal. We describe this documentation following our API Principles and RESTful API Guidelines.
Because this documentation is created according to the API design first approach, it doesn't contain information about all existing endpoints. There are only pre-designed endpoints. If you want to see the full documentation, you can check the Auto-generated API documentation.
ReportPortal is a service for continuous testing. It provides a platform for test automation and allows you to analyze the results of tests in various ways. The service is implemented as a web application and is available through a web interface or API.
ReportPortal uses the JWT authentication protocol for UI client requests and the API Key for agent requests.
Both approaches use the same security scheme: Bearer
This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: Organization
- Package version: Organization
- Generator version: 7.9.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen
For Node.js
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install report_portal_api --save
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
Local development
To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing into the directory containing package.json
(and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
. Then run:
npm install
Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
npm link
To use the link you just defined in your project, switch to the directory you want to use your report_portal_api from, and run:
npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. then install it via:
npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save
For browser
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Webpack Configuration
Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:
module: {
rules: [
parser: {
amd: false
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var ReportPortalApi = require('report_portal_api');
var defaultClient = ReportPortalApi.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure Bearer access token for authorization: BearerAuth
var BearerAuth = defaultClient.authentications['BearerAuth'];
BearerAuth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
var api = new ReportPortalApi.ImplementedApi()
var opts = {
'offset': 0, // {Number} The offset used for this page of results.
'limit': 300, // {Number} The limit used for this page of results. This will be the same as the limit query parameter unless it exceeded the maximum value allowed for this API endpoint.
'order': new ReportPortalApi.Order(), // {Order} Indicate sorting direction.
'name': "name_example", // {String} Filter organizations by name by substring.
'slug': "slug_example", // {String} Filter organizations by slug.
'sort': "'name'" // {String} Indicate sort by field.
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.getOrganizations_0(opts, callback);
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- ReportPortalApi.ImplementedApi | getOrganizations_0 | GET /organizations | Get a list of organizations ReportPortalApi.InvitationApi | getInvitations | GET /invitations | Get invitations ReportPortalApi.InvitationApi | getInvitationsId | GET /invitations/{invitation_id} | Get invitation ReportPortalApi.InvitationApi | postInvitations | POST /invitations | Create user invitation ReportPortalApi.InvitationApi | putInvitationsId | PUT /invitations/{invitation_id} | Activate invitation ReportPortalApi.OrganizationApi | deleteOrganizationsOrgId | DELETE /organizations/{org_id} | Delete organization ReportPortalApi.OrganizationApi | getOrganizations | GET /organizations | Get a list of organizations ReportPortalApi.OrganizationApi | getOrganizationsOrgId | GET /organizations/{org_id} | Get organization information ReportPortalApi.OrganizationApi | patchOrganizationsOrgId | PATCH /organizations/{org_id} | Patch organization ReportPortalApi.OrganizationApi | postOrganizations | POST /organizations | Create a new organization ReportPortalApi.OrganizationApi | postOrganizationsSearches | POST /organizations/searches | Create search request for organizations ReportPortalApi.OrganizationApi | putOrganizationsOrgId | PUT /organizations/{org_id} | Update organization ReportPortalApi.OrganizationProjectApi | deleteOrganizationsOrgIdProjectsProjectId | DELETE /organizations/{org_id}/projects/{project_id} | Delete project ReportPortalApi.OrganizationProjectApi | getOrganizationsOrgIdProjects | GET /organizations/{org_id}/projects | Get organization projects ReportPortalApi.OrganizationProjectApi | getOrganizationsOrgIdProjectsProjectId | GET /organizations/{org_id}/projects/{project_id} | Get project information ReportPortalApi.OrganizationProjectApi | patchOrganizationsOrgIdProjectsProjectId | PATCH /organizations/{org_id}/projects/{project_id} | Partial project update ReportPortalApi.OrganizationProjectApi | postOrganizationsOrgIdProjects | POST /organizations/{org_id}/projects | Create a new project ReportPortalApi.OrganizationProjectApi | postOrganizationsOrgIdProjectsSearches | POST /organizations/{org_id}/projects/searches | Create search request for organization projects ReportPortalApi.OrganizationProjectApi | putOrganizationsOrgIdProjectsProjectId | PUT /organizations/{org_id}/projects/{project_id} | Update project ReportPortalApi.OrganizationUserApi | deleteOrganizationsOrgIdUsersUserId | DELETE /organizations/{org_id}/users/{user_id} | Unassigned organization user ReportPortalApi.OrganizationUserApi | getOrganizationsOrgIdUsers | GET /organizations/{org_id}/users | Get organization's users ReportPortalApi.OrganizationUserApi | getOrganizationsOrgIdUsersUserId | GET /organizations/{org_id}/users/{user_id} | Get organization user profile ReportPortalApi.OrganizationUserApi | patchOrganizationsOrgIdUsersUserId | PATCH /organizations/{org_id}/users/{user_id} | Partial organization user update ReportPortalApi.OrganizationUserApi | postOrganizationsOrgIdUsers | POST /organizations/{org_id}/users | Assignment user to organization ReportPortalApi.OrganizationUserApi | postOrganizationsOrgIdUsersSearches | POST /organizations/{org_id}/users/searches | Create search request for organization users ReportPortalApi.OrganizationUserApi | putOrganizationsOrgIdUsersUserId | PUT /organizations/{org_id}/users/{user_id} | Update organization user details ReportPortalApi.ProjectsApi | getProjectSuggestions | GET /projects/{project_name}/activities/suggestions | Get project suggestions ReportPortalApi.SuggestionsApi | getProjectSuggestions_0 | GET /projects/{project_name}/activities/suggestions | Get project suggestions ReportPortalApi.UserApi | deleteUsersUserId | DELETE /users/{user_id} | Delete user ReportPortalApi.UserApi | deleteUsersUserIdApiKeysKeyId | DELETE /users/{user_id}/api-keys/{key_id} | Delete the API Key ReportPortalApi.UserApi | getUsers | GET /users | Get all users ReportPortalApi.UserApi | getUsersMe | GET /users/me | Get current user ReportPortalApi.UserApi | getUsersUserId | GET /users/{user_id} | Get user ReportPortalApi.UserApi | getUsersUserIdApiKeys | GET /users/{user_id}/api-keys | Get user's API keys ReportPortalApi.UserApi | patchUsersUserId | PATCH /users/{user_id} | Patch user ReportPortalApi.UserApi | postPasswordResetRequests | POST /password-recover-requests | Create password recover request ReportPortalApi.UserApi | postUsers | POST /users | Create a new user ReportPortalApi.UserApi | postUsersSearches | POST /users/searches | Create search request for users ReportPortalApi.UserApi | postUsersUserIdApiKeys | POST /users/{user_id}/api-keys | Create an API key ReportPortalApi.UserApi | postUsersUserIdPassword | POST /users/{user_id}/password | Recover user password ReportPortalApi.UserApi | putUsersUserId | PUT /users/{user_id} | Update user ReportPortalApi.UserApi | putUsersUserIdPassword | PUT /users/{user_id}/password | Update User password
Documentation for Models
- ReportPortalApi.AccountType
- ReportPortalApi.ApiKey
- ReportPortalApi.ApiKeyCreateRequest
- ReportPortalApi.ApiKeyCreateResponse
- ReportPortalApi.ApiKeyPage
- ReportPortalApi.FilterOperation
- ReportPortalApi.GetProjectSuggestions200Response
- ReportPortalApi.InstanceRole
- ReportPortalApi.InstanceUser
- ReportPortalApi.InstanceUserOrgDetails
- ReportPortalApi.InstanceUserPage
- ReportPortalApi.InstanceUserStats
- ReportPortalApi.InstanceUserStatsOrgStats
- ReportPortalApi.Invitation
- ReportPortalApi.InvitationActivation
- ReportPortalApi.InvitationPage
- ReportPortalApi.InvitationRequest
- ReportPortalApi.InvitationRequestOrganizationsInner
- ReportPortalApi.InvitationStatus
- ReportPortalApi.Limit
- ReportPortalApi.Link
- ReportPortalApi.NewUserPassword
- ReportPortalApi.NewUserRequest
- ReportPortalApi.Offset
- ReportPortalApi.OffsetRequest
- ReportPortalApi.Order
- ReportPortalApi.OrgRole
- ReportPortalApi.OrgType
- ReportPortalApi.OrgUserAssignment
- ReportPortalApi.OrgUserUpdateRequest
- ReportPortalApi.OrganizationBase
- ReportPortalApi.OrganizationInfo
- ReportPortalApi.OrganizationPage
- ReportPortalApi.OrganizationProjectsPage
- ReportPortalApi.OrganizationStats
- ReportPortalApi.OrganizationStatsRelationships
- ReportPortalApi.OrganizationStatsRelationshipsBilling
- ReportPortalApi.OrganizationStatsRelationshipsBillingMeta
- ReportPortalApi.OrganizationStatsRelationshipsLaunches
- ReportPortalApi.OrganizationStatsRelationshipsLaunchesMeta
- ReportPortalApi.OrganizationStatsRelationshipsProjects
- ReportPortalApi.OrganizationStatsRelationshipsProjectsMeta
- ReportPortalApi.OrganizationStatsRelationshipsUsers
- ReportPortalApi.OrganizationStatsRelationshipsUsersMeta
- ReportPortalApi.OrganizationUser
- ReportPortalApi.OrganizationUserAllOfStats
- ReportPortalApi.OrganizationUserAllOfStatsProjectStats
- ReportPortalApi.OrganizationUsersPage
- ReportPortalApi.PatchArrayString
- ReportPortalApi.PatchBoolean
- ReportPortalApi.PatchInteger
- ReportPortalApi.PatchNumber
- ReportPortalApi.PatchObject
- ReportPortalApi.PatchOperation
- ReportPortalApi.PatchString
- ReportPortalApi.PostUsersSearches200Response
- ReportPortalApi.Problem
- ReportPortalApi.ProjectBase
- ReportPortalApi.ProjectInfo
- ReportPortalApi.ProjectRole
- ReportPortalApi.ProjectStats
- ReportPortalApi.ProjectStatsBillingStats
- ReportPortalApi.ProjectStatsLaunchStats
- ReportPortalApi.ProjectStatsUserStats
- ReportPortalApi.RestorePasswordRequest
- ReportPortalApi.RestoreUserPassword
- ReportPortalApi.SearchCriteria
- ReportPortalApi.SearchCriteriaRQ
- ReportPortalApi.SearchCriteriaSearchCriteriaInner
- ReportPortalApi.SuccessfulUpdate
- ReportPortalApi.UserAssignmentResponse
- ReportPortalApi.UserBase
- ReportPortalApi.UserInfo
- ReportPortalApi.UserInfoPage
- ReportPortalApi.UserLinks
- ReportPortalApi.UserLinksLinks
- ReportPortalApi.UserOrgInfo
- ReportPortalApi.UserOrgRole
- ReportPortalApi.UserProjectInfo
- ReportPortalApi.UserProjectRole
Documentation for Authorization
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: Bearer authentication